wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 19 0023: What should I do?

Chapter 19 0023: What should I do?

Zhai Wang walked quickly towards Ergou's house.

When the onlookers saw the king of the village coming, they hurriedly leaned to the two sides, making way for the king of the village.Zhai Wang cut his hands back, with a gloomy face, walked through the crowd, walked to the steps, and came to Wang Cai.He bent down, pulled Wang Cai up, and asked, "Uncle Wang, what happened, please tell me. Don't worry, speak boldly, speak loudly, I want to know what's going on!"

Wang Dacai wiped away his tears and began to talk about things.

It turned out that Ergou had agreed with his elder brother to take turns supplying food to his parents, and it was Ergou's turn, but he reneged on his debt and refused to give food.Wang Cai asks for it, but Ergou refuses to give food on the grounds that their division is unfair.Wang Cai was furious and scolded his son for having no conscience.The two scolded each other for a while, Ergou pushed him to the ground and kept scolding, Wang Wen came to persuade, Ergou also said that it is useless for the king of heaven and Lao Tzu to come, if you don't give it, you don't give it, let's see who can do something to him!
Wang Wen can also be regarded as Wang Cai's relatives. He ran to Zhai Wang, and Xueer told him that Zhai Wang went to Sanjun's house for business, and he might drink at Sanjun's house.So, Wang Wen hurried to the home of the three armies and invited the king of the village.

Zhai Wang asked Wang Cai to explain the situation, and looked at everyone and Ergou.Everyone waited for Zhai Wang to scold Ergou, and then asked Ergou to apologize to his father and hand over the food.Unexpectedly, instead of scolding Ergou first, Zhai Wang asked Wang Cai loudly: "I think you are wrong about this matter! You are very wrong! Do you know where your mistake is?"

Wang Cai opened his mouth in surprise: "I, I, I have no property, and the division is fair. Where did I go wrong? I'm not wrong!"

The king of Zhai said loudly: "You are so stupid! Don't you know your fault?"

Where is Wang Cai confused?The audience didn't know, the audience just felt that they were confused by Zhai Wang.

"Why am I confused?" Wang Cai refused to accept.

"Of course you are confused! You are wrong in giving birth to an unfilial son but you still don't know that you are wrong! After giving birth to this unfilial son, you didn't drown him in the urinal again. You made more mistakes! You make mistakes again and again. , but you don’t know what’s wrong, are you confused?”

As soon as Zhai Wang's words came to an end, the bewildered audience Pan Ran came to his senses and burst out laughing.

The king of Zhai still didn't look at Ergou, and he didn't scold Ergou. He asked the spectators: "Everyone, tell me, the parents who gave birth to you are old, who do you rely on?"

"Depend on the children!" Everyone said loudly.

Zhai Wang took the words: "Yes! Rely on children! How about raising children to guard against old age? Isn't it?"

"Yes!" Everyone echoed.

The king of Zhai waved his hand: "Raise children to guard against old age! It is unreasonable for children to do something to their parents without fulfilling their obligations of providing for the elderly! As the saying goes, every drop of water from the eaves. Tell everyone, if you don't honor your parents today, you will grow old in the future." Who will honor you? Even if you have no children, you will have to rely on your nephews and nieces when you are old! How can you not honor your parents when you have no children? Tell me!"

"No!" Everyone was mobilized, just like students answering the teacher's question.

The king of Zhai waved his hand again: "Fathers and folks! As the saying goes, the elders in the hall are living Buddhas, so why should Lingshan go to the World Honored One? Some of us are not filial to our parents. In order to seek peace of mind, we go to worship God and Buddha. Think about it, worship God Is it useful to pray to the Buddha? Will the gods bless you? Even the two old living Buddhas in the hall don’t respect it, it’s useless! Can the gods be as high as the living Buddhas? Besides, crows have the filial piety of feeding back, and sheep know the grace of kneeling and breastfeeding. That can repay the kindness of parents. Parents When you are old, if you don’t fulfill your duty of filial piety, wouldn’t it be worse? Everyone said, is Ergou doing the right thing?”

The king of the village called Ergou by name!

"No!" Everyone was very excited and began to accuse Ergou one after another.

Ergou saw that he had made public anger, and said: "King of the village, I didn't say that I didn't want to support my parents! It's my father who is prejudiced against me. He still has some food, but he insisted on forcing me Food is given. He came to make a fuss to make me lose face."

King Zhai knew that Ergou wanted to find a step, so he followed his words: "That's right. I was also at fault. I held a criticism meeting for you without a thorough understanding. This is my fault. However, I also know that you Ergou , You, it’s you who didn’t live up to it! You said, now that the responsibility has been assigned to others, who can you blame? It turns out that collective workers, you blame me for not sending you a good job, saying that I stepped on you and let your wife find you No. But now, the land is yours, and you can do whatever you want. You can’t make a name for yourself, and you can’t get a wife. How can you blame me? You have a good life, can you blame your parents for giving birth to you at a wrong time? Okay! In the past I don’t want to talk about the matter. Ergou, you and I, I have no prejudice against you at any time, and it is your business if you have opinions on me. I don’t care about how you treat me, but your parents are raising you You should raise them! Today, in front of everyone, you express your opinion, should you raise them? Or not? If you raise them, I will give food to your parents today. How about it?"

Ergou nodded: "I will raise them. I will give them food today."

King Zhai laughed: "I know Ergou, he's not bad in nature. Let's be more enthusiastic in the future and introduce him to someone, okay?"

Everyone said in unison: "Okay!"

"Let's go! Go back, what should you do! It's for the old men, if you have nothing to do, go home and sleep with your wife in your arms!" King Zhai said, everyone laughed and dispersed.

(End of this chapter)

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