Chapter 196: 0222

Director Que and the others arrived at home for a while, and the creator Xiao Jiang came.

Qin Wei poured tea for him, and he said, "No need. I want to invite you to dance together."

Chief Que looked at Qin Wan, smiled and said, "Okay! Qin Wan, let's go, let's dance together."

Qin Wan didn't answer, but looked at Qin Wei.Qin Wei smiled and said, "Let's go, you can't dance, you can learn."

The four got into the car and came to the ballroom.

Seeing the colorful lights flickering non-stop, Qin Wan's eyes were blurred, and she pulled her sister's sleeve.Qin Wei smiled and said to Qin Wan, "My eyes are a little blurred, it's okay, I'll get used to it after a while." She took Qin Wan to the sofa next to her and sat down.

Director Que and Xiao Jiang followed.

Xiao Jiang didn't sit down, smiled and stretched out her hand to Qin Wei, saying, "Come on, I'll ask you to dance."

Qin Wei originally wanted to reject him, but Chief Que smiled and said, "Go ahead and dance with Xiao Jiang. I'll teach Qin Wan."

While dancing with Qin Wei, Xiao Jiang started talking to her.

"Qin Wei, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. I thought you were a casual woman. Actually, you are very orthodox."

"What did you misunderstand? I was very casual. Little Jiang, how did I find that you are a bit cheap. After hitting you, you treat me much better."

"That's right, if you don't hit me, you don't know each other. Qin Wei, actually, after you hit me, I realized that it wasn't because you fell in love with me so quickly."

"Oh? It's not that I'm casual. Could it be that I'm in love with you?"

"I think you also had a good impression of me at the time! Besides, you were not married at the time, so you were with me." Xiao Jiang said and pressed her finger on Jiang Wei's body.

"So, you still want to be with me now?"

"Yes. But, I know you won't be with me. I just want you to forgive me. I shouldn't have misunderstood you like that."

"There is nothing to forgive or not to forgive. I was the one who found you, and you didn't violate me. But, I don't understand, you still dare to say such things to me now. Are you not afraid that I will tell Lao Que to give you small shoes?" Qin Wei looked at Xiao Jiang and smiled.

"You won't say it. I know you're not that kind of person." Xiao Jiang also laughed.


Director Que took Qin Wan's hand, explained to her the essentials of dancing, and then led her to dance.

Qin Wan couldn't let go at first, always stepping on Director Que's foot.Chief Que smiled and said, "It's okay, don't be nervous, it's like this for beginners. Follow me and dance according to the essentials I learned."

Like Qin Wei, Qin Wan is very smart, and may also have some artistic talents.She will soon be able to keep up with Director Que's beat.

Director Que took her to a place with few people, "Qin Wan, you are very smart and beautiful. In the future, I will help you find a good family in the county and marry you in the city. How about it?"

"Thank you brother-in-law." Qin Wan smiled.

"Qin Wan, don't be polite to me. Do you know?"

"Yes. Brother-in-law, you dance really well. I heard from my sister that you used to write novels, and you were transferred to the Cultural Bureau because of your novels, right?"

"Yes, I used to work as a clerk in the countryside. I wrote several novels. The Cultural Bureau needed such a person, so I joined the Cultural Bureau." Director Que said while looking into Qin Wan's big eyes.

"Brother-in-law, you are so talented. I like reading novels."

"Oh. Do you think I'm talented?" Director Que said, and put a little force on Qin Wan's waist with his generous palm. Qin Wan felt the warmth of his palm.

"Well. I think people who write novels are very talented." Qin Wan looked at Director Que with big eyes.

"People who write novels are not necessarily talented. For example, I just write about the people and things around me. What talent do I have? No."

"Brother-in-law, you are so humble." Qin Wan smiled.

"You are so innocent and cute. Qin Wan, you are cuter than your sister." Director Que said, hugging Qin Wan to his chest.

Qin Wan felt her chest touch Chief Que's chest.

"Do you love my sister?" Qin Wan didn't notice the collision of her chest, she thought that such a collision is very natural when dancing.

"Yeah. You sisters are very cute." Director Que said as he drove her around in a circle, then pressed her with his hand and led her towards him.

Qin Wan's chest touched Chief Que's chest again, and Chief Que felt that her chest was firmer and tougher than her sister's.

Qin Wan felt a little bit this time, her face turned red, "Brother-in-law, let's rest! I feel a little tired."

"Okay! I'm a beginner in dancing because I'm nervous, so I feel a little tired." Director Que said, took her hand and returned to the sofa to sit down.

Director Que did not let go of Qin Wan's hand, Qin Wan twitched his hand, and Director Que's hand followed hers to her lap.

Director Que let go of his hand, and let his hand rest on Qin Wan's lap naturally, "Qin Wan, you learned to dance very quickly, and it won't take long for you to dance better than your sister."

Qin Wan looked at Director Que, not knowing how to answer, and she couldn't take his hand away directly.She didn't know whether his hand was on her lap on purpose or not.

"What? What are you thinking? Is there anything unhappy?" Director Que moved a little towards her, and his hand naturally slid on her leg.

Qin Wan felt her legs go soft.She wanted to take his hand away, but she still sat still: "I didn't think about it, do you often come to dance?"

"I seldom have time to dance. Your sister is fine, so I have more opportunities to dance." Director Que glanced at the middle of the ballroom and saw Qin Wei dancing with Xiao Jiang, "Qin Wan, your sister I quickly adapted to the life in the county. You will be like your sister, and you will be much more courageous in dancing in the future."

Qin Wan turned her head to look in the middle of the ballroom, she searched for a long time before she found her sister.

Director Que's hand moved back and forth on her leg, and she turned around quickly, but Director Que's hand stopped.

Qin Wan finally couldn't bear it anymore, she put her hand on Chief Que's hand, and wanted to move his hand away, but unexpectedly, Chief Que's other hand quickly followed and pressed her hand, saying: "Qin Wan , your hands are a little hot. The air conditioner is turned on here, so it's naturally a little hot."

"Oh." Qin Wan's heart was a little confused.

When Qin Wan was wondering how to respond, Qin Wei and Xiao Jiang came over.

Director Que let go of Qin Wan's hand, and moved the hand on her lap to his own. He smiled and asked, "Xiao Jiang, how is Qin Wei's dance?"

"Good dance." Xiao Jiang said and sat down.

"Qin Wan, how are you doing? How about I ask Xiao Jiang to teach you too." Qin Wei said.

"I'm a quick learner, just like you, with a strong ability to accept." Director Que said.

"Qin Wan, come on, let's go dance too." Xiao Jiang just sat down, but stood up again.

"Go! Let go and jump." Chief Que looked at Qin Wan with a smile.

"Can I ask you to dance?" A young man walked up to Qin Wei and held out his hand.

Qin Wei looked at Director Que.Director Que smiled and said, "Go! Take a break, you'll be fine, you won't be very tired."

Director Que saw that Xiao Jiang and Qin Wan had already danced into the crowd, he leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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