wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 202 0229: If you want to knock on the door, knock on it

Chapter 202 0229: If you want to knock on the door, knock on it

Xiao Jiang knew that he had slipped his tongue. Seeing Qin Wan's surprised eyes, he knew in his heart that if he failed, he would have a bad image in Qin Wan's heart.In this way, he may not get this beauty.If he can't get this beauty, he can't become a brother-in-law with Director Que.Of course, this will undoubtedly have a negative impact on your own future.

Xiao Jiang weighed the moment and reacted quickly. He smiled and said, "Yes, I did have your sister's idea. At that time, I was also in the process of getting a divorce. But Director Que hasn't told you yet. My sister got married. That’s the day I went to your village to create sketches. I met your sister and liked her very much. I was so overwhelmed that I wanted to compete with Chief Que.”

"Oh! That's it!" Qin Wan looked at Xiao Jiang with a smile, "You are too serious, my sister had agreed to marry my brother-in-law at that time, and you still have that kind of thought."

"She is really likable just like you. Qin Wan, to be honest, after your sister knew you wanted a divorce, she told me that she introduced you to me and said that you were more beautiful than her. But, I still I don't believe it. Only after I saw you did I believe that you are indeed cuter than your sister. "

"Xiao Jiang, I like you very much too. However, we are not divorced, so it is better to be careful. My brother-in-law also said that if I am too explicit with you now, it will affect your divorce, and it will also have a bad influence on you. " Qin Wan looked at Xiao Jiang with a smile, and thought to herself, "I should be more careful when dealing with these city people, especially educated people. For example, my brother-in-law, I fell into his trap without knowing it. Really I answered the words 'marry sister, sister-in-law should be careful', I was not careful, even though I am not a girl with a yellow flower, it doesn't matter much if I did it with him. However, I feel ashamed of my sister in my heart."

"Yeah. Qin Wei, but there's no one here. I really like you. It's okay if you let me kiss for a while." Xiao Jiang said with a smile.

"No one can do it. You and I are not divorced, and I won't let you kiss before the relationship is formalized." Qin Wan thought about her brother-in-law, and she paid more attention.She was even more worried about making Xiao Jiang suspect that she was a casual woman.

"Okay! In this case, I respect your choice." Xiao Jiang said with a smile.

In fact, Qin Wan refused to let him kiss, and he was even happier.Because at this time, Xiao Jiang has already decided to fall in love with her and get married.Once a man wants to turn a woman into a wife, he always wants her to be faithful.

"Thank you." Qin Wan said with a smile.

"Come on, let's turn around and go for a walk for lunch!" Xiao Jiang said.

Qin Wan saw that Xiao Jiang was not only not angry, but showed a sincere smile on the contrary, she was secretly glad that she had a heart.If he didn't refuse, but catered to him, and even threw himself into his arms, what would he think of himself?

When the two returned to the villa, they did not see Director Que and Qin Wei.Qin Wan said: "Come on, let's go into my sister's private room too."

"This, I'm afraid it's inconvenient! What if your sister and your brother-in-law..." Xiao Jiang looked at Qin Wan with a smile.

"Why are you thinking about all this? No way. Let's go." Qin Wan deliberately pretended to be innocent, but she thought in her heart, "Hmph! He just had sex with me, and he won't make it if he eats iron. Besides, my sister is his My wife, when can't I use it, will I be so anxious?"

Xiao Jiang had no choice but to follow Qin Wan. He walked behind her, thinking to himself, if you want to knock on the door, you go knock.

Qin Wan came to room 169 and knocked on the door: "Sister, brother-in-law, open the door."

Director Que heard the knock on the door, stood up and opened the door, and looked at Qin Wan with a smile: "Come in and watch TV! Your sister is a little tired playing mahjong, she is lying on the board and watching TV!"

Qin Wan walked into the door, came to the edge of the board, sat next to her sister, and asked with a smile: "Sister, I heard Xiao Jiang said that you are very lucky, you have won money!"

"Yeah. I'm lucky. Sister, let me tell you, I won back all the dowry money you wanted to refund after the Chinese New Year! When I get home today, I'll give you 6000 yuan, and you keep it. At that time, if you think it's too little, Add some more, anyway, we need to get a divorce as soon as possible. Xiao Jiang, hurry up too, you know?"

Xiao Jiang was already sitting next to Chief Que, and he smiled and said, "Okay. I told Qin Wan that after we both divorce, we will officially confirm our relationship and get married as soon as possible."

"Okay, okay. That's good." Director Que said with a smile.

Qin Wei sat up, got off the board, tore her clothes, then sat on the board and looked at Xiao Jiang, "Xiao Jiang, if you really marry my sister, if you treat her badly, tell you, I will put your Chop off your ears!" After speaking, she took Qin Wan's hand and laughed.

"Sister, don't worry, I will definitely treat your sister well. Director Que, it's almost time for dinner, you sit here, I'll go out and have a look first." Xiao Jiang stood up and went out the door.

After Qin Wan came in, she didn't dare to look directly at Director Que. After she had sex with him in the car, she recalled the jumping scene, and she couldn't believe herself that she moved up and down shamelessly and shouted out.She was afraid to meet his eyes, but she found Director Que as if nothing happened.She thought, he must be a veteran in love.

Seeing Xiao Jiang gone, Qin Wei got off the board and sat next to Director Que, put her arms around him and kissed him, and said with a smile, "Honey, the 1000 yuan you gave me today has been doubled!"

"Okay, okay! Qin Wei, you can play when you have nothing to do. You can't be a professional, you know? Just like before, read more books. If you really become a creator, you should be able to write some decent works. Okay?" Chief Que looked at Qin Wei.

"Okay. I'll listen to you, read books, and learn to write. I will write about you in my first article, okay?" Qin Wei looked at Director Que with a smile.

"Write me what?"

"Write you bad! You big villain!" Qin Wei nodded his forehead, smiled and kissed him again.

Qin Wan felt very embarrassed, she couldn't interrupt, so she had to watch TV.

"Behave. Your sister is here! Don't embarrass her." Director Que said.

"It doesn't matter what my sister sees. You are my husband, and my sister is also from here. Sister, don't worry, I will make your brother-in-law happy. After you get married, you will also make Xiao Jiang happy." Qin Wei said with a smile.

"My sister's change is really too big and too fast." Qin Wan thought to herself.

"Okay, I'll go out and have a look, I'm still a little hungry, go and hurry them up." Chief Que stood up and said as he walked.

After a while, Xiao Jiang came, and he called outside the door: "Qin Wei, Qin Wan, come out for dinner."

Qin Wan got off the board and went out with Qin Wei to the living room.Xiao Jiang smiled and said, "You two beauties are sitting across from each other, and the four of us happen to have a table for each of us." Then, he opened the wine and began to pour the wine.

(End of this chapter)

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