wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 481 0571: What are you doing with a teacup

Chapter 481 0571: What are you doing with a teacup

Xue'er took off her clothes, pulled her hair up with her hands, put it on her head, turned on the faucet, and the water was rushing, and the sound of water came out and reached Li Jun's ears.

Li Jun heard the sound of water in the bathroom and knew that Xueer had already started taking a bath, and his imagination became richer.

Xue'er raised her head upwards, and gently washed her face with her hands.Li Jun thought of Xue'er's posture, and her snow-white body appeared, and the muscles on her chest, the lumpy muscles, of course, contained a lot of fat and blood vessels, pulled by her hand, facing upwards, There are two small grapes outside the group of muscles, which is fascinating.

The picture that appeared in Li Jun's mind was active, and this active picture made his nerves active, and he couldn't help tightening his legs.

The sound of water was still rushing, and Li Jun's thinking was still active.

Cher, where are you washing your hands?Cher, why am I thinking about how you look in the shower?Why did you come in for a while?Do you really want to be close to me?Come on, as long as you take the initiative to sleep on this bed, I won't care so much!
Xue'er, I'm not Liu Xiahui, even Liu Xiahui, I can't stand the temptation of you, an angel.I don't care about those false names.

Li Jun's defense line has begun to collapse.His defense line was washed away by the running water in the bathroom, and he knew that he was really about to collapse.As long as Xue'er comes in, she takes the initiative, she is willing, but she can't hold on.

Xue'er looked down at her breasts and smiled. Her smile was very sweet, and she was very confident. She knew that her breasts were still in shape.She began to scrub slowly.

Xueer is not narcissistic, her figure does make women jealous, her body is indeed a work of art, and it is a mature classical work of art.

The sound of the water is still the same, and Li Jun's thinking is still flowing. With the sound of the water, soft notes flow out, and infinitely beautiful pictures flow out. These pictures are dynamic, and these pictures make Li Jun's blood vessels swell.

The sound of water finally stopped.However, Li Jun's thinking did not stop, and his thinking was still active.

Xueer began to wipe her body gently. After she finished wiping her body, she began to get dressed.After she put on her clothes, she saw that her breasts were protruding out of two semi-conical shapes. She said to herself, outsiders must think that I made such a shape on purpose, but I did not deliberately make such a shape. My breasts are indeed still so thick. type.

Xue'er is a little proud, her smile is still natural and sweet, she knows that her smile lacks the charm of a girl, but it has a tranquility rarely seen by ordinary people.This kind of tranquility is endless aftertaste.She believed in her charms, but, she thought, she must not show them off.

Xue'er came out of the bathroom, and Li Jun heard the door opening very clearly. Li Jun thought, after a while, Xue'er would open the door of her room, and she told herself not to close the door.

Li Jun is waiting, looking forward to.However, he seemed to be a little scared, and he was suffering in fear and expectation like this, which was a very contradictory heart.

Li Jun really heard the door opening again, but it was not the door opening of his own guest room, but the door opening of Xueer's room. Li Jun thought, why didn't Xueer come to my room?What is she doing in her room?By the way, she is going to look in the mirror, she must be trying to make herself more charming.

Li Jun guessed half right.Xue'er went into her room and put the changed clothes on the stool. She usually puts the clothes in the bathroom directly after taking a shower.However, she thought that Li Jun was here, and she thought that when Li Jun went to the bathroom for convenience, he would feel embarrassed when he saw the clothes he had changed, especially underwear and underwear.

Xue'er put away her underwear, looked at herself in front of the mirror, combed her hair, and tore her clothes, which could be regarded as dressing herself up, which was exactly what Li Jun guessed.

Xueer smiled in the mirror and went out.

Li Jun heard Xueer's footsteps coming out again.He began to hear Xueer push the door of her bedroom open, and he didn't close the door, so he thought, Xueer would come out again.When she comes out, she may come to her room. ,

What would Xueer do when she came to her room in the middle of the night, alone and widowed?What else can I do?Thinking of this, Li Jun's heart beat faster again, and he couldn't help clamping his legs again.

Xue'er, you are so tormenting, you make my heart lift up and down for a while, but fortunately I don't have a heart disease, if my heart is bad, I can't wait for you to enter the room!
Xue'er did not enter Li Jun's room. She came to the tea kettle and saw that the indicator light of the electric kettle had automatically turned off. She knew that the tea was ready.She held a big teacup, poured a cup of tea, looked at the tea in the cup, and smiled.

Xue'er walked towards the guest room with her teacup in hand.

Li Jun heard Xueer's footsteps coming towards his room, he thought, Xueer, you are finally here.You have made my heart torment for a long time.

Xue Er pushed the door open, and Li Jun closed his eyes.

Cher, I can't open my eyes and look at you, I can't.If you are really interested in me, only you can take the initiative.I am waiting for you.Li Jun thought in his heart.

"Li Jun, are you asleep?" Xue'er approached, and she saw Li Jun with his eyes closed.

Li Jun heard Xueer calling her, and opened her eyes involuntarily. She looked at Xueer holding the teacup, and asked, "Xueer, what are you doing with the teacup?"

At the same time, his eyes fell on Xueer's chest. Under the light, Xueer's chest was so charming.

Seeing Li Jun's gaze, Xue'er quickly turned sideways, facing the table and said, "Li Jun, I have prepared tea for you. If your mouth is dry, get up and drink tea. I'm going out."

As Xueer said, she turned and walked towards the door. Li Jun looked at her waist and was speechless for a moment.

"Li Jun, take a good rest. If you have the habit of turning on the lights when you sleep, then don't turn them off." Xue'er closed the door and said.

Xue'er thought, it doesn't matter whether you close the door or not.

"Understood." Li Jun saw Xue'er closing the door, and he realized it.

Cher, you made me fantasize!You asked me not to close the door because you wanted to prepare tea for me, Xueer, what does your cup of tea remind me of, do you know?My heart almost jumped out!This damn cup of tea!Let my nerves are a little abnormal!
Li Jun, you are such an asshole!Who is Cher?She is an angel!How do you think of her as that kind of flirtatious woman?Li Jun, Li Jun!Have you forgotten about Xue'er's self-destructive appearance?For her own innocence, she lost her face!Can she take the initiative to throw herself into her arms?
Li Jun kept scolding himself in his heart, he felt a little guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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