wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 311 Chapter 0360: Telepathy

Chapter 311 Chapter 0360: Telepathy

"Yes! Let her go to Xiao Niqiu's house to take care of her first!" Zhai Wang said.

"Okay, okay, it's good that Lichun is alive! Little Niqiu saved her, and from now on, Lichun will be Little Niqiu's man!" Sanjun cried.

"Listen to Xueer and Zhaiwang." Narcissus said in a hoarse voice.

"Thank you...Abba...Amma...for letting me and...Little Loach..." Li Chun said.

"Don't talk! Little Niqiu will take you home!" King Zhai said, taking off a piece of clothing and putting it on Little Niqiu. Only then did everyone realize that Little Niqiu was naked and his clothes were on Li Chun.

Xiao Niqiu carried Li Chun and walked home, Yang Qun was so happy that he wiped away his tears.

Everyone was talking and laughing, talking about the miracle that happened between Li Chun and Xiao NiQiu.

Little Niqiu hugged Lichun and put her on top of herself, covered her with the quilt, guarded her, looked at her, without blinking her eyes, Lichun looked at Little Niqiu and smiled.

"Close your eyes and rest." Little Niqiu smiled and squeezed Li Chun's eyelids.

Li Chun compared her eyes with a smile on her face.

Yang Qun asked Wang Jian to kill chickens and make soup.Xue Er said with a smile: "Li Chun is weak at the moment, don't kill the chicken and make soup to make her nourish. First cook the porridge, add some millet, and drink the porridge tomorrow. You can make chicken soup for her the day after tomorrow, you know?"

"Okay, we listen to you. You know this, we think the more you make up, the better." Yang Qun said with a smile.

"Cook chicken soup for her the day after tomorrow, you can't kill the rooster."

"We know this. Is it okay to feed her Dongmao mouse the day after tomorrow?" Wang Jian asked.

"Yes, but don't fry it with blood, give her stew. After three days, Li Chun's body is estimated to be fully recovered. If it is more delicious, it will be fine. Of course, it is best to use soup, fresh broth with some vegetables or something It's better to let her start not eating vegetables a week later." Xueer looked at Yang Qun with a smile.

"Listen to Xue'er." Narcissus said in a hoarse voice.

Little Loach came out and asked Lichun what to eat, and Xueer told him.He smiled and said, "Thank you!" Cher winked at him, and he smiled knowingly.

Narcissus smiled and said hoarsely to Little Niqiu: "Little Niqiu, Lichun is in your hands. You help me take good care of her. After Lichun recovers, let her go home. When you reach the age of marriage, you will take care of her again. It's fine for her to take it over, as long as you treat her well, we don't care about the rest. Okay?"

"Okay. When Lichun recovers, let her go home. Then, I will propose and give the dowry." Little Niqiu said with a smile.

"Yes, everything is done according to the customs in our village. We want Li Chun and Xiao Niqian to organize a lively wedding. Don't worry about this, Narcissus." Yang Qun said to Narcissus with a smile.

"Li Chun's life is willing to be given to Xiao NiQiu, what else do we have to say?" San Jun also laughed.

"It's hard work! From now on, Little Niqiu and Li Chun will have a happy life." Zhilin smiled and glanced at everyone.

"Sister Zhilin, thank you so much. I won't say too much. Lichun and I will remember your kindness in our hearts." Little Niqiu said with a smile.

"You go in and stay with Li Chun. Your kindness to my sister Li Chun is the best repayment for me." Zhilin said and pushed the little loach.

"Alright, I'll accompany Li Chun." Little Niqiu entered the room with a smile.

Little Niach entered the room and sat beside Li Chun, Lichun opened his eyes and smiled: "Little Niach, I'm fine, let me talk to you softly."

"You'd better have a good rest!" Little Loach said with concern.

"It's all right. I fell asleep for a long time. Let me tell you what I heard when I fell asleep! When I fell asleep, I was very conscious, really. I tell you and you will believe it." Lichun looked With the eyes of a small loach.

"Yeah. Speak softly and slowly." Little Loach said.

"Okay. I just put a rope around my neck and kicked off the stone. When it was difficult to breathe out, I heard a voice calling me. It was not a person, but a large group of people. I was anxious when I heard the voice. I was afraid, I didn't know What are you afraid of, I kicked my feet hard." Li Chun's voice was very low, she paused at this point, and then continued.

"After I stared at my feet, I felt a sudden airflow stuck me, and then I couldn't move. After a while, I heard the voice of Zhai Wang, and felt someone hug me and put me on the grass. Then, I I heard grandma's cry, your cry, and many people's cry. Is that the case?" Li Chun still looked at Little Nixiu.

"It's like this." Little Niqiu held Li Chun's hand.

"I heard your cries, I wanted to move, I wanted to talk to you. But I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. I thought, I'm dead. I wonder how I can hear you when I'm dead Sound? My consciousness is still there, and I haven't completely died yet. But, I didn't want to live at the time." Li Chun shook Little Niqian's hand.

Little Loach nodded: "This consciousness, this situation, may only be known to those who have come back from the dead."

"I didn't come back from the dead. I really didn't die, I was just stuck in a ball of air. People are really dead, without consciousness, and it is impossible to come back to life."

Little Loach nodded again.

"I think, Dad, Mom, you cry! Who made you greedy for wealth! I'm dead, let's see how you try to be rich? Later, my dad took me home, but I didn't enter the house, they took me Putting it on the ground, grandma cried very sadly. At this time, I felt sorry for grandma, I wanted to talk and move, but I couldn’t speak or move. Did what I said happen before?” Li Chun He picked the little loach again with his hand.

"That's right." Little Loach nodded and replied.

"Later, I was carried by someone, and I felt it. I thought, I was buried in the ground. In fact, darkness shrouded me all the time, and it was dark in front of me. After I was buried, I thought about my mother's death. Crying, thinking of you, I don’t want to die anymore. I said in my heart, little loach, I’m not dead, I’m still alive, come and save me!” Li Chun picked the little loach again.

"What you thought in your heart turned into a dream. Tell me in a dream, you love me, and you are reluctant to leave me, don't you?" Little Niqiu wanted to cry, and he tried his best to control it.

"Yes! You had telepathy, thought of me, and dreamed. You love me deeply, so you don't doubt this dream. You are convinced that I am alive, so you ran to the mountain to save me, didn't you? ?” Li Chun paused and smiled.

"That's right! I woke up from my dream, believed that you were alive, and ran to hug you out." Little Loach said.

"You hug me and talk to me, I really want to move, to let you know that I am indeed alive, I want to be with you, love you in this life, we love this life first, and continue to love in the future." Li Chun's Eyes blinked, and tears fell.

(End of this chapter)

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