wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 461 0539: You really shouldn't break her heart

Chapter 461 0539: You really shouldn't break her heart
Xue'er watched Zhilin go out, then fell down on her bed.Xue'er didn't expect that she and Zheng Shuang would come to this point.

Xue'er remembered the scene when she and Zheng Shuang had been together for a long time, remembered that in order to keep her chastity, she poured sulfuric acid on her face, and remembered the love and affection with Zheng Shuang, her tears flowed down involuntarily.

Why are human emotions so fragile?Why?Xueer shouted in her heart.She was completely disappointed, or rather, her heart was broken!

Zhilin ran to Zheng Shuang's house, but the door was not closed.Zhilin guessed that Zheng Shuang hadn't chased him out, he hadn't even been to the door yet!Did something really happen to him?
"The king of the village! The king of the village!" Zhilin shouted and rushed into the house.No one answered her.Zhilin went straight into Xue'er's bedroom, and she saw Zhai Wang still sitting on the ground, looking at him blankly.

"Zhai Wang, are you okay!" Zhilin stretched out her hand to pull him.

"I, my feet..." King Zhai wanted to stand up on the ground, but he sat down again.

"Your leg? What's the matter?" Zhilin wanted to hug Zhai Wang and sit on the stool.

"Don't touch me! Let me sit for a while. Xue'er, she hit me hard! My leg was broken by her kick!" said Zhai Wang.

"How did this happen? What happened to you guys? Okay, how did this happen? You wait, I'll go out for a while..." Zhilin said and walked out.

"Don't call her! Zhilin, Xue'er has changed her mind! I know..."

Zhilin didn't listen to Zhai Wang's words, she went out and ran towards Xue'er's father's house.

"Grandpa, open the door! Something happened! Grandma! Open the door, something happened!" Zhilin knocked on the door.

"What's the matter? Knock on the door so late? Zhilin! It's you, what's the matter?" The old village king opened the door and looked at Zhilin.

"Grandpa, hurry up, you are an expert in treating bruises. Zhai Wang and Xue'er fought! Zhai Wang's leg is broken!" Zhilin said.

"How did this happen? How could the two of them fight?" Xue'er's mother also came over.

"I'll get the medicine!" Zhai Wang Wang said and entered his room.

Xue'er wiped her tears, seeing that Zhilin hadn't come back, she was a little worried.She closed the door and walked towards her home.

When Xue'er returned home, Zhai Wang Wang was setting Zheng Shuang's bones, applying medicine, bandaging, and splinting.Xue'er stood by and watched, without speaking.

Xue'er's mother looked at Xue'er, pulled her sleeves and walked out of the bedroom. She looked at Xue'er and asked, "Xue'er, tell me, what's going on? Why are you so cruel?" ?”

"Grandma! It wasn't me who hit me hard, it was him! He kicked my lower abdomen! I dodged and kicked him by the way, who knows, you didn't dodge! He, let me down so much!" Xue Er Looking at her grandma, her face was clouded.

"What's the matter? What happened to him?"

"Grandma! As you know, I didn't care too much about him messing around outside. However, he even insulted me, saying that I and Deputy Mayor Li...Grandma! He is dirty! He is shameless! He He even poured dirty water on me! I can't stand it!" Xue'er said loudly.

"After a fight, can there be good things to say? He talks about you, and it's fine if you two scold each other. How can you be as cruel as an enemy? Tell me, is he an enemy to you? Aren't you usually tolerant? Why did you become irritable when you came back this time? Did you go around the city and you changed?" Xueer's mother looked into her eyes.

"Grandma! Zheng Shuang doesn't believe me, don't you believe me? I'm your daughter! Isn't it enough for me to destroy my appearance for him?" Xue'er felt even more uncomfortable. Grandma thought so too.

"Xue'er, it's not that I don't believe you! But, you said, Zheng Shuang is your husband! Is there any wife who treats her husband so cruelly?"

"Grandma! As I said, he was going to hit me hard! I just fought back! If I don't dodge quickly, your daughter will suffer internal injuries! Grandma, do you know? He is really dirty Really! I don't want to live with him anymore!" Xueer roared loudly.

With a "slap", Xue'er's mother slapped her bitterly, and shouted, "How dare you!"

Xue'er stared blankly at her grandmother for a full three seconds. Suddenly, she shouted "I dare!" and ran outside!

Xue'er's mother stood there blankly, watching Xue'er's back, tears rolling down her eyes.

"Grandma! Don't blame Xue'er. She's not wrong, it's me, I shouldn't use force with her." Zheng Shuang said towards the outside.

Xue'er's mother walked in, looked at Zheng Shuang, and shed tears: "Zheng Shuang, why did you two go this far? Did you break Xue'er's heart? Or did Xue'er do something sorry for you? "

"Grandma! My grandmother is innocent! We went to the city this time for the development of the village. I am with my grandmother and have never been separated!" Zhilin said.

"Grandma, blame me! I was in a bad mood, lost my temper with Xue'er, and said stupid things. I even used force with her, but she kicked me, but just fought back, and I didn't dodge..." Zheng Shuang lowered his head, sweating Drip from the forehead.

"Okay. Don't care about who is right and wrong! There is no right or wrong between husband and wife. The important thing is to understand and tolerate each other. Your injury will bring you pain, but it is not life-threatening. Maybe, in the future A little disability, but it's not a big deal." King Zhai looked at Zheng Shuang, and he didn't know how to comfort him.

"King Zhai, I didn't say that about you. How could you say that about my mother? You know that he ruined his appearance for you. You said, how could he do something that I'm sorry for you? In fact, many things , My grandma just turned her eyes and closed her eyes, and it passed. You really shouldn't hurt her heart." Zhilin couldn't help talking when she thought of the "good thing" she did when she ran into the king of the village.

"Zhilin, I know I was wrong. You go back! Stay with Xue'er. Dad, Mom, my leg just hurts, it's not a big deal. Go back too." Zhai Wang said in a low voice.

"No! I'll call Xue'er back and let her take care of you. After she comes back, you two should stop bickering, understand?" Xue'er's mother said.

"Grandma, don't embarrass Xue'er. Let her spend the night at Zhilin's place!" Zhai Wang said.

"How can this be? Your leg...I have to call her back."

"What are you doing when you come back? Do you want to quarrel again? You go back first! I am here to accompany Zheng Shuang! Xue'er is angry at this time, and it will be bad if she comes back and doesn't care about things. Let her stay with Zhilin!" the king of the village said. up.

"Grandpa is right. Let grandma stay with me for now! I talked to her heart-to-heart, and the knot in my heart was relieved. When I come back, I will feel better." Zhilin said.

"Okay! Zhilin, talk to Xueer more and persuade her!" Xueer's mother cried again as she spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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