Chapter 292 0339: Cry

Seeing that Li Chun was waiting for her to go home together, Li Rong quickened the action of washing the dishes.

Li Chun thought about it, but changed her mind, she said to Li Rong: "I'm going home first, you wash slowly."

Seeing Li Chun acting strangely, Li Rong didn't know what to say, so she replied, "You go home first!"

Lichun came to the village committee and met Zhilin.

When Lichun sees Zhilin, she hugs her and starts crying.

"Li Chun, what's wrong with you?" Zhilin was puzzled.

"My father, you told me to marry Mayor Ou." Li Chun threw herself on Zhilin's shoulder, tears soaked Zhilin's clothes.

"Don't cry. Tell your father and mother that you don't like Mayor Ou. Do you want me to accompany you to your house and tell your father and mother?"

Lichun raised her head, looked at Zhilin and nodded.

Zhilin tidied up the room and said, "Let's go."

The two came to Lichun's house, and Narcissus greeted Zhilin warmly when she saw Zhilin coming.

Zhilin took a sip of tea, looked at Lichun, hinted her with her eyes, let her speak first.

Li Chun looked at Narcissus, calmed herself down, and said, "Grandma, did Dad tell you about Mayor Ou?"

Narcissus smiled and said, "I said it! Do you agree?"

"I don't agree!" Li Chun looked at Narcissus, her voice a little excited.

"Why don't you agree?" Narcissus was surprised.

"I don't like him! He's more than ten years older than me."

"I don't like him, I have no feelings, right? Feelings can be cultivated! What's wrong with being more than ten years older? Director Que is more than 20 years older than Qin Wei, isn't he living a good life? Her original man is not much older than her , how did it turn out? Didn't they just suffer and suffer, and finally broke up?" Narcissus really used Qin Wei as an issue.

"I don't care. I don't like him anyway! I won't marry him." Lichun looked at Zhilin.

"Auntie Narcissus, Li Chun should be the master of Li Chun's marriage. It's a thing of the past that her parents arranged marriages, so you can let her be the master! Isn't Qin Wei's original marriage the bitter wine brewed by her parents?" Zhi Zhi Lin looked at Narcissus and said with a smile.

"Zhilin, people say that it's hard for an upright official to decide on housework. What Lichun said is about housework. I don't want you, a village official, to do it." Narcissus actually didn't give Zhilin any face.

Listen to the sound.Zhilin knows that Narcissus and Sanjun have already made decisions about Lichun's marriage, and they will not give up the road to wealth easily.

"Aunt Narcissus, I'm not here to take care of your family affairs, I'm just here to share my opinion. Young people have young people's ideas, and everyone has their own love..." Zhilin wanted to continue talking, but Narcissus stopped cut her off.

"Zhilin, the three armies and I have always respected that you are knowledgeable and capable of doing things. But, we ask you not to care about this matter. It's useless if you care about it! Don't try to reason with us. If you continue to be a lobbyist for Li Chun, We don't welcome you anymore!" Narcissus not only interrupted Zhilin, but also gave her a face.

Narcissus said this, and it was meaningless for Zhilin to continue talking, it would only make them more disgusted.Zhilin intends to leave Lichun's house and let this matter be dealt with coldly.

"Grandma, how can you talk like that? Sister Zhilin is my good sister, she is for your daughter's good. How can you not distinguish good from ugly?" Li Chun stared at her grandma, a little annoyed.

"Good sister? For the sake of your happiness? If this is the case, I should persuade you to agree to this marriage! Don't you think about it? She is a dignified mayor! You will be a dignified wife of the mayor when you marry! What's wrong with living a chic and comfortable life?" Narcissus looked at Zhilin, "Mr. Xie, don't you think so?"

"I don't think so. If two people have no feelings, after marriage, no matter how good the material conditions are, they may not be happy. I still support a marriage with feelings." Zhilin was about to leave, but when she saw Narcissus asking her, she had to answer again .

"Emotions can't be eaten. Both of you are too young to live. I won't tell you. This matter is settled anyway. Li Chun must marry Mayor Ou!" Narcissus spoke firmly.

Zhilin couldn't imagine that Narcissus, who is usually smiling, is so domineering and unquestionably insists on her own point of view on this matter.

The three armies heard them talking, but they didn't interrupt.

"Sister Zhilin, you go back first. I decide my own affairs." Li Chun saw that her mother didn't buy into Zhilin anyway, she didn't want to embarrass Zhilin.

"Okay. Lichun, if you have anything to say to your mom and dad, I'll go first." Zhilin stood up, looked at Narcissus again, "Auntie, I'm leaving."

"Okay, let's go. Zhilin, I'm sorry, I have said something harsh. But, I also want to live a good life for Lichun in the future. Don't care about me!" Narcissus said and sent Zhilin out.

"No. Parents want their children to live a good life. This, I understand, and Li Chun also understands. Well, you don't need to see me off. I'm leaving." Zhilin said and walked towards the road .

"Okay, no more. Go slowly." Narcissus said as he entered the room and closed the door.

Narcissus looked at Li Chun who was about to speak, Li Chun stood up and said, "I'll take a shower and sleep!"

Narcissus looked at the three armies and hinted at him.Sanjun looked at Li Chun and said: "Li Chun, your mother is right, you have to listen to your mother."

Li Chun didn't reply to his words, and went to take a bath by herself.

Narcissus looked at Sanjun and said, "Let her go! Anyway, it's settled like this. It's useless to say anything."

"What if Li Chun insists on not agreeing?" Seeing that Li Chun didn't answer, Sanjun remembered that she was unhappy all afternoon, and he was a little worried about Li Chun's stubbornness.

"What should I do? If you don't agree, you have to agree. How can you say that she has such a good man in her life? If she doesn't marry, can she still marry a high-ranking county official?" Narcissus said a little angry.

The three armies stopped talking and turned on the TV to watch.

Lichun came out of the shower and washed Huanxi's clothes.When she entered her room, she left a sentence: "I won't marry Mayor Ou! You didn't force me!"

"It's not up to you!" Narcissus said.

Li Chun entered the room and closed the door forcefully.

"You girl, your wings are so stiff! I must beat you to death!" Sanjun said, stood up, and wanted to enter Lichun's room.

"Don't tell her. Let her think about it first!" Narcissus stopped her when she saw that Sanjun was about to enter Lichun.

Sanjun looked at Narcissus, and said: "People say that children don't have to worry about it when they grow up, but I think it's even more worrying!"

"Oh! It's really difficult for a young lady!" Narcissus sighed, and sat down to watch the TV.

"Shuixian, will I answer Mayor Ou's words tomorrow?" Sanjun looked at Narcissus, he didn't want to decide this matter by himself, and if he couldn't do it, he would be criticized by Narcissus.

(End of this chapter)

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