wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 474 0560: Dead still looks like swinging autumn

Chapter 474 0560: Dead still like swinging

Wang Xiaohua left Xueer's house and returned to his own home. He thought that Xueer, who was doing well, suddenly became paralyzed. He felt that life was too boring.

Wang Xiaohua was lying on the bed, with Xueer in his mind. Xueer took him to read the text.

Cher is Wang Xiaohua's idol.However, the idol in his heart suddenly fell down, and he felt that his life was no longer meaningful.Wang Xiaohua didn't want to accept the fact that Xueer was paralyzed. He knew that if he lived and thought about Xueer lying on the bed and couldn't move, he would be in more pain than Xueer, and he would be better off dead.

When Wang Xiaohua thought about dying, he was really going to die.He began to think about how to die, he wanted to commit suicide with a knife, but he was afraid of blood, he thought, it's not good for people to see bloody self.He thought, let's buy pesticides and drink them!However, he thought again, drinking pesticides would make him foamy and feel dirty, how bad it would be!

Wang Xiaohua thought, it would be great if he could commit suicide by lying on the rails!However, I am in this cottage, there is no train passing by, I have to run to a place where a train passes, and when I die, no one in the village will know, and I will become a lonely ghost, this method of death is not acceptable.

Die in the water!When Wang Xiaohua thought of this, he smiled.He laughed that he knew how to swim, that he couldn't die by throwing himself into the water, and wanted to die, but when he felt uncomfortable at the bottom, he would float up.Even if you are holding a rock at the bottom of the water, you will let go when you feel uncomfortable.Besides, I died by drowning, my stomach was full of water, and my slender body turned into a potbellied body. No, this method of death cannot be used.

How to die?How should I die?Jump off a cliff and die!There are many cliffs in the stockade, yes, what a spectacular way to die by jumping off a cliff!

When Wang Xiaohua was thinking this way, he sat up from the bed, and he decided to jump off the cliff!
Wang Xiaohua is a rather particular person, so he started to dress up.He wants to die cleanly, spectacularly, and admirably.Wang Xiaohua first changed into his favorite clothes and pants, ripped them neatly, and then came to the front of the mirror.

Facing the mirror, Wang Xiaohua tore his clothes again. He looked at his hair and found that it was a little messy. He took a comb and began to comb his hair.

However, no matter how Wang Xiaohua combed her hair, there were a few strands of hair in a mess, how could this be?How do you keep your hair from getting messy?Get some hairspray!However, I don't have mousse hair gel.By the way, just give some water!When Wang Xiaohua was thinking this way, he shook the comb in the clear water, and then combed his hair against it.He combed it once, and it looked better, then took the comb to clean water, shook it, and combed it again.

After a few times, the hair was combed and there was no messy hair, Wang Xiaohua smiled with satisfaction.

Wang Xiaohua looked at the dilapidated old house and went out.He walked towards a cliff, he was going to perform his feat, he was going to leave this world of pain.

When Wang Xiaohua came to the cliff, he looked under the cliff and said in his heart, Xueer, goodbye.Xue'er, I don't want to keep thinking about you lying on the bed and can't move, I have to go.I am dead, without thinking, and without pain.

Wang Xiaohua closed his eyes, took a deep breath for a while, and was about to jump off the cliff.Open your eyes and take a last look at the world!

Wang Xiaohua opened his eyes and looked at the mountains in the distance first, then retracted his eyes and looked at the bottom of the cliff.Seeing this, he was afraid.He is not afraid of death, but afraid of half-dead.

Wang Xiaohua thought that he was lying on the bed like Xue'er half dead, unable to move, ignoring life, that would be more painful, and he never dared to jump off the cliff again.

Wang Xiaohua turned around and returned home listlessly.However, when he got home, he still wanted to die, and he didn't care about this world anymore.The idol in his heart has fallen, and he will fall too, but he can't fall like Xueer and still has thinking.

Wang Xiaohua began to think about how to die again.Finally, he thought of hanging himself.That’s right, this is a good way to die, it’s a clean death, a leisurely death, like swinging on a swing, how wonderful!
Wang Xiaohua decided his own way of death, he began to look for the rope.When he found the rope, he hesitated again. He couldn't use the rope to hang himself. He had watched TV, and everyone on TV used white silk!How nice the white silk is, pure and beautiful, by the way, I should use the white silk to hang myself.

When Wang Xiaohua thought of hanging himself with a white silk, he felt a little relieved.But, he didn't have white silk at home, he thought, without white silk, what could he use instead of rope?

Wang Xiaohua finally thought of using a bath towel, he thought, the bath towel is also good, although it is not as smooth as the white silk, but his own bath towel has patterns!He took his own bath towel and looked at it. It was too short, so it was not easy to tie it!what to do?
Wang Xiaohua thought about it, and finally came up with a good solution.He connected two lengths of rope to the two ends of the bath towel respectively, thinking that it would be enough to wrap his neck with a bath towel.

Wang Xiaohua has done all the preparations, and he is finally going to another world.

Wang Xiaohua stood on the stool, passed a piece of rope from the bath towel over a cross bar, then tied the rope so that the bath towel was in the middle, and hung his head in the middle of the bath towel. He smiled.

Wang Xiaohua felt happy and proud of finding such a good way to die. He said in his heart, Xue Er, I will take a step first, and I will wait for you below. In this life, you did not accept my love, it was you owe me.You must pay me back in your next life!

Wang Xiaohua finally kicked down the stool and let go of his hands.His body began to sway like a swing. After a while, Wang Xiaohua lost consciousness, and he really went to the Hades to register.

The news of Wang Xiaohua's suicide reached Xueer's ears.Xue'er couldn't figure it out, why did Wang Xiaohua die?I pretended to be paralyzed because I wanted him to live well and let him stop thinking about it. Why did he die instead?

Xue'er heard that Wang Xiaohua didn't leave a suicide note, why he died became a mystery in Xue'er's heart, and Xue'er didn't believe what the people in the village said.

Everyone in the village said that it was Wang Xiaohua's family who were thinking about him down there and asked him to have a reunion.To put it bluntly, it means that the people in their family are too difficult to be destined to take the road of suicide.

Wang Xiaohua's death had just spread in the village, and when everyone was talking about it, an even more surprising news came out.The news didn't come out, but many people saw the fact immediately, they saw Xue Er came to Wang Xiaohua's house.

Wang Xiaohua died, Xueer recovered from her illness, she was able to get out of bed and walk immediately, isn't this too evil?How could there be such a coincidence?

(End of this chapter)

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