wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 225 0255: What do you know

Chapter 225 0255: What do you know

A thought suddenly came to Xueer's mind: "Could it be that this girl also knows martial arts? She walks like a normal person, didn't you notice it? If she really knows martial arts, she is already superb and able to use them freely. Why don't I give it a try?" she!"

Xue'er smiled and said, "It turns out that when I was young, my dad taught me some self-defense techniques to prevent men from hurting me. I don't remember them now. Come on, Zhilin, stand up and let me try. See if you remember."

"You let me try? You will hurt me." Zhilin was a little scared.

"It's okay, I won't hit you. You stand up and hug me from behind." Xue'er said and stood beside Zhilin.

"Okay. I'll hold you, you are not allowed to hit me." Zhilin said, stood up and hugged Xue'er.

Xue'er suddenly exerted strength with both arms, squatted down and grabbed Zhilin's heel.Zhilin's hands were freed and Xueer lifted her feet at the same time, she fell backwards with an "ah", Xueer quickly let go of her feet, and held Zhilin's corset, Zhilin didn't fall.

Xue'er thought to herself, fortunately, she only used half of the move, and it was still with the strength of an ordinary person. If the half move for the attack above was also used, even though it was with the strength of an ordinary person, Zhilin would also be injured.

"Grandma, you really have learned martial arts! I'm holding you, why did you make me fall behind!" Zhilin looked at Xue'er with a gruff look.

"What kind of martial arts do I do! It's just that you are a girl. If a man hugs me, I won't be able to break free from the man's hand, and I won't be able to squat down or hug his feet. I'll still be hugged by the man." Cher said with a smile.

"Oh. Mom, you remember your movements, and your strength is not as strong as that of a man. If a man hugs you, you still have nothing to do, right?" Zhilin asked.

"No. If the man is not prepared, my action just now can make the man fall to the ground." Xue'er said with a smile.

"I see. What Grandma means, the actions just now have a certain defensive effect on men. Please teach me!" Zhilin pestered Xue'er.

"Forget it. I'm learning to beat and get beaten! Besides, it's useless for me to learn such a simple movement. Besides, I can't do it without strength!" Xue'er said.

"Yeah. That's right. I'm not going to learn anymore. You almost fell over me just now. If I fell down just now, I would definitely have bumps on the back of my head." Zhilin laughed as she said.

"I'm here to eat with me at noon, I'm not allowed to open a small stove by myself, Zheng Shuang will definitely not come back for lunch at noon today." Xue'er looked at Zhilin and thought to herself, "Fortunately, she just wanted to hide herself, She has never learned martial arts, otherwise, her hands and feet would not be so rigid."

"Okay, I'll have lunch with grandma. I also want to stay with grandma for a while!" Zhilin said with a smile.

"Good girl, logically speaking, you are the head of the village, and you should think about things for the people in the village to make everyone's life better. You can't just play in the village for a few years! This is what Grandma told you What’s in your heart.” Xue’er looked at Zhilin.

"Grandma, I also want the people in the village to live a better life quickly. But, I don't have a good way for a while, I think, the king of the village will think about it for everyone. Whatever the king of the village arranges for me, I will definitely work hard Do it." Zhilin said with a smile.

"Zhilin, let me tell you! Although the people in the village respect Zheng Shuang, but, to tell you the truth, it's because there are no capable people in the village. Although Zheng Shuang did it for the people in the village, Some things, such as road construction, electricity, and running water. However, these are all relying on policies and external forces. If a real capable person, I think, will lead the people in the village to break out of their own way to get rich." Xueer looked Looking at Zhilin, "You are young, you should think about it."

Zhilin smiled and looked at Xue'er, "Grandma, you are more ambitious than the king of the village. I think you have a much longer-term vision than the king of the village. I really admire you. From now on, I will find out that there is a good way to get rich How about we do it together?" Zhilin thought to herself, "Xue'er is indeed much better than Zhai Wang, she just didn't let go of her hands and feet because she is a woman."

"What long-term vision? I'm just talking casually. I think my good daughter can do something in the village!" Xue'er said with a smile, but she thought in her heart, "This Zhilin is really not a simple girl. She sees It seems to be playing, but it is actually understanding the situation in the village, looking for opportunities and projects to get rich, and is constantly gaining everyone's goodwill and trust in her, and is still looking for people to support her."

"When I was studying, I heard the teacher and many people say that it is much more difficult for us women to do something than men! Aunt, do you think so?" Zhilin looked at Xue'er with a smile .

"It should be like this. Since ancient times, careers seem to belong to men. After all, women... Forget it, let's not talk about it. We women should cook and cook." Xue Er smiled and turned to wash the rice.

"If I have Xue'er's support, I will get twice the result with half the effort." Zhilin looked at Xue'er's back and thought to herself.

Zhilin had lunch at Xueer's house, talked to Xueer for a while, and said that she wanted to go play with Lichun.Xueer smiled and said, "Go ahead. Young people can have fun together."

After this contact, Xue'er has a certain understanding of Zhilin in her heart, and she knows that Zhilin has great ambitions, not a playful child.

Zhilin admired Xueer even more. In her heart, she must regard Xueer as a good partner in her career.Still, she keeps a lot of her secrets from Cher.She knew that Xueer also kept many secrets in front of her, and Xueer was still a mystery.

Zhilin didn't go to look for Lichun, she came to Cai Qing's house.

Cai Qing was about to go to work in the soil, but his wife Gao Qiong had already gone there.Seeing the village chief coming, he quickly asked her to sit down.

Zhilin asked Gao Qiong's whereabouts, she sat down and asked with a smile: "You are going to go out too, aren't you?"

Cai Qing smiled and said, "It's okay. It doesn't matter if you come or not."

Zhilin looked at Cai Qing, smiled and said, "I'll leave after sitting down for a while. I heard that your wife treats you very well. Which one of you and her is good at doing things in the soil?"

"She is better than me. She is also better than me at doing the work in the soil." Cai Qing said with a smile.

"Oh. The people in the village, except the king, why are they all staring at the soil and digging for gold?" Zhilin asked.

"What else can I do without digging in the soil? Or, some craftsmen weave some farm tools and sell them in the town. Besides, there is no way to make money!" Cai Qing looked at Zhilin with a smile and thought, " What do you yellow-haired girl know, the people in the village only have soil, not even paddy fields. After the soil is prepared, the grain can be used to raise livestock, and it is also money."

"If you were asked to do other things, better than digging gold in the soil, would you be willing to do it? For example, let you cook vegetables, or run errands?" Zhilin said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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