wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 208 0235: Added some respect

Chapter 208 0235: Added some respect

In spring, the sun at noon is still warm, and people feel extremely comfortable in the sun.

After eating lunch, Li Liying went out again with a hoe on her shoulders.

Li Liying was walking on the road, basking in the warm spring sun, she actually had a kind of hope in her heart, she was looking forward to Wang Jian going to that grassland again.

Li Liying was walking on the path thinking that Wang Jian went to the grassland and chatted with her. When they were happy, the two hugged and kissed. That should be a romantic thing.At such an old age, why do I always think about romance?Li Liying asked herself in her heart.

Li Liying didn't even know herself.After so many years, a woman who is almost fifty, but suddenly thinks of romance, is it because she is a romantic woman herself, but life is hard, and her inner romance is squeezed out by labor?
Li Liying walked thinking about it, and came to her own land. She didn't see Wang Jian, and felt a little melancholy in her heart. She couldn't help but came to the place where she had been romantic with Sansha and sat down.

Li Liying sat and looked around, but there was no sign of Wang Jian, she thought to herself, Wang Jian is not Sansha, he is not as free as Sansha, he has his own things to do, besides, he is not as devoted to herself as Sansha.

In Li Liying's mind, the three idiots still occupy the main position.It's still early, let's lie down and bask in the sun!Thinking of this, she lay down, closed her eyes, and enjoyed the spring sunshine.

Li Liying couldn't control herself, she told herself not to think about Sansha, but Sansha's silly appearance was jumping in her mind.

Li Liying wanted to drive away Sansha, but Sansha smiled silly at her, and said, "Peanut, you eat peanuts", and said, "Comfortable, I am comfortable, I will make you comfortable." Li Liying began to complain about Sansha in her heart Le: what is comfortable!You are comfortable lying down, I am lying here thinking of you, I am uncomfortable!
Li Liying was thinking wildly, but she didn't open her eyes when she heard footsteps.She thought it could be Sansha, Sansha could no longer make a sound, he came and went silently.It's not the three idiots, it must be Wang Jian.That's right, Wang Jian is still here.

Li Liying closed her eyes, still refusing to open them.When Wang Jian came, she didn't want to open her eyes either, she wanted to see what Wang Jian would do to her.Li Liying thought that Wang Jian insisted on giving her two hundred yuan yesterday, and she felt warm in her heart. Thinking that he gave her the money and didn't touch her, she felt a little more respect.

Wang Jian's footsteps came, and he suddenly didn't want to be stupid.At this moment, Li Liying understood that if she wanted to get rid of the three fools, she could not rely on herself, but Wang Jian, who would drive the three fools away from her heart.

The sound of footsteps has come to the side, but suddenly there is no sound.Li Liying wanted to open her eyes to have a look, but in the end she didn't take any action. Wait a little longer, she told herself.

Li Liying heard the sound again, it wasn't the sound of footsteps, it was the sound of someone sitting next to her.

That's right, there was indeed someone sitting beside her, none other than Wang Jian.

Wang Jian sat beside Li Liying, watching her with her eyes closed and a smile on her face, Wang Jian felt that she was a bit quiet and beautiful.He wanted to talk to her, but held back.She may have fallen asleep!Wang Jian thought.

Of course Li Liying didn't fall asleep, she thought to herself, could Wang Jian be as stupid as Sansha, just sitting by the side and looking at her stupidly?

Wang Jian's gaze shifted from Li Liying's face to her chest, and he found that although Li Liying was lying flat, her chest was still a little protruding.

Wang Jian is someone who has experienced it. Judging from the size and shape of her bumps, she still has the charm of a woman.This kind of charm made Wang Jian want to reach out and touch it, but he held back.

Li Liying, who was lying down, couldn't help being curious. She thought, why didn't Wang Jian make any movement after sitting down for so long?

Li Liying wanted to open her eyes, but she didn't. Like other women, she also had her own scheming.She didn't open her eyes, but turned around, pretending to be asleep, her hands were inadvertently pressed to the side when she turned around, and her hands were on Wang Jian's legs.

Li Liying's hand touched Wang Jian's leg. She opened her eyes, looked at Wang Jian, and said, "When did you come? Why didn't you talk to me?"

Wang Jian looked at her with a smile: "I don't want to wake you up. You slept very sweetly."

"Oh, that's it!" Li Liying said and sat up.

Wang Jian smiled: "Why do you come out to do things so early every day, why don't you rest at home?"

"After I walked here, I rest here for a while, so that I can be energetic when I work. After resting at home, I am a little tired when I come here." Li Liying looked at Wang Jian, "Are you going to catch Dongmao mice again?"

"Yeah. Yang Qun will do the work in the soil, and I will come out every day to try my luck." Wang Jian said with a smile.

"I heard that catching winter grass mice is also a technical job, not everyone can be so lucky." Li Liying said with a smile.

"That's right. Practice makes perfect! Of course, it's more important to understand its living habits." Wang Jian looked at Li Liying and put his hands on his lap neatly.

"Sometimes you come out at night to catch Dongmao mice?"

"Well. I will come out for a walk at night if I have nothing to do."

"Why did you insist on giving me [-] yuan yesterday? You went to catch Dongmao mice, did you catch them?" Li Liying leaned closer to Wang Jian.

"No one was caught. I didn't catch any of them yesterday." Wang Jian said with a smile.

"Will your mother-in-law scold you for not catching you?" Li Liying asked with a smile.

"No. It's not uncommon to not catch it. If I catch it every day, I won't make a fortune. Think about it, a Dongmao mouse costs several hundred yuan!" Wang Jian said with a smile.

"That's right. Why is my body itchy? Did ants crawl in?" Li Liying scratched her back as she spoke.

Li Liying was really itchy.Wang Jian thought she was tickling on purpose!

"Let me scratch it for you!" Wang Jian said and scratched her, "Is this here?"

"Somewhere in the middle. The place I can't reach, um, yes, that's it." Li Liying said with a smile.

However, Wang Jian scratched Li Liying through his clothes.

"Is it still itchy?" Wang Jian asked with a smile.

"Itchy." Li Liying said, shaking her body from side to side.

"Oh, I'll go in and scratch it for you." Wang Jian said that he had lifted the back of Li Liying's clothes and put his hand in.

Li Liying originally wanted to stop him, but his hand had already entered.Also, it was really itchy.

Wang Jian scratched Li Liying's back and asked, "Is it here?"

"Yeah. Go a little further, towards the middle. Yes, it's right here." Li Liying said with a smile.

Wang Jian scratched it, and then swept his palm on his back, "Is it more comfortable?" He said, looking at Li Liying.

When Li Liying heard the word "comfortable", her heart trembled suddenly, and her face flushed a little.

"It's much more comfortable!" Li Liying said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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