wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 38 0043: What else are you pretending?

Chapter 38 0043: What else are you pretending?

After everyone made a round of toasting, Secretary Yuan and Mayor Ou pushed that the amount of alcohol was not enough and they could not drink any more.Xiao Zhang said: "I'm drunk too, I'll have dinner with the two leaders!"

King Zhai smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I also know how much the three of you drink. You and the driver have dinner, and we will continue to deepen our relationship with Director Pan and Director Li!"

Narcissus knew that the Zhaiwang had begun to focus on the attack, raised his wine glass and said, "Three Armies, you accompany Director Li, and I accompany Director Pan. Thank you leaders for caring about us."

Director Pan hurriedly took Narcissus's hand: "Slow down! You should accompany the king of the village to drink first. The king of the village is the king of your village, the master of the village!"

Narcissus put the other hand on Director Pan's hand: "Director Pan, it's only natural to accompany the king of the village. I often drink with the king of the village in the village. If you don't believe me, you can ask the king of the village. Today is different. I will drink with you. It's the first time we meet, if I don't accompany you for a few drinks first, you won't recognize me Narcissus in the future, I want to accompany you first, you have to give me face!"

King Zhai looked at Narcissus persuading him to drink, and nodded with a smile.

"How could I not recognize Sister Narcissus? Sister Narcissus is watery and lingering, making people unforgettable at first sight! Okay, if you say so, I will drink it! King of the village, the beauties in your village are drinking with me. Tell me, should I drink?" ?”

The king of Zhai laughed loudly: "You must drink! As the saying goes, you can't get drunk if you accompany a beautiful woman with wine. Drink! Drink to your heart's content! Sanjun, you accompany Director Li, and I will take a break for a while."

"Okay! Director Li, come, I'll accompany you." Sanjun poured a glass of wine into his mouth after speaking.

After Narcissus accompanied Director Pan for six cups, Zhai Wang suggested that she exchange partners with the three armies.Narcissus made another sweet talk, which made Director Li drink six glasses of wine.

After drinking the six glasses of wine accompanied by Narcissus, Director Li shook his hand and said: "Zhai Wang, in your village, the men are bold and the women are heroic. I can't drink any more. I surrender!" Director Li raised his hands as he said.Everyone laughed.

"Okay! Director Li has surrendered, you can eat. Director Pan, I know that you have always been a hero who fought bravely and singled out the crowd. Come, I will accompany you for six cups!" Said the king and stood up.

"Zhai Wang, you can't drink like this! You can drink six cups with me, but Narcissus and the three armies have to accompany each other!" Director Pan said and looked at Narcissus.

"Director Pan, if I drink with the three armies, Zhai Wang can't accompany you now, you and Director Li should also drink six cups!" Narcissus laughed after finishing speaking.

"Who said that the women in the cottage are ignorant and don't understand etiquette? It's the first time Narcissus has a drink with your leader, and he knows the wine etiquette very well. Narcissus is right. Director Pan can persuade Director Li to drink six glasses with you, what do you say? You can drink whatever you want!" Zhai Wang laughed again after finishing speaking.

"Director Li has raised his hands, so he won't participate in the battle. Forget it, we can't beat you, the king of the village. We will accompany each other, drink six cups, and eat." Director Pan said.

"Come on, clink your glasses! Let's talk after drinking." Zhai Wang said and drank it down.

After Zhai Wang sat down after drinking, Secretary Yuan came over and whispered a few words in his ear.Zhai Wang smiled and said: "Okay, okay. You and the mayor and Xiao Zhang go back and have something to do first. Director Pan handed it over to me, and I promise not to let him get drunk. Don't worry, we will send Pan The director is home."

"Everyone, drink slowly! Let's take a step first, Director Pan, remember to get things done for the king of the village." Secretary Yuan finally urged.

"It's okay, it's okay. You guys go first, I won't miss you." Director Pan sat still.

"Secretary, mayor, Xiao Zhang, driver, if you can go, we won't send you off," Zhai Wang said.

"Let's go!" Narcissus and the three armies said.

After Secretary Yuan and the others went out, Zhai Wang continued to drink with Director Pan.Director Li lowered his head to eat.Narcissus and Sanjun looked at Zhai Wang with smiles on their faces.

After finishing the six glasses of wine, Director Pan said, "I, I can't drink any more. Next time, next time."

"Director Pan, how about this, I'll accompany you for another six cups." Narcissus said and picked up the wine glass again.

"Don't, don't, don't drink. Zhai, Zhaiwang, you talk, don't let Narcissus accompany me, still, I have to do something..."

"How about this, stop drinking six cups! Narcissus will accompany you for another two cups! You two are good! How is it?" Zhai Wang gave a suggestion.

"Okay. Listen, listen to the king of the village." Director Pan said.

After drinking the two glasses of wine, Director Pan shook his hand and said, "No more wine. Me too, no more food."

"Who wants to eat? I'll scoop it up," Narcissus said.

The king of the village shook his hand, and the three armies also shook their hands.

"Everyone stopped eating, and I didn't eat either, I was drunk." Narcissus said with a smile.

"Let's go, let's accompany Director Pan home." Zhai Wang said and stood up.

After everyone walked out of the hotel, Director Li said: "Get in the car, I will take you to the town government."

"Director Pan, come, I'll help you get into the car." Zhai Wang said and went to help Director Pan.

Director Pan shook his hand: "I, I'm not drunk, so I don't need your help." As he spoke, Director Pan staggered and almost fell down.The king of Zhai has quick eyesight and quick hands, he hastened to hold him with one hand, and pinched his elbow with the other hand: "Are you still trying to be brave? You have fallen down, are you still drunk?"

"Okay, okay, I, I'm drunk. You, your hand is light, it hurts me."

Director Li laughed.

Narcissus also giggled.

The three armies followed behind and got into the car last.

The car stopped in front of the town government.

"You guys go to work, I'll go back to sleep first." Director Li said.

Zhai Wang and the others got out of the car, waved goodbye to Director Li, and walked into the town.

"Go, go, go to my office, I'll go to bed after I'm done," Director Pan said.

"Okay, let's go."

Several people entered the office, and Sanjun gave the application to Director Pan.

Director Pan threw the application form into the drawer, took out a small book and official seal from it, put it on the table, and said, "King Zhai, you, you, you fill it out, cover it, and stamp it. Later, I will Fill out according to his application ... fill out my stub and form, and my business will be done."

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that my Zhai Wang could be the director of the town for a few minutes!" Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"You, you, it's not the first time for you, you are all your own, you, why are you pretending? Write it quickly! I, I want to sleep, go back." Director Pan stammered vaguely.

The king of Zhai was also polite, picked up a pen to write a few strokes and stamped the official seal.

Narcissus and Sanjun were dumbfounded.They thought it was a difficult task, but the king of the village got it done in one go.

After several people walked out of the office, King Zhai asked, "Director Pan, do you want us to take you home?"

"No, no need. I can go home by myself."

"Okay. I'll call Xiao Zhang to get the ring for the Narcissus." Zhai Wang shouted at the top of his voice, "Xiao Zhang! Xiao Zhang! Here we come!"

"Okay! I'll come." Everyone looked towards the place where the voice came from, and Xiao Zhang had already walked over.

"I've been waiting for you and didn't dare to sleep. I'm afraid of falling asleep!" Xiao Zhang said with a smile.

"Your husband must not be here today!" Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"How do you know?" Xiao Zhang asked.

"Of course I know. If you don't sleep here, he won't agree." King Zhai said with a smile.

"You are the king of the village! If you are not careful, you will jump into the hole you dug, and you will make fun of me." Xiao Zhang said and led the way.

"Okay, you two big men are not allowed in. Narcissus, you come in with me." Xiao Zhang said with a smile.

Narcissus happily followed in.

King Zhai and the three armies squatted outside the door waiting for Narcissus.

"I'm also drunk, and you're about the same in the three armies. I'll close my eyes and rest." King Zhai closed his eyes after speaking.

Everyone in the village knows that the king of the village can sleep standing up with his eyes closed, let alone that he is squatting now.

The three armies were in a state of excitement, seeing the King of Zhai sleeping with his eyes closed, he was thinking of his future son, and his eyes were closed with a smile.

Suddenly, a sound of "ah" came out!
Zhai Wang stood up in a jerk: "Narcissus' voice! What's the matter?"

"What's wrong?" The three armies also recovered from their daydreams.

(End of this chapter)

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