wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 177 0199: You are so unpredictable!

Chapter 177 0199: You are so unpredictable!
Sansha walked to the road, looked back, no one was following him, he said "I want to be comfortable" and walked on the road by himself.

Sansha walked to the road to Li Liying's soil, looked behind again, then walked into the forest, and lay down on the grass where he and Li Liying were comfortable for the first time.

Although Sansha was stupid, he knew that Li Liying would not come here so early.He lay down and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Zhai Wang and Qin Jun were drinking and chatting while Xueer had already finished their meal.She said she went back to watch TV.Qing Su said, come over for dinner, come before five o'clock!Xueer replied and went out the door.

Qin Wei naturally ate too. She called out "Three idiots" but didn't hear the answer, and said to Qin Su, "Mom, I'm going to see my brother." Then she said to the driver: "Xiao Kuang, you are at my house play!"

Xiao Kuang said with a smile: "Okay! You go, I'm fine and can sleep in the car, I'm used to it!"

Qing Su said with a smile: "This Qin Wei is rude, and she can't stay at home even if there are guests."

After Qin Wei went out, she thought to herself, I'm not looking for a silly brother!He can't be lost in our village.She went directly to the forest in front of the village committee, took a walk in it, and looked at the sky through the leaves.

Zhai Wang had a few drinks with Qin Jun, and Zhai Wang said, "Let's drink again at night! You can come here at noon."

Qin Jun stopped persuading and said, "Okay! Continue to drink at night. Qingsu, give the village king a meal."

Qin Su came over, took Zhai Wang's bowl and scooped up rice for him, and then took Qin Jun's bowl to scoop up rice.Qin Jun said with a smile: "This woman is good today, she helped me scoop out the rice."

"When did I treat you badly?" Qin Su asked with a smile, and went to scoop up the rice.

The king of Zhai had dinner, drank tea, and said he was going to do something.Qing Su looked at him, smiled, and said, "Come here by yourself at night, don't invite you."

"Don't worry. I'll definitely come." King Zhai said with a smile, and left on his own.

Zhai Wang went out, but did not go home, he walked towards the direction of the village committee.He guessed that Qin Wei might have gone to the woods of the village committee to wait for him.

Qin Wei estimated the time, and felt that King Zhai should finish his meal.She looked around the village committee from time to time.She believed that the king of the village would come here.She confidently believed that there was still some tacit understanding between her and King Zhai.

Sure enough, the king of the village came towards the village committee.

Seeing King Zhai approaching, Qin Wei whispered to him, "King Zhai, I'm here, come here."

Zhai Wang heard Qin Wei's voice and walked towards the woods.

Qin Wei waited for Zhai Wang to come to her side, and said, "I want you to take a walk with me in the afternoon. The scenery outside is nice, and it's more comfortable than staying in the house. Okay?"

"Okay. Where do you want to go?" Zhai Wang said.

"Go there! The forest there is big and the air is fresh." Qin Wei pointed to the places she and creator Xiao Jiang had been to.

"Okay, let's go!" Zhai Wang said and took a step.

Qin Wei didn't want to go to that forest to remember Xiao Jiang.She really liked the woods.Since Xiao Jiang was slapped by her, she respected her a lot.Of course, Xiao Jiang also wanted to get back together with her, but Qin Wei looked down on him.

"Zhai Wang, remember the creator Xiao Jiang? I slapped him hard!" Qin Wei said.

"Of course I remember. How long ago did you hit him? Did he want to be nice to you?" Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"Yes. I went to the bathroom when I was rehearsing a play in the theater, but he actually stopped me." Qin Wei said, of course she couldn't tell King Zhai about the good times with Xiao Jiang.

"You are a woman that men like when they meet, and it's not his fault, Xiao Jiang." King Zhai looked at Qin Wei.

"He likes me, it depends on whether I like him or not!" Qin Wei laughed.

"Who else in the Cultural Bureau wants to get your idea?" Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"No more. There are a few men who are ruthless, but they are afraid of Director Que!" Qin Wei said while tugging at her clothes.

"That's right. Who dares to plan on the wife of the direct leader, is it really daring?" King Zhai laughed.

"It's really like this. If Xiao Jiang hadn't had a good time with him, he wouldn't have dared to have the idea of ​​touching me." Qin Wei thought this way, but said: "Maybe I don't have enough charm to make those men fall in love with me!"

"You still say it. Your charm has made Director Que surrender."

"What are you surrendering to? There are women outside of him. I just pretend that I don't know about it. If there is, it's not a big deal." Qin Wei said with a smile.

"No wonder Director Que loves you, so you didn't fight for that and gave him space." Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"King Zhai, are you men like this? Hold the ones at home and think about the ones outside. Xueer also knows that there are many women outside of you, and you love her only when she gives you space, right?" Qin Wei looked at Zhai Wang, that took the lips.

"Your mouth is transferred to me again. Haha!" Zhai Wang laughed.

The two talked and laughed, and arrived in the big forest.

"King Zhai, look at this forest, how big it is! Come on, let's go in, it's more quiet inside." Qin Wei said and walked straight in.

Zhai Wang followed behind, watching Qin Wei take steps, her skirt was swinging, but she could see her slender legs inside.Zhai Wang couldn't help thinking of the romantic relationship with her.

Qin Wei didn't hear Zhai Wang's voice, turned to look at Zhai Wang, she found Zhai Wang watching her walking posture, and said with a smile: "Zhai Wang, is it possible that the scenery behind me is more beautiful than the scenery in front?"

"I remember a poem, 'The distance is different from the near, the height is different', I think you are, 'the front, the back, the left, and the left are different', you are a woman with unlimited scenery, and every place is a beautiful scenery." Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"The king of Zhai is such a happy man who speaks happy words, and the poems describing the scenery are often associated with women!" Qin Wei stopped, and waited for the king of Zhai to line up with her, and then walked slowly.

After walking for a while, Zhai Wang looked back and said, "Qin Wei, we can't see the road outside, do you think people on the road can see us?"

Qin Wei thought to herself, people outside could not see us for a long time, Xiao Jiang and I tried it that day.She smiled and said: "It should be invisible. These trees are tall and dense, and they are not planted in a straight line. They are even more invisible when they are far away."

"Qin Wei, your observation ability is really strong, and you are willing to use your brain. You are not only a beautiful woman, but also a wise woman!" Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"Lie down for a while! King Zhai, look at how soft the lawn is." As she spoke, Qin Wei sat down, pulled her clothes and lay down on the grass, and then pulled her skirt.

Zhai Wang sat beside her, not lying down, he looked at Qin Wei and smiled.

"Lie down too!" Qin Wei said.

"I don't lie down. I look at you. I am in the beautiful scenery of the woods and look at the more exciting scenery. I feel refreshed all over my body!" Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"King Zhai, I don't understand you. You are so unpredictable!" Qin Wei said.

(End of this chapter)

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