wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 138 0153:1 Everything is in the dark

Chapter 138: 0153

King Zhai heard Qin Wei say that she also likes himself, and said with a smile: "It's natural for you to like me, and your brother Sansha also likes me. Because, King Zhai, a good man! Isn't it?"

"I, my brother, um, we all like you." Qin Wei looked down at her hands on her lap.

"Okay. I'm starting to write the complaint. When I need to ask you, I'll ask you again." Zhai Wang said and picked up a pen and began to write.

Qin Wei stood up and tore off her clothes, walked behind Zhai Wang, and watched him write.

Zhai Wang turned to look at her, smiled, and started writing.

Qin Wei stood at the back, thinking of King Zhai's smile and his sharp face.

Zhai Wang asked a few questions at first, and then just lowered his head and started to write.

Qin Wei didn't read what Zhai Wang wrote in the back, except for Zhai Wang's smile and his face, she just looked at Zhai Wang's broad shoulders.

Zhai Wang wrote a page of manuscript in one go, put down the pen, and said: "It is enough to write things clearly. The main thing is to write the reasons for divorce and the fact that there is no emotion..."

"King Zhai, my liking is different from my younger brother's." Qin Wei leaned on his back and wrapped her arms around his neck.

King Zhai didn't speak, he looked at his black hair and a pair of white hands on his chest.He thought of Qin Wei's big eyes, small and tall nose bridge and thin lips, felt the warmth and softness of his back, and tried to calm himself down.

"King Zhai, I have no other request, I just want to hold you like this for a while." The gentle voice gently entered Zhai Wang's ears.

Zhai Wang closed his eyes, thinking of Qing Su again.

Qin Wei's face, eyes, nose bridge and lips are very similar to Qing Su's, but Qing Su is more than 20 years older than her.

Also, Qing Su's breasts are not as plump as hers.

However, Qing Su's wife is very beautiful.Although she is a woman in her 40s, her hair is light red, not like overripe black grapes.

When King Zhai was thinking about Qing Su's body, he thought of promising her to go to Zhupoyan the afternoon after tomorrow.

Qin Wei's head was already resting on Zhai Wang's shoulder, her face was also touching his, and her hands began to caress Zhai Wang's chest.

Zhai Wang hurriedly took Qin Wei's hand away and said, "Qin Wei, I should go back. Tomorrow morning, early, I will accompany you to the town to print out the complaint and go to the court."

Qin Wei straightened her waist and tugged at her clothes: "Okay. How long will the divorce take?"

Zhai Wang stood up, turned around, and saw Qin Wei's face was flushed, her thin upper lip was on the other side of her lower lip.

King Zhai smiled and said, "There is no rush. After we appeal, the court will give him a leaflet to prepare him for the lawsuit. Then, mediation or a court session will be held. If the mediation is successful, the court session will be slower. You Don't worry, I'll tell the judges and try to do it for you as quickly as possible."

"Oh. Thank you, King Zhai. I'm going back." Qin Wei said, turning and walking towards the door.

Zhai Wang watched Qin Wei's skirt rippling and left.

The next day, Zhai Wang and Qin Wei first went to the town to print the materials, and then came to the court.

Zhai Wang introduced Qin Wei to President Yang.

Qin Wei tugged at her clothes and said, "Hello, President Yang."

Judge Yang asked Qin Wei to sit down. After sitting down, Qin Wei looked at Judge Yang and saw that he had a kind smile on his round face, so she lost the nervousness when she first entered the courtroom.

King Zhai glanced at Qin Wei and said, "Qin Wei, don't worry, Judge Yang is a good judge who enforces the law impartially. He will uphold justice and give you light. You should tell Judge Yang about your situation first."

"President Yang, I'm here to ask for a divorce. This is my petition." Qin Wei handed the petition to President Yang.

Judge Yang took the complaint and put it on the table, looked at it for a while, and asked, "Aren't you in love? The matchmaker said you will get married in a few days?"

"Yes." Qin Wei replied.

"He often gambles? And beat you?" Chief Judge Yang kept his kind smile.


"He still... he still treats you that?" Chief Judge Yang asked this sentence and then looked at the king of the village.

"Yeah. At that time, he would pinch my flesh and bite me with his teeth." Qin Wei said with her head down.

"Mr. Yang, Qin Wei's divorce is related to her privacy, so she hopes to mediate the divorce. If the mediation is invalid, don't open the trial of the divorce case. Please worry about it." Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"That's for sure. Ordinary people, we would do the same. What's more, you, King Zhai, acted as her agent in person." Chief Judge Yang said with a smile.

"I want to help her save her lawyer's fees. Her family is poor, so I have no choice but to bite the bullet and go into battle."

"You, don't I know? How can the two legal workers in this town compare with you? As I said, if you hang a sign in our town, you just don't hang a sign and fight a few more lawsuits for others. Both of them will be hungry." President Yang laughed after speaking.

"President Yang laughed at me. I just became friends with you. I borrowed a few legal books of "General Principles of Civil Law" from you to read. How can I compare with their professional expertise?" Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"Okay. Don't be humble in front of me, King Zhai. When you came to play, we had several difficult civil cases in our court. When the three judges disagreed, it was not you who put forward your own views and opinions. Let us settle it? Your rhetoric can influence the judge's judgment, which shows that you are clever!" Judge Yang looked at Zhai Wang, and he really admired him in his heart.

"President Yang, what is written in the complaint is all the facts. I think this divorce case can be adjudicated. Qin Wei is worried that the other party will ask for the refund of the dowry money, and she has no money. I told her that it is impossible to return the dowry gift, and that the joint settlement after marriage can be divided. Property and compensation from the party at fault. What do you think?" Zhai Wang asked with a smile.

"You are the king of the village! You can get me in the circle. You know, we can't reveal our views before the case is mediated and tried. Also, you should know that there is no compensation for youth loss. You give me If you are in the circle, you will be in the other party's circle. Isn't it?" Chief Judge Yang still had a kind smile on his face.

Qin Wei listened quietly to the two of them talking, her eyes flicked back and forth between the two of them.

"How dare I set you up. President Yang, you are an old judge. I just want to hear your opinion." King Zhai looked at President Yang.

"This case, for you King Zhai, your judgment will be fair. You understand the legal principles of this case. Since it is a fact, you also understand the law, so don't ask me. The reason for you to circle the other party is to facilitate mediation! "

Judge Yang looked at Qin Wei after finishing speaking and said, "Qin Wei, there is a king in your village. This is a blessing in your village!" Don't go out to work in the near future, wait for the notice at home, we will do it as soon as possible. "

After finishing speaking, he said to the king of Zhai again: "King of Zhai, that's it."

King Zhai stood up, stretched out his hand, and shook hands with Chief Judge Yang: "I'll leave this matter to you. About the drinking, we'll talk about it after the case is judged. I won't make you break the rules. Hahaha!"

"You king of the village! We have kept everything in silence. You can go." Chief Judge Yang said.

(End of this chapter)

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