wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 55 0062: Our 3rd Army Has Concentration

Chapter 55 0062: Our Three Armies Are Strong

After Zhai Wang went out, the room suddenly became quiet.

The three armies sat there cautiously, not knowing what to say, but they thought in their hearts: The king of Zhai gave us an hour, and we can't come and go, what should I do?
"Sanjun, don't be cautious, you drink water. By the way, Sanjun, how about I tell a little joke?" Xiao Zhang said, leaning the stool towards Sanjun.

"What joke, I want to hear it." Sanjun relaxed a little.

"A regimental commander in the army and his political commissar are very close, just like you and the king of the village. Both of their wives are very beautiful. One night, the two of them were drinking in a small hotel outside, and they praised each other's wives. The head of the regiment finally said, how about it, how about we change tonight?" Xiao Zhang stopped and looked at the three armies.

"Have you changed it?" Sanjun asked.

"The political commissar agreed to change. So the two exchanged keys. The head of the group took the key and opened the door of the political commissar's house, and slept with the political commissar's wife. The political commissar is doing ideological work, and he had an occupational disease. After opening the door, he saw the head's wife also Asleep, he woke up the leader's wife and told her that he would discuss with the leader, and the two of them would switch wives. How could the wife of the leader agree directly, right?" Xiao Zhang asked.

"Yes, what happened later?" Sanjun asked.

"Later? Later, the head of the regiment became the wife of the political commissar and went home. At this time, the political commissar also took care of the work of the head's wife. But it was too late, because the head of the regiment came back. After going out, the political commissar cursed himself as a jerk, If you say you are doing ideological work, you should be straightforward and bold! Hahaha, do you think the political commissar is funny?"

Xiao Zhang bent down with a smile, and touched the three armies.

The hearts of the three armies suddenly lifted, and they were nervous.Seeing Xiao Zhang's body shaking wildly with a smile, the two on his chest also bounced up.His arrogance also came up.

Sanjun hugged Xiao Zhang, put his hands on her and stood up: "The political commissar is really funny, you can't let me learn from the political commissar, can you?"

Xiao Zhang was disturbed by the three armies for a while: "Yes, the three armies, you can't learn from the political commissar, let me go, change places, go to me..." Xiao Zhang has already stammered.

"I'll carry you!" Sanjun stood up and carried Xiao Zhang into the inner room.

Suddenly there were mixed voices in Xiao Zhang's room.The sound was like thousands of troops galloping, and like a storm beating plantains.

After a while, the three armies came out.The blushing Xiao Zhang is still holding his hand!

The three armed forces are like a general who has won a battle, just like changing people.

Walking to the door of the outer room, San Jun turned around and hugged Xiao Zhang and kissed: "I really want to come with you again, you are too kind. But, time is not allowed."

"I also want to come with you again. Remember to come in the future." Xiao Zhang's voice was delicate.

After the two kissed again, Xiao Zhang said, "Go! The King of Zhai must be waiting for you in front of the door. The King of Zhai has a strong sense of time. He has been gone for exactly an hour."

The three armies reluctantly left Xiao Zhang's room.

After the three armies went out, they walked directly towards the gate.King Zhai laughed when he saw the three armies: "Xiao Zhang knows that I have a strong sense of time, so she will urge you to leave. Actually, I have only been here for a few minutes. How is it? Is it fun?"

"Cool! It's so cool! A woman who has seen the world is open!" Sanjun said with a smile.

"You can't let anyone know this secret, understand?" Zhai Wang warned.

"Understood! I'm sure I won't tell anyone." The excitement on the faces of the three soldiers has not faded.

"I'm afraid you'll brag when you're drunk, saying that you've been a female cadre in the town!" Zhai Wang emphasized again.

"King Zhai, don't worry. I'm drunk, and I know that this matter can't be revealed. Zhai Wang, what does Xiao Zhang's husband do? Why doesn't he come to such a good woman?"

"Wife is someone else's good! If he doesn't come, it doesn't mean he didn't do such a thing! Tell you, Sanjun, you fucked the wife of a deputy director today! Sanjun, do you think your life is worth it?" King Zhai asked with a smile.

"It's worth it! It's worth it!" The three armies were beaming with joy.

"You three armies, the woman I don't want is hard to let go so I push it to you. See how happy you are." Zhai Wang thought in his heart, but said: "Three armies! I only think about it after watching you suffer for months. There is a way to connect you! Remember, no matter how difficult it is, you can’t play with Miss, if you get infected, you will die, don’t you understand?”

"I know, I know. King Zhai, if it weren't for your advice, to be honest, if you lend me ten guts, I wouldn't dare to think about the female staff in the town!" Sanjun said excitedly.

"Do you know how good I am to you!" Seeing the excitement of the three armies, the king of Zhai said this sentence casually.

"Of course I know! The fact that you gave us the birth certificate, King Zhai, is enough for me and Narcissus to be grateful to you for the rest of my life. My Sanjun is not a villain who knows how to thank you!" Sanjun patted his chest.

"Okay, okay, that's fine. Let's go and take a ride. That car should have entered the cottage. Let's stop talking about today's matter. From now on, don't say another word. By the way, you will meet Xiao Zhang again in a few days. Don't let her keep looking forward to you!" Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"It's an appointment, it's an appointment, she will let me come in six days." Sanjun said with a smile.

"Okay. Stop!" Zhai Wang said briefly.

"Is the car leaving? Buy a ticket." The voices of the three armies were much louder than before.


That night, the three armies fell asleep thinking about what they had done during the day, and felt very happy.

"Hmph! Haiyan, what is the wife of a village party secretary? You broke free from my arms and ran away. I even fucked the female cadres in the town today! What is your husband, Wang Wen? A small village accountant! What I am doing today is the wife of the deputy director!" Sanjun couldn't help laughing out loud thinking about it.

"Why are you laughing? Have you picked up a gold ingot?" Narcissus touched her.

"I'm happier than picking up gold ingots!" Sanjun said.

"Listen, what are you laughing at? What better thing than finding a gold ingot?" Narcissus stretched his hand across Sanjun's neck and hugged him.

"Thinking that in another 20 days we will be able to make a son!" Sanjun didn't expect that he could lie casually.

"You're living day by day! Is it hard? How about I help you?" Narcissus pushed the three armies with her chest.

"In order to give birth to a lively, lovely, healthy and smart son, I have to endure hardships! I can survive without your help! I, Sanjun, have the strength." After Sanjun said this, he couldn't help laughing at himself in his heart: "Sanjun! How did you change so quickly? Even your mouth has become oily."

"Okay, get over it if you can. Aren't I suffering too?" Narcissus took out her hand after speaking, turned around and fell asleep alone.

The three armies continued to reminisce about the beautiful events of the day.

The good memories made Sanjun fall asleep with a sweet smile.

(End of this chapter)

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