wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 194 0220: Who Can Refresh?

Chapter 194 0220: Who Can Refresh?
Qin Wei caught up with Zhai Wang and walked side by side with him. Zhai Wang didn't speak, and Qin Wei didn't speak either. She just smiled and looked at Zhai Wang from time to time.

The two came to the room of King Zhai of the village committee, and King Zhai looked at Qin Wei and asked, "Why did you follow me here?"

"We are aboveboard, why can't we come here directly?" Qin Wei said with a smile.

"Sit down!" Zhai Wang pointed to the stool opposite him.

"I just want to be alone with you for a while and talk." Qin Wei sat down and combed the messy hair in the front and threw it back, and subconsciously pulled her clothes.

"Aren't you afraid of people's gossip? Are you afraid of Lao Que's suspicion?" Zhai Wang looked at Qin Wei.

"What nonsense are you talking about? We are aboveboard. What does Lao Que suspect? Suspecting that his old friend has something wrong with his young wife?" Qin Wei laughed.

"Old Que treats you very well! He is also a man who knows how to be romantic."

"It's okay! King Zhai, why doesn't my mother want me to stay alone with you?" Qin Wei lightly pressed her lips and looked into King Zhai's eyes.

"How do I know? Maybe I'm afraid I'm interested in you!" Zhai Wang said flatly.

"I feel the warmth in my aunt's eyes when she looks at you. Could it be, you and my aunt..."

"What are you guessing?" Zhai Wang interrupted Qin Wei.

"If that's the case, I'll have a better time with you. What do you think my mother and I are?" Qin Wei lightened her lips again.

"Stop guessing. Qin Wei, I told you about your sister's divorce a long time ago? Lao Que promised to help her from the very beginning, didn't he?" Zhai Wang changed the subject.

"Yes. Lao Que doesn't care about thousands of dollars."

"Of course Lao Que doesn't care about a few thousand yuan. Your sister is really in that situation. The divorce should be as soon as possible, so as not to delay youth." Zhai Wang looked at Qin Wei.

"Yeah. Lao Que said the same thing. After going to work this year, Qin Wan is planning to divorce, and the other party agreed to divorce, and it should be soon. Lao Que said, no matter what, it is Qin Wan who dislikes her, so the refund of the dowry money is a matter of He said don't argue with others." Qin Wei tugged at her clothes again.

"I think so too. They agreed to divorce, so they didn't embarrass Qin Wan. You are not short of money now, so be generous if you have to!" Zhai Wang said and took out a copy of "Selected Miniature Novels" from the drawer. Throw it to Qin Wei, "You will bring this book with you when you return later."

Qin Wei took the book, "You also like to read thousand-character novels like this, King Zhai? This one is also very good, you can read one in any spare time." Qin Wei stood up as she spoke, "Do you want to hurry up now? I am leaving?"

"I don't want Lao Que to doubt us. Didn't you say that your mother doesn't want you to be alone with me?" Zhai Wang remained expressionless.

"Okay, I'm going back." Qin Wei turned around to look outside, walked up to Zhai Wang, pouted, "I want you to kiss me."

Zhai Wang raised his eyelids to look at Qin Wei: "Forget it! You can go!"

"I want you to kiss me! Give me a kiss." Qin Wei said coquettishly.

Zhai Wang stood up and looked outside, "Okay, go over." Zhai Wang looked at the door.

Qin Wei retreated to the door, King Zhai pushed her, her body moved the door, the door closed, she leaned against the door, and closed her eyes.

Zhai Wang held her head, she put her arms around Zhai Wang's waist, and they kissed.

Zhai Wang pushed her away, wiped his lips with his hand and said, "Go back! Lest they get suspicious." Then, he opened the door.

"Zhai Wang, I really can't forget you, I love you." After Qin Wei finished speaking, she took the book and went out.

The king of Zhai watched Qin Wei leave, and cursed inwardly, "You little fox, you're always going to burn me."

After Qin Wei went out, she tidied her hair, and combined her upper and lower lips a few times to make the light lipstick more even, so that people would not see traces of kissing.

When Qin Wei arrived home, Chief Que was chatting with Qin Jun about home affairs. Chief Que saw Qin Wei holding a book and said with a smile, "This book is good, one article per minute. You can sit and read if you have nothing to do."

Seeing that Qin Wei came back after only a while, Qin Su felt more at ease.It's not because she's jealous, she's afraid that Zhai Wang and her daughter will get back together and forget about herself, but she's afraid that Director Que will find out about her daughter and Zhai Wang's affairs, which will affect her daughter's own family.

After Qin Wei left, Zhai Wang naturally recalled some past events with Qin Wei.He was not in the mood to read anymore, closed his eyes and thought for a while, then got up and went home.

Seeing the village king coming back, Xue Er hurriedly poured tea for him too.Zhai Wang looked at Qin Wan and couldn't help comparing her with Qin Wei. He found that Qin Wan was more innocent and cute than Qin Wei.

"Qin Wan, you are so beautifully dressed today, surpassing your sister's beauty." King Zhai said with a smile.

"I've praised her before. I said that she is more innocent and lovely than Qin Wei. A simple and lovely woman is the most lethal to a man." Xue'er said with a smile.

"Aunt Xueer, look at what you said, I'm so embarrassed." Qin Wan said and stood up, "The king of the village is back to accompany Aunt Xueer, I will go back first, and I have to help my mother! Eat dinner quickly Time, you go over." Qin Wan said and turned to leave.

"Okay! We'll go by ourselves when the time comes." Cher said.

When Qin Wan returned home, Qing Su hurriedly asked her what Xue Er had said to her.

Qin Wan talked about her chat with Xue'er, and then said: "I will listen to my sister and brother-in-law, return their gift money, and get a divorce as soon as possible."

Director Que and Qin Wei were very happy to hear that.

"Zhai Wang and Xue'er really have a tacit understanding! He really guessed it right." Director Que said.

"Guess what?" Qin Wan asked curiously.

"I guess Aunt Xue'er will persuade you to get a divorce as soon as possible. It's fine if you agree, and go to the county town with us for a few days after dinner, so as not to be bored at home." Qin Wei said with a smile.

"Yes. Go to the county town for a few days to accompany your sister." Chief Que said with a smile.

"Go! There's nothing else going on at home anyway." Qing Su also echoed.

"Okay, I'll go to the county town to have fun too!" Qin Wan said happily.

Zhai Wang accompanied Xueer to watch TV, and the two talked about Qin Wan. Xueer said, "Qin Wei's marriage to Director Que has brought about great changes in Qin Jun's family."

"That's right! But Sansha died. He is not lucky!" Zhai Wang looked at Xue'er and sighed.

Xue'er looked at Zhai Wang, but smiled and said, "It's not surprising, many things are reincarnated. Isn't this exactly what 'Lao Tzu' said, 'When misfortune comes, fortune rests on it, and fortune comes from misfortune.' ?”

"Xue'er, I really admire you! You are so disrespectful and out of the ordinary!" The king of the village said with a smile.

"Who can be free from vulgarity? It's just talking. Many things really happen to me, so I won't be so indifferent." Xue'er giggled after speaking.

"You're right. When you're in it, you'll always lack a comprehensive understanding of things, and your views will be extreme. Sometimes you can't get out if you want to get out!" Zhai Wang said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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