wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 44 0050: Don't Say One Sentence

Chapter 44 0050: Don't say a word
Zhai Wang walked out the door, thinking of Lirong's twisting body when she went to get the peanuts, he felt strange: he was so teasing/teasing Narcissus, and always wanted to get her.Why is there no such enthusiasm for Lirong.Lirong picked that one for herself many times, but she always kept it calm.Is it true that my mind is always thinking "friend's wife, don't be bullied."?But, in fact, this is not the case!After much deliberation, King Zhai finally understood: Lirong lacks the charm of Narcissus that makes men's hearts flutter!
The charm of narcissus is indeed captivating.Zhai Wang sighed.Thinking of Narcissus, Zhai Wang's heart is sweet.The birth certificate has been given to her. After she gave birth to her son, she can enjoy her warmth.

When Zhai Wang thought of Narcissus giving birth to a son, he couldn't help but think of Narcissus' breasts.The narcissus that just raised a baby is not only plump, but also has a special milky fragrance.At that time, he could still... Thinking of this, he remembered that when Xue'er had just given birth to his son, he ate Xue'er's food... The more the king of Zhai thought about it, the more he hoped that Narcissus would give birth to a son soon.After all, among the women who have made out with him, only Xueer has given him such an experience.

The king of the village thought so and went from the small road to the main road in the village.Just as he was standing on the main road, a car stopped beside him: "Zhai Wang! Let's go to the town! Get in the car."

Zhai Wang got into the car, and the driver said, "Zhai Wang, you have a good horoscope, good luck, you just arrived on the road!"

"Really!" Zhai Wang replied simply before sitting down.

"Do it here! King of the Walled City."

Zhai Wang looked sideways and sat down: "Haiyan, it's you! Didn't Wang Wen accompany you to the market?"

"He! Humph! I want him to go to the market with me, and the sows are all on the tree."

"I heard that there are sows climbing trees. Wild boars. Sows can climb trees when they are in a hurry." Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"No way! Have you seen it?"

"I didn't see it. I was just joking with you. Did Zheng Wen let you go to town alone?"

"There's nothing to worry about. I'm almost an old woman, do you think I'm still a little girl? Who would fall in love with me?" Haiyan nudged the village king with her elbow: "Will you be tempted?"

"Is it useful for me to be tempted? You say you are old. I am much older than you, and I am not an old man in your eyes?" The voice of the king of the village has not been loud.

"Men are different. Men have 41 flowers. You are not yet 50 years old, it is the time when the flowers bloom. Women are [-] tofu dregs. Although I am still one year old and [-] years old, I am next to the bean curd dregs. It smells like bean curd residue." Haiyan's voice was not loud, and her laughter was also small.

"It's time for water tofu!" Zhai Wang turned his head and looked at Haiyan's chest.Among the women in the village, Haiyan's is one of the most plump.

The car bumped a bit, and Haiyan's one bounced up.Seeing that King Zhai was looking at hers, Haiyan simply raised her hips and then sat down. The two movements were combined, and hers bounced even more violently.King Zhai couldn't help but lift his elbow to her side, touching Haiyan's plump and soft chest.

Haiyan's heart trembled for a moment.But just for a moment.Zhai Wang's elbow shrank to his side again.

Haiyan looked at Zhai Wang, Zhai Wang had already straightened his face and looked ahead.Haiyan thought to herself, this king of the village heard that he had a good relationship with many women in the village, but they were all voluntary.Was his action just now intentional or unintentional?Is he testing me?
Although Zhai Wang's stomach is straight, he is taller and looks very attractive as a middle-aged man.And the matching of facial features on his face with Chinese characters is even more attractive to women. His high nose and big bright eyes are always shining.

Haiyan looked sideways and saw King Zhai's nose was even higher.She also straightened her face, looked ahead, and placed her palm on Zhaiwang's leg intentionally or unintentionally: "Zhaiwang, are you going on a date in town again?"

"Who has so many good friends? I'm going to the town to get a notice." Zhai Wang still looked ahead.

Haiyan couldn't help turning her face to the side again, she saw that Zhai Wang didn't have a strange expression, and she felt a little disappointed in her heart.

Haiyan was a little reconciled and thought to herself: "You have had a good time with so many women, am I worse than them all?"

Haiyan's hand simply moved on Zhaiwang's leg.

Zhai Wang felt a little uncomfortable, and put his hand on Haiyan's hand.Haiyan's hand stopped moving, but her heart beat faster.

"Wang Wen is like a scholar, you should like him very much." Zhai Wang asked for words.

"Fart! Fake elegance! He doesn't read as many books as you, and he doesn't have as much energy as you. He is literary and martial, and he doesn't please women like you." Haiyan glanced sideways at King Zhai, and her hands Under the palm of the Zhaiwang began to move.

"Ready to get off! We're in town." The driver shouted loudly.

After a while, the car stopped.Zhai Wang got out of the car, turned his head and said to Haiyan: "Haiyan, go and do your work, I have to go to work."

"Okay. I have time to sit at home! You seldom go, go have a drink with Wang Wen sometime, and I will cook for you myself." Haiyan gave him a sweet smile after speaking.

"Okay. Goodbye." Zhai Wang said and left by himself.

There are three gambling places in town.Although Zhai Wang doesn't gamble, he is very familiar with these places.He also basically knows some people who gamble.

King Zhai walked for a while, stopped and thought about it, and walked towards a place where the scene started earlier.He knew that in one of the three places, it would be difficult to get started in the morning.

Zhai Wang walked into the home of the person who set up the scene, and saw several people around the table, and the person who dealt the cards was Dongmao.Dongmao saw the Zhaiwang.He smiled and said, "Zhai Wang, why are you here?"

Zhai Wang didn't answer his question directly, walked over and pulled Dongmao's sleeve to pull him away from the card table and whispered into his ear: "Are you still in the mood to gamble here? Lirong steals at home, your father does it in the dirt." He had diarrhea, and we met at home. At this moment, he was arguing with Lirong at home, it was embarrassing! Wang Wen called me to ask your father, your father said that the wild man wore a trouser leg, He ran away with the other trouser leg. His eyesight was bad, so he couldn’t see who it was. How should I deal with this matter? Scold your wife, I’m afraid he will commit suicide! Go back quickly!”

Dong Mao hurriedly threw the cards on the table and said, "I'm in a hurry. I'll get back my 5 yuan deposit."

Someone held Dongmao's hand holding the money: "If you don't follow, you won't follow. The cards will be void, and the bottom money can be refunded? Besides, you won all the money today."

"Let go of my hand. If you don't take it, don't take it! I'm in a hurry. I lost a few hundred last time, and today I only won a few dozen. Is it considered a win?" Dongmao said, holding out his hand, and said, " Let's go, King Zhai, let's go back."

Zhai Wang followed Dongmao without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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