wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 62 0069: Too bullying

Chapter 62 0069: Too bullying

Once Big Gou's "first seven" had passed, Zhai Wang came to Ergou's house with his hands clipped behind his back.Ergou's father saw that the king of the village was coming, and knew that he wanted to talk to Ergou, so he found a reason to go out.

Ergou poured a cup of tea for Zhai Wang and sat opposite Zhai Wang.

"King Zhai, thank you for taking care of my eldest brother. But, I don't understand, why didn't you let my sister-in-law send him up the mountain? I used to have a feud with you, but I don't care about these things, don't you Do you still have a grudge?"

"Ergou, am I that kind of villain? Do you even think that I didn't let your sister-in-law send your brother up the mountain because I let him marry on purpose to retaliate against you?"

Zhai Wang looked at Ergou with a smile on his face.

"What are you for?"

"For your family. To be precise, for you, for your sister-in-law."

"If it's really for us, you should let her send my brother up the mountain, and stop her from remarrying!"

"If she doesn't remarry, your family will be at peace? How old is your sister-in-law? She's not bad-looking, she's a widow at home, and men don't think about her? There's a lot of gossip in front of that door! At that time, if she wants to have a secret relationship with someone Okay, do you care or not?"

"What do I care about her private affairs? She secretly wants to go with whomever she likes, and finally brought my nephew to stay at our house. Whatever, it's better than bringing my nephew to get married!"

"Why does she insist on taking your nephew to marry someone else? Can't she take her nephew to rely on you?" Zhai Wang looked into Ergou's eyes.

"What do you mean? Please explain clearly!" Ergou also looked at the king of the village.

"I mean, your sister-in-law can marry you and you live together."

"You deceive people too much!" Ergou stood up.

"I'm doing it for your family's benefit!" Zhai Wang sat still, his eyes still looking at Ergou.

"Get out! Get out! Otherwise, I'll dig you to death, you bastard!" Ergou looked at Zhai Wang angrily.

"Why are you still so excited? You are not the boy you were more than ten years ago, please calm down!" Zhai Wang still didn't move.

"Are you going to get out? Do you really want me to do it?" Ergou showed a fierce look on his face.

"It's not that we haven't fought before. Although you have served as a soldier, ordinary people are indeed no match for you. But, it's not that you haven't learned my village king's methods!" The village king was still sitting.

"Don't think I'm afraid of you because the king of the village taught you the three-legged cat's kung fu! Are you really going to get out?"

"I won't leave today! What can you do?" Zhai Wang stared wide-eyed.

"You're such a bully!" Ergou picked up a bench and dug it towards the Zhaiwang.

Zhai Wang really complied with the saying in the novel, "It's too late to say it, but it's too soon." He saw that when he stood up, the stool he was sitting on suddenly flew up, and it was already higher than his head. Come, digging on the stool raised by the king of the village with both hands.

With a "pop", Ergou's stool bounced back, and then, Zhai Wang's bench rushed across, Ergou fell to the ground, and Zhai Wang dropped the stool to hold Ergou down.

"Ergou, you also know that if I stabbed you with a stool just now, you would die!" Zhai Wang changed his tactics and grabbed Ergou by his collar: "Get up and sit down and listen to me, I I really miss your family!"

It turned out that although King Zhai didn't stand up, he was already ready to face the battle. When he was sitting, his right hand kept holding an equal angle. He lifted the stool into the air, and immediately followed up with the other hand, blocked Ergou's attack, and then pushed it smoothly, Ergou was defenseless, could he not fall to the ground?

Ergou was subdued by the Zhai Wang in a few seconds, so he could only sit on the stool and vent his anger.

After Zhai Wang pushed Ergou on the stool and sat down, he took the stool back and sat down.

"I told your father about this a long time ago. He agreed to let me do your work. But you are still so stubborn!" Zhai Hua said solemnly.

"You, you told my father? He agreed?"

Zhai Wang nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that my father has already agreed?"

"Tell you, you will be impulsive too! Tell me! Are you willing to let your sister-in-law and nephew marry abroad, or do you and your sister-in-law carry the family together?"

"Me and my sister-in-law? What will people say? What do you think? No. Absolutely not."

Zhai Wang has seen through Ergou's mind.So, he told him again what he said to Ergou's father.

As Ergou listened, his tone became slower and slower.

"It's reasonable and legal for you to marry your sister-in-law. What are you worried about? You don't like your sister-in-law?"

"No, no. Even if I agree, my sister-in-law, if she doesn't agree, how will I face my sister-in-law in the future?" Ergou said with his head down.

"I've considered this for you a long time ago, don't worry. It's fine if you don't mind. I'll do your sister-in-law's job tomorrow. Just pretend you don't know what's going on, okay?"

"Okay! I know, it's hard for me to get girls too. Marry another woman and help others raise their children. It's better to raise my nephew." Ergou raised his head and laughed.

"You can still have a son with your sister-in-law. I will drink the wedding wine for you as a father. If your sister-in-law agrees, you can get married and get a marriage certificate after your brother turns 49."

"Thank you, King Zhai, I'm the one who treats a gentleman with the heart of a villain, I'm sorry." Ergou looked at King Zhai shyly.

"We don't fight and don't know each other! In the future, you won't hate the stool my village king gave you today!"

"No, no!"

"Okay, I'm leaving!"

"Don't! I'll fry some cured fish, let's have a few drinks! You don't think there is no food, do you?" Ergou said with a smile.

"Okay! Have a few drinks! You and your father have agreed on this matter. I promise to get the job done with your sister-in-law. If you can't do it once, you can do it twice. For your family, I will show patience." Said the king of Zhai laughed.

"My father knew about it a long time ago. He must have gone out on purpose! King Zhai, go to the door and ask my father to come in. You can chat. I will cook and stir-fry vegetables." Ergou said and stood up to cook.

When King Zhai came to the door, Ergou's father was about to stick his head out to look inside.He watched Zhai Wang come out with a smile, and asked with a smile, "It's done?"

"It's done."

"Hearing you guys fighting inside, I almost couldn't help running to scold him." Ergou's father said with a smile.

"It's okay. I won't hurt Ergou." Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"The king of the village was very skillful when he was young. At that time, the people in the village were more barbaric than when you entered the village. Four people refused to accept him as the king of the village and surrounded him together. He punched and kicked the four of them. After hitting the ground, they pulled them up one by one. Wow! That was a blink of an eye!"

"Go in and chat, go in and chat." Zhai Wang said while holding Ergou's father's hand.

"I later heard people say that the King of the Walled Village was already wandering around the rivers and lakes when he was 13 years old!"

(End of this chapter)

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