wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 248 0286: The son cried

Chapter 248 0286: The son cried

Lirong's anger gradually became even, and she looked at Ergou with a smile, "I will only think about me from now on? If you really miss me, I'll give it to you." She once again compared him with the dwarf in her heart, and felt that the Ergou was better than the dwarf. Tall, burly, handsome, and much more pleasing to the eye, he likes Ergou more from the bottom of his heart, and hopes that Ergou will be good to him.

"Okay, you have to give it to me, otherwise, I will miss you to death in the future." Ergou said with a smile.

The two lay down and chatted for a while, Ergou sat up and said, "Put on your clothes and go to the dirt!"

"You still have the energy to weed!" Li Rong joked.

"Lie down for a while, and I have strength. You don't have the strength to weed the grass anymore? In the future, the two of us will come here, do it first, and then weed. I will help you remove the grass in your soil." Ergou said with a smile.

"I don't want you to be tired. You are too tired, and I can't eat enough." Li Rong smiled and patted Ergou, "Let's go, go weeding in the soil."

Ergou became more motivated to work.

The sun slowly rose to the top of the head, and the human figure became shorter and shorter.

Ergou looked at Lirong, who was tens of meters away from him, and said, "Don't weed, go down first! I'll be able to go home later."

Lirong stopped what she was doing, smiled at Ergou, put the hoe on her shoulder, and said, "Okay, I'll walk for a few minutes first, don't get tired! I'll be home in a while. I'll return tomorrow morning." Come to weed. Not this afternoon."

"Okay! I'll come tomorrow morning too." Ergou said with a smile.

When Ergou returned home, he still left the kettle on the handle of the hoe. He saw the empty kettle dangling in front of his eyes, as if dancing for himself.

The singing was floating in the mountains, Li Rong, who was walking in front, listened to Ergou's love song, and answered a few sentences at the top of her voice.

It is normal for men and women in the village to sing love songs duet in the mountains. Many times, two people who sing duet can't see each other, and they don't know who the other party is, but the love songs are sung vividly and vividly, giving people infinite reverie.

When Lirong returned home, Dongmao had already come back from the town and cooked the rice, and he was cutting the fresh pork he bought.Seeing him, Li Rong smiled and said, "You lazy man, it's not too lazy to do housework for women."

Dongmao smiled and said: "My wife has worked hard, you take a break, and when I finish frying the pork, I will pour wine and rice for my wife."

Lirong said in her heart, you man should be lazy!If you are lazy, I will have fun outside!Thinking of this, she laughed out loud.

Dongmao thought that the mother-in-law was happy when she heard him serving her wine and food.He thought, saying a few good words is really helpful. Fortunately, I am a taciturn person, and my wife does a lot of things outside. With such a hardworking wife, I feel more at ease.

When Ergou returned home, Cuihua had cooked the rice, and the dishes were almost ready.

Seeing Ergou come back, Cuihua said: "It's time to come back formally, and the food will be ready in a while. You wash your hands first, drink some wine at noon, rest for a while, go down and continue weeding in Jiulongyan!"

"I won't go to Jiulongyan to weed in the afternoon. I'm tired of running so far to do things in the soil all day! In the afternoon, I will work in the nearby soil and mediate. I will go to Jiulongyan to weed tomorrow morning. Don't worry, it will be delayed. .” Ergou didn’t snatch Bai Cuihua like in the past, but just gave a reason for not going.

"Yeah. That's good, so you don't get tired. Drink some wine and take a lunch break." Cuihua said.

Ergou washes his hands and sits at the table, waiting for Cuihua to serve the dishes.

Cuihua put the dishes on the table, and then turned to get the wine pot. Ergou looked at her back and thought to himself, Cuihua, if you don’t want to do it with me, I won’t torture you or make you hurt. Lirong does, feels better and more comfortable.

Cuihua brought a jug, poured wine for Ergou, poured it herself, and said, "My son is asleep, let's have a drink. You go to Jiulongyan to weed, the road is far away, I specially fried bacon for you, and sent you wine. Eat more green vegetables, clear the fire, and make people feel comfortable after eating."

Ergou looked at Cuihua and smiled, "Thank you. I know you are busy with the children and do housework, and it is very tiring. You can eat too." Then, he picked up some lean meat and put it in Cuihua bowl.

Ergou thinks, Cuihua is also for her own family, it is understandable that she is tired after having a child.But, I thought, if Lirong gives it to me, can I not?

Ergou and Lirong got back together, and he felt a little guilty towards Cuihua, and his attitude towards her was much better.Cuihua ate the bacon that Ergou gave her, looked at Ergou, and felt grateful again.

Cuihua thought, since she had a son, she didn't care as much about Ergou as before.He can't blame him for losing his temper sometimes.Be good son, it's fine if you don't cry at night, and you can also make up for Ergou, so that he can enjoy the tenderness of a woman.

This meal restored the relationship between Ergou and Cuihua a little.

Ergou ate his lunch, lay down on a chair and closed his eyes for a lunch break.Cuihua watches over her son, waits for him to wake up so he can pee, and then feeds him.

Ergou fell asleep and went out with the hoe on his shoulder.He did some work on a nearby field and then went home.

Lirong also took a lunch break at home, and said to Dongmao: "Go to the soil with me in the afternoon, and work in the nearby soil. You are afraid of the soil in Jiulongyan, and I will weed alone in the morning. You always Be happy!"

Dongmao heard Lirong say that he was not allowed to work in the distant land, and said with a smile: "Okay, we husband and wife will weed the weeds in the afternoon, and when you come back, you cook, and I will cook."

Lirong looked at Dongmao with a smile, "You are so dumb, you really only have one mouth! Well, I will cook when you come back, and you will cook." She said this, but she secretly smiled: You just have to be poor!You are playing lip service, my old lady is serious with others, you are lazy!
Ergou returned home, ate dinner, rested for a while, took a shower, watched TV for a while, and lay down on the board.

Cuihua cleaned up the housework, took a shower, and saw Ergou on the board, thinking that she hadn't taken the initiative to make out with Ergou for a long time, even if he asked, she still dealt with him as if she had completed the task.He also thought about Ergou's kindness to her during lunch, so he also boarded the board.

After Cuihua got on the board, she stuck to Ergou, letting her son lie beside her.

Cuihua said affectionately to Ergou, "Ergou, I thought about it. Tonight, we will be more the same and have a good time, okay?" She said, she took Ergou's hand and put it on one of her breasts. On, let his hand move.

Ergou scolded in his heart, "Damn, I had a good time today, but you have become energetic, I will not cooperate with you!" Cursed in his heart, but said, "Okay, I haven't had a good time in a long time." Said Then, he grabbed Cuihua's waist and turned over.

Ergou touched Cuihua's body a few times, freed up a hand, and pinched the son's buttocks lying beside him, and the son began to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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