wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 133 0148: Thinking of this

Chapter 133 0148: Thinking of this
Zhai Wang kissed Yunque's pink face, and said: "Yunque, the time with you is so fast! One afternoon has passed in a blink of an eye. Let's go out for dinner!"

After dinner, King Zhai proposed to go for a walk by the river together.

The river in the county seat is in the city, dividing the county seat into east and west.They came to the river, and there was a concrete path beside the guardrail of the river. Next to the path were trees, flowers and plants, then sidewalks, and then a wide road.

Zhai Wang went to the path beside the guardrail and walked along the direction of the river, and Skylark held his hand.

"I seem to have returned to the time when I was in love again. It was on the mountain at that time, but now it is in a small town. Thank you, Skylark, for giving me happiness." Zhai Wang said.

"Yes! The feeling of being in love. This is my new understanding. I, without being in love, stepped into the door of marriage directly. Thank you, let me taste the feeling of being in love. This life is worth it!" Yunque finished Kissed the Zhai Wang's face.

"Skylark, you can really talk, so cute."

"I really feel like first love!" Skylark laughed.

"Okay, first love. You and Captain Zhang don't feel in love?" Zhai Wang asked.

"No. I can only be his one."

"Oh. I'm really honored. Skylark, will you still be with him?" The king of the village looked at Skylark.

"I don't know. After he takes over another project, if I'm allowed to go, maybe I will go! But, I think, he and I will never go back to the past." Skylark sighed.

"Why?" Zhai Wang stopped and looked at her.

"You are staring at me in my heart!" Yunque said with a smile and did not stop.

Zhai Wang quickly followed Yunque: "I'm sorry, I disturbed your life."

"Not to disturb, but to add light to my life. Very good.

When I was old and toothless, I moved a small stool and sat on it, basking in the sun, recalling our short time, with a sweet smile on the corner of my mouth.

Passers-by don't know what I'm thinking?How beautiful!This beauty is always with me, until I lose my teeth, until I die.Thank you for giving me eternal beauty and memories! "

Skylark stopped and looked at the stars in the sky.

"I'm really in love with you, Skylark. How well you speak, like a lyrical prose poem! It's a pity that your Chinese teachers killed a writer." Zhai Wang sighed.

"Don't make me so good. What kind of writer? It's a woman who cooks." Skylark said and laughed.

"Hahaha, you still have a great sense of humor. You have become a writer, and everyone will love what you write!" King Zhai laughed.

"If you say it again, I'll think I'm really a writer!"

"You can become a writer. You can do it now, try writing. Really." King Zhai stopped in his tracks again.

"King Zhai, everyone thinks you are very mature and stable. Why do I think you are as naive as a child?" Yunque also stopped.

"Yes. With you, I also feel like a child. This is your ability to make people live younger and younger!"

"You turned the corner and called me a little vixen." Skylark laughed deeply.

"Hahaha, you are calling yourself a little vixen. Let's go, turn around and go back." The king of Zhai said and turned around.

"Do you talk and joke like this when you take a walk with Xue'er? She is so happy."

"Skylark, today is our world, don't mention her, okay?"

"Okay. You said you love me, but I can feel that you love her very much. Can you love two women at the same time?" Skylark looked at King Zhai.

"Skylark, are you disobedient? You said today is our two-person world, why are you disobedient?" Zhai Wang stopped and looked at Yunque.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. I promise not to mention it again. Don't be angry!" Yunque scratched Zhaiwang's nose and pulled him forward.

"Look, someone is singing karaoke in front, do you want to sing a song?" Zhai Wang said.

"Okay! You're singing with me?"

"I can only sing folk songs! Besides, it's not good if someone I know sees it."

"I'm holding your hand like this, so I'm not afraid that acquaintances will see me?"

"This one is not so conspicuous. You can sing alone, and I will applaud you."

"If you don't sing with me, it's boring for me to sing by myself, so I won't. Let's take a walk back to the hotel."

"Okay. Have you thought about it?" The words behind Zhai Wang's "Okay" were attached to Skylark's ears. "

Skylark also whispered in Zhaiwang's ear, "Yes. I really want it!"

"Hahaha, don't talk about this on the road."

"Aren't you afraid to say it, afraid to think about it, think about it, cannon hit that!" Yunque covered his mouth and laughed.

"You! I thought only the women in our village were wild mothers-in-law. Unexpectedly, you are also wild!" The king of the village pinched Yunque's ear.

"Women are not wild? I'm not wild, your village king would like it?" Yun'er giggled.

"Women are really wild? I think some women are very serious." King Zhai also laughed.

"From the outside, she is a restrained woman. You can see that she is not wild because you have never slept with her. Once you have sex with her, you will know how wild she is. Maybe she is much wilder than me."

"oh, I see!"

"Oh, that's it! Just pretend to be the king of the village!" Yunque learned his teeth first, and then grabbed the white.

"Hahaha, you! What a little vixen." Zhai Wang said and pinched Lark's cheek again.

"King Zhai, you are so masculine. After a woman comes into contact with you, she can't do it if she doesn't love you!" Yunque said and turned to King Zhai, "Kiss me."

"On this way..."

"I want it! Who is in love and doesn't kiss on the road? Kiss me."

Zhai Wang hugged Skylark and kissed him.

Skylark greedily tapped the village king's tongue.

After a while, Zhai Wang pulled his tongue out of Lark's mouth: "Let's go! Go back to the hotel."

The two returned to the hotel and turned on the TV.

"You take a bath first." Zhai Wang said.

"Let's wash together," said Skylark.

Zhai Wang looked at Yunque and smiled.

"Your palm is so thick. Unbelievable!"

"Can't think of anything?"

"I never thought that there would be a man I love rubbing my back in this life!" Yunque laughed.

"Have you thought about it here?" Zhai Wang said, sliding his hands in front of Skylark.

"I thought of this, but I didn't expect it to be standing up in the shower. Why are you shaking?" Skylark giggled, "My heart is itching."

"It's better if it's itchy, so I thought I'd relieve it for you." King Zhai laughed.

Yun'er turned around: "Turn around, I'll rub your back."

Zhai Wang turned around and closed his eyes.

"Your back is so generous!" Yunque put his hand on Zhaiwang's back.

"Your hands are so delicate, they feel so slippery and comfortable." Zhai Wang said with his eyes closed.

"Isn't it more comfortable here?" Yunque smiled and slid his hand down in front of the king of the village.

"Don't, otherwise, I can't relieve your itching after you hit the plane."

"Bad guy! Alright, wash it yourself. Everyone washes their own things." Yunque said, pushing the Zhaiwang away and letting the nozzle spray water on his head.

The two washed up.Skylark hooked Zhaiwang's neck: "You carry me out."

"Okay." Zhai Wang walked out of the bathroom while holding Yunque in his arms and kissing him.

(End of this chapter)

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