wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 442 0513: Uneven air out

Chapter 442 0513: Uneven air out

Seeing that Qin Wei was angry, Gao Chengbin had no choice but to learn to dance from her honestly.Qin Wan here was smiling all the time at first, but suddenly lost his temper, which made Wang Zhihao confused, and he didn't dare to talk about feelings any more.

After Qin Wei danced once, she asked Gao Chengbin to dance for herself.He hadn't learned this dance before, and he didn't calm down just now, how could he be in the mood to watch Qin Wei dance? He didn't write down the essentials of the movements, he didn't dare to start, and said with a bitter face: "I, I, I didn't learn it. .”

"You can show me any action you make." Qin Wei looked at him.

"I won't." Gao Chengbin felt ashamed himself, he really didn't remember a single action.

"What? You haven't learned a single movement? You're still a technician! You're still teaching people! Workers learn technology like this, what do you think? Do you call people stupid in your heart! I think you are a big fool!" Qin Wei said sharply.

"I, I just..."

"What happened to you just now? You only looked at my figure, didn't you? Just follow me and learn from each other!" Qin Wei glared at him.

"Yeah. I'll learn from you." Gao Chengbin was very honest and obedient. When he was scolded, he held back his anger and continued to learn slowly from Qin Wei.

After Qin Wan danced once, she asked Wang Zhihao to dance for her.Wang Zhihao had already studied with her all night, and he was still able to make do.

After Wang Zhihao finished dancing, Qin Wan said with a smile: "No wonder you want to learn how to dance with my sister. I taught you last night. I'm afraid I'll scold you if you don't dance well! But, let me tell you, my sister doesn't like you. I will scold even more!"

"I'm not afraid of your scolding, I really like your sister and want to be with her..."

"You want to get close to my sister, don't you? Let me tell you, my sister doesn't like you. Her temper is not as good as mine. If you don't believe me, go back and ask Gao Chengbin, my sister still likes him a little bit, you ask him How did you get scolded tonight! Well, you like my sister, but you don’t like me, you can go to my sister to teach you!" Qin Wan stared at Wang Zhihao.

"No, no. Your sister asked me to learn from you. If she knows that I can't learn well, she will look down on me even more. You teach me!" Wang Zhihao said.

"Okay! Your ability to accept is too poor, so learn more seriously. Do you understand?" Qin Wan's tone became gentler again.

"Understood, I'll study hard." Wang Zhihao thought to himself, learn to dance well first, let's talk about chasing Qin Wei tomorrow!
Qin Wan began to explain the essentials of the movements, and then taught them one by one.Wang Zhihao had already learned it before, but after studying it twice carefully, he was basically ready.

Qin Wan said with a smile: "Once you master the basics of dancing, you need to practice more. You should dance three times first to get familiar with it! Practice makes perfect!"

Wang Zhihao started to jump up coherently, and jumped three times in succession.Qin Wan just watched with a smile.

After dancing three times, Qin Wan pointed again.He smiled and said, "Wang Zhihao, you said you like my sister and you want to learn from her, which means you don't like me anymore, right?"

"No. I mean, I want to date your sister. Of course I like you, too."

"Oh. You like me too, but my sister doesn't like you. Will you fall in love with me?" Qin Wan said with a smile.

"Well, liking is different from falling in love. Gao Chengbin likes you very much, and he wants to fall in love with you." Wang Zhihao did not forget the gentleman's agreement.

"You say that, is it because I won't accompany you to fall in love? Okay, you dance three times for me! I'm just your teacher, a famous teacher produces a high-level apprentice, my sister also said, strict requirements! Dance!" Qin Wei put on a tiger face again.

Qin Wei also taught Gao Chengbin one by one. She taught him for a while and asked him to dance for herself.Gao Chengbin didn't desert any more, he had memorized his movements, but the movements were not in place.When he was jumping, Qin Wei corrected his movements, returned the hand, and her demeanor became gentler.

Qin Wei taught for a while and said that Gao Chengbin had made great progress.For the last time, Qin Wei whispered, "Cheng Bin, go back and tell Wang Zhihao that I won't be friends with you. Do you know?"

After Qin Wan punished Wang Zhihao three times, she saw that he had mastered the dance and that he was really good at dancing. She said, "That's it for tonight. Go back to the factory. My sister and I are also going home."

As Qin Wan said, she walked towards Qin Wei.Qin Wei finally told Gao Chengbin and asked him to pass on the news. When she saw Qin Wan coming, she smiled and said, "Sister, let's go home!"

Qin Wei said as she took Qin Wan's hand and walked towards the road home. At this time, many people also started to go home.Zhilin spoke on the loudspeaker.She said practice can be over for tonight.Of course, those who are willing to continue dancing can still jump.

Gao Chengbin and Wang Zhihao were left behind by the two sisters Qin Wei. After standing there listening to Zhilin, they had no choice but to go to the factory.The hearts of both of them were in ups and downs, and they didn't speak on the road.

After entering the factory, Wang Zhihao didn't go back to his room. He followed Gao Chengbin into his room, closed the door, and asked eagerly, "Chengbin, how is the situation over there?"

Cheng Bin explained in detail what happened at night.Best, he said: "What exactly does Qin Wei mean? Why didn't she tell you directly? How did Qin Wan treat you?"

"Don't worry. I'll tell you about Qin Wan's situation. Let's analyze it. Only by knowing this and knowing the other can we win." Wang Zhihao also told Gao Chengbin about Qin Wan's attitude.

The two discussed for a while.Wang Zhihao said: "Cheng Bin, don't you think it's strange? Their sisters seem to be just like us, and they have been prepared in advance. Let's do it according to the gentleman's agreement! Don't pretend to be smart first, and let their performance confuse you. In case They are really testing us, if we don't follow the gentleman's agreement, but follow them in exchange, they will definitely think that we are not sincere, and there will be no room for maneuver!"

"Okay! You continue to attack Qin Wei fiercely. On my side, stand still for the time being, what do you think?" Gao Chengbin looked at Wang Zhihao.

"Okay, let's continue the gentleman's agreement, and we will never go back on our word! Jincheng is what makes gold and stone work! I don't believe we can't win the two sisters, no matter how smart they are!" Wang Zhihao was full of confidence.

Qin Wei held Qin Wan's hand, feeling happy in her heart.She preliminarily concluded that Wang Zhihao had genuine affection for her.She made Gao Chengbin embarrassed on purpose with a stern face tonight. She also wanted to test his character and see if he could endure it. She could be regarded as examining him instead of her sister.

The two walked on the road, seeing that there was no one in front and behind, they began to report each other's situation.Speaking of the highlights, the two of them bent down laughing so hard that they couldn't even laugh.

Qin Wei smiled and said, "Sister, the two of them were repaired badly by us tonight, let's see if Wang Zhihao dares to chase me tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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