wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 164 0182: He smashed you to death?

Chapter 164 0182: He smashed you to death?
With a loud cry, Sanjun and Haiyan ran out of their ecstasy.

The three armies saw that Wang Wen was running towards him, and he quickly put his hands on the ground to get up, but Haiyan didn't react yet, and still hugged him tightly.

The three armies got up a little bit, and Haiyan's body got up together as they pressed against each other.

"Wang Wen is here, let go!" Sanjun said anxiously.

Haiyan let go and fell onto the grass by herself.

"I'll kill you pair of dogs!" Wang Wen picked up a hoe and threw it at the three armies.

If Sanjun only cared about himself, the hoe would undoubtedly hit Haiyan. Sanjun, who wanted to get up, saw the hoe hitting her, and quickly threw himself on Haiyan and hugged her, "Get out of here!" He yelled, picked up Haiyan and rolled on the grass two laps.

Wang Wen's hoe hit the grass hard!
Sanjun quickly got up, Wang Wen didn't hit Sanjun and Haiyan, and when he wanted to pick up a hoe to smash again, Sanjun rushed up desperately and slammed into Wang Wen.

Wang Wen fell on the grass, and the three armies quickly rushed up and pressed on Wang Wen, "Wang Wen! You want to kill someone, don't you?" He said, holding Wang Wen's hands with both hands, and pressing Wang Wen with his body.

Wang Wen's glasses were knocked off, and he was pinned down and unable to move. He yelled, "You couple, do you still want to kill me?"

Haiyan woke up when she heard Wang Wen's scolding. She was so frightened that she had no strength to stand up, crawled towards Sanjun and said, "Sanjun, don't hurt Wang Wen!"

"I won't hurt him. I'll tell him to calm down first!" Sanjun didn't dare to relax at all, he stared at Wang Wen, "Accountant Wang, you have seen our affairs anyway. We have already done it, and we have something to discuss, don't be impulsive , causing death!"

"Deal with your amount! What did you discuss with my wife? What did I discuss with your wife?" Wang Wen was pressed down and glared at the three armies.

Haiyan crawled over to hear the conversation between the two, and hurriedly said: "Wang Wen, this can also be discussed. Three armies, you let him go and promise him that you can discuss this." words.

The three armies let go of Wang Wen, "Accountant Wang, don't hit anyone again." He turned to look at Haiyan, "Haiyan, you don't have any clothes on!" He also hurried to get his trousers and put them on.

Wang Wen sat up and kicked vigorously, "You stinky bitch said, ask Narcissus to fuck me too! Otherwise, I'll never end with you couple!" He said as he picked up the glasses on the ground and put them on.

Haiyan put on her clothes and said, "I'm sorry for you first, I have no objection to your Narcissus. Sanjun, please tell your Narcissus."

Sanjun had already dressed. He looked at Wang Wen and said helplessly, "How can I tell Narcissus about this? You can be nice to her, as long as she is willing."

"No! You must send the narcissus to my house! Otherwise, I will never end with you couple!" Wang Wen said, poking his neck.

"Why can't you finish one?" Sanjun knew that he could beat Wang Wen, so he certainly didn't want to let Wang Wen sleep with Narcissus.

"Don't think that I can't beat you, so I can't do anything about you? Unless, you beat me to death! Otherwise, I'll make you two bitches faceless in the village first! Then, I'll kill your son!" Wang said. Wen said harshly.

"Sanjun, I beg you! Promise to Wang Wen! Otherwise, both of our homes will be destroyed!" Haiyan said with tears.

"My that! His that, I didn't finish with you once, and he scared me out of my illness. Why should I send narcissus to your house!" Sanjun waited and looked at Wang Wen.

"You guys are sorry for me first! If you don't dare to send the narcissus to my house, let me * it once, and I will kill your son!" Wang Wen pushed his glasses!

"Sanjun, you promise Wang Wen! He usually seems to be a dutiful person, but he is very cruel!" Haiyan was about to cry.

"You stinky bitch, you stole someone yourself first, and you said that I am cruel, and I will beat you to death!" Wang Wen stood up and clenched his fists to hit Haiyan.

The three armies pushed Wang Wen down again: "Don't be impulsive again! Do you still want to hit someone?"

"Sanjun, you promise him. Otherwise, I will have a hard time in the future. You promise him, okay?" Haiyan begged Sanjun.

"No! He has the ability to find the narcissus by himself! You and I failed once, and I sent the narcissus to his home? Dreaming!"

"I beg you, Sanjun. Narcissus did it to him. I'll do it to you again to make up this time, okay?" Haiyan said and turned to Wang Wen, "Wang Wen, do you think it's okay?"

"You two have already done it! I said no, you will do it behind my back in the future! As long as Narcissus comes to my house and sleeps with me once, I don't care what happens to you!" Wang Wen pushed his glasses and calmed down a little.

"Sanjun, did you hear that? Tell Narcissus to settle this matter! You have to think about your son!" Haiyan looked at Sanjun.

"Okay! For your sake, I agree! However, I must find an opportunity to talk to Narcissus slowly." Sanjun looked at Wang Wen, "It's not like I just say it and settle it, I will definitely do it for her Work."

"The time can't be too long! I'll give you three days!" Wang Wen got up, patted his body, turned around and said, "Remember! Three days! From now on, you can do whatever you like!"

Sanjun and Haiyan watched Wang Wen leave, not knowing what to say.

Haiyan saw Wang Wen walking away, sitting on the grass one by one, dumbfounded.

"Haiyan, I'm sorry, I'm the one who hurt you." Sanjun sat beside her.

"I don't blame you. I blame myself. If I wasn't too greedy and didn't tease you, you wouldn't insist. Sanjun, Wang Wen's hoe hit me, why are you still caring about me?" Haiyan looked at Sanjun.

"I watched him smash you to death? Haiyan, it's not that I hate Narcissus. Tell me, how can I open my mouth about this?" Sanjun looked at Haiyan.

"He saw what happened to us. There is no other way. If you don't want to speak up, you have to speak up. Otherwise, after three days, everyone in the village will know about it, and Narcissus will also know about it. I'm also afraid that he will do something. It's a stupid thing, it hurt your son." Haiyan said helplessly.

"Okay! I have the cheek to tell Narcissus. Grandma, what a bad luck! Why is Wang Wen here today?" San Jun held his face in his hands.

"He may be worried about me! Last time, even though I said that there were hunters in the cave and that three people could not do that, he may still be suspicious." Haiyan looked at the three armies, "He will definitely treat me badly in the future. .”

"Haiyan, she is not good to you, but I am good to you." Sanjun said.

"That sounds good! Narcissus will take care of you in the future, how can you treat me well?" Haiyan became worried.

"Didn't Narcissus and Wang Wen do it too? What are we afraid of?" Sanjun said.

(End of this chapter)

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