wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 4 0005: The awareness of the mountain people has improved

Chapter 4 0005: The awareness of the mountain people has improved
Sanjun finally restrained himself and did not wake Narcissus, allowing her to snore loudly.The three armies just smoked dry cigarettes in a dull manner until dawn.

When Narcissus woke up, he saw only the tail of a pile of trumpet cigarettes, but the bucket at home was gone.Narcissus felt sad when she thought that the three armies didn't sleep well all night, and went to fetch water early, and couldn't help feeling sorry for her husband.

The three armies fill up the water tanks at home every day.Because the water well is far away from home, he took care of such heavy physical work by himself, and he didn't want Narcissus to be troubled.This well in the mountain is the busiest place in the mountain village in the morning and evening.

The mouth of the well is surrounded by two square pools with stones and cement, one for washing vegetables and the other for washing clothes.In the morning and evening, the women in the village went to the well to wash and float their clothes, and talked about their men, which became a concentrated place for the village to exchange emotions.

Narcissus wakes up her daughter Lichun, asks her to wash clothes, and cooks breakfast and pig food at home.

Lichun is the eldest daughter. Although she is only 13 years old, she has developed very well.Li Chun rubbed her eyes and got up, brushed her teeth, washed her face, looked in the mirror, combed her hair, carried the bucket of clothes and went out humming.

Li Chun just went out, but was stopped by Narcissus: "Li Chun, come here, mother has something to say to you."

Li Chun walked up to Narcissus, and asked: "Mother, what can't you tell me when I come back from the laundry?"

Narcissus stared at Lichun's chest and said, "Lichun, you are about to become a big girl, be careful when you wash clothes. You should squat like this." As Narcissus said, she squatted down by herself and performed a demonstration. "Don't squat like this." Narcissus said, retracting her legs in the original movement, and leaning her body forward.

Li Chun saw her mother's breasts from her mother's neckline. (Note: All sensitive words in the future will be replaced with phonetic capital letters to avoid being blocked.)
Narcissus said: "Lichun, let me tell you, most of the men who carry water are married men. Their eyes are very poisonous, and they focus on women's breasts. Many women are disrespectful, and put their white nai The waist is exposed a little, making the man dazzled.

Your girl's breasts are like gold, watch out.do you know? "

When Narcissus said this, Li Chun's face turned red: "Mother, what are you talking about?"

Narcissus stood up and patted Li Chun's head and said, "Mother is telling you serious things. Go ahead, girl, be careful, it's good for you."

Li Chun met San Jun who was carrying water back on the way, she sweetly called "Dad!" San Jun agreed, and said, "Don't be playful, go home after washing your clothes." Li Chun promised to speed up pace.

Lichun walked for a while and found that the stone road was wet again. She thought, everyone is so early!On the road, men carrying water and women washing clothes came and went in twos and threes.When approaching the well, Lichun saw Aunt Zhang squatting on the opposite side. Her neckline was very low. From a distance, Lichun saw her white breasts. When she approached, she also saw her rut.

When Li Chun passed behind Xiao Li's daughter-in-law, through her collar, she saw her breasts propped on her legs, white and dazzling, every time she moved, the breasts trembled.

At this time, Li Chun thought of what her mother said, and blamed herself for being too careless at ordinary times. Without her mother's reminder, she turned a blind eye to the beautiful scenery beside the well in the early morning.No wonder Mother always beat her father and said: "When you carry water, carry water, don't let the mist of water blind your eyes!"

Li Chun found a place to squat down and took out the clothes to wash.While she was doing the laundry, she watched the women doing the laundry and the men carrying water out of the corner of her eye.Men who carry water like to say hello to plump women, and they walk very close.

Li Chun found that those men looked at women's breasts consciously or unconsciously.Some women may like a man's appreciation, and while answering with a smile, they deliberately retract their legs and let their nipples tremble on them.

After washing a bucket of clothes, Lichun felt very tired.Li Chun wondered if Mother was as tired as she was doing laundry.Perhaps, mother told her to pay attention, but she herself was not strict with herself, because mother was a woman who nursed children.

Narcissus once said to Li Chun that it is not unusual for a woman who has nursed a child to have breasts. Whose daughter-in-law does not expose her breasts when breastfeeding her child?
(End of this chapter)

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