wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 65 0072: The Soles Serve You

Chapter 65 0072: The Soles Serve You
Xiaoqin saw Zhai Wang's eyes on her chest, and said embarrassedly: "What are you looking at? You touched it and rubbed it that night! You must remember!" After finishing speaking, she Turn around and say loudly: "Zhai Wang, let me get you some steamed peanuts first!"

Xiaoqin twisted her body and entered the inner room.

Zhai Wang remembered what Xiaoqin gave him that day.However, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't remember the one where he touched Xiaoqin's chest and grabbed her!This little Qin must be blackmailing me.

Zhai Wang looked at Xiaoqin's twisting body while thinking, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.The women in this village are really lovely in their own way.

Xiao Qin swayed very little, giving people a feeling of willows swaying in the breeze. This kind of feeling, only when you close your eyes and savor it slowly, can you feel her charm.Thinking of this, King Zhai simply closed his eyes.

Although Xiaoqin's breasts are not big, they are as straight as a girl, giving people the intuition that the peak is rising into the clouds, making people want to climb high and never rest.

"King Zhai, I'm eating peanuts." A soft voice floated in King Zhai's ears.

"You wild woman, you scared me to death. You came here so lightly." King Zhai opened his eyes and looked at Xiaoqin who was standing beside him.

"I saw you dreaming with your eyes closed, and couldn't bear to disturb you, so you took your steps lightly." Xiaoqin stared into Zhaiwang's eyes and smiled lightly.

"Then don't wake me up!"

"Let you eat peanuts! No matter how beautiful a dream is, it is still a dream. How about satisfying your gluttony in reality! Eat it!" Seeing the king of the village staring at her chest again, Xiaoqin added with a smile: "Looking so greedily, Do you want to eat the two peanuts on my body?"

Zhai Wang didn't know how to answer, but Xiaoqin walked towards the door like a willow in the breeze: "You two men are so slow in your hands and feet, four white mice, don't you two have one hand and one hand? You have been doing it for a long time."

"Do you know that it is difficult to deal with a white mouse with two ears and four legs, and one hand. Why don't you come and help?" Wang Zai said with a smile.

"You can deal with a woman with two hands, two feet, two mouths, but you can't deal with this white mouse?" Xiaoqin laughed.

The king of the village shook his head and said loudly to the door: "These wild women in the village are full of game!"

"I've eaten too much wild game, can I not be wild?" Xiaoqin said and came to the side of the cow cub, "This white mouse has lost its hair, it is really white! King Zhai, come and see, is it thicker than the girl's body?" White!"

"You wild woman, are you so wild that you don't have a casserole? Go and wash the rice and cook, it will be ready soon!" Niu Zai said.

"Hmph! You say I'm wild, but you are serious. Who knows how long you have been secretly waiting for a woman to pee in the mountains in order to peek at her white one!" Xiaoqin entered the room with a smile.

All three men couldn't help laughing.

Xiaoqin washed the rice and put it on the coal stove, and then sat opposite the king of the village: "Do you like the wildness of the women in the village?"

"What do you say!"

"Look forward to it in your heart! Why are you taking advantage of it? Isn't it?"

"Did you really fuck you that night?" Zhai Wang stared at Xiaoqin's chest again.

Xiaoqin also looked down at her breasts, then raised her head, puffed out her chest on purpose: "It's so small, it doesn't have much oil, so you didn't wipe it."

"Drunk, I just want to vomit wine, but I didn't expect to take advantage of it. Otherwise, it will definitely make you hurt." Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"It's so small, it slips away as soon as you grab it, you can't pinch it even if you want, it won't hurt." Xiaoqin also laughed.

"It's really off-road. Cowboys never pinch you?"

"He is not willing to pinch it, he just eats it as a cone. Do you want to eat it? If you want to, I will find a chance for you to taste it?" Xiaoqin stood up again.

Zhai Wang felt a sharp arrow piercing his eyes, so he quickly looked away.

"Hehe, you are good at talking, and you will be afraid when I move." Xiaoqin's voice was always soft and soft.

"Wild woman, come get the white mouse and put it on the cutting board." The cow cub shouted outside.

"Here we come." Xiaoqin replied, twisting that and going out.

The king of the village smiled and shook his head again, and said to himself: "These wild women!"

The dishes were ready, and a few people were drinking and talking and laughing.

After a few rounds, Zhai Wang thought about being drunk that night, and said, "I can't drink anymore. We can't let the wild women watch jokes anymore."

Niu Zai and Wang Zai were still trying to persuade him, but the Zhai Wang refused to drink no matter how much they tried to persuade him.

After dinner, King Zhai drank tea and went home.

Zhai Wang watched TV with Xue Er again, and did not leave the house again in the afternoon and evening.

After breakfast the next day, Zhai Wang came to Cuihua's house again with his hands clasped behind his back.

"Why are you running here again? Are you afraid that I will drive you away again?"

"I'm afraid. But, as the saying goes, you can be beaten and scolded, and you won't come if I'm wronged. You Cuihua has never treated me badly, so why don't I come?" Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"Your mouth is slippery because you eat too much oil and water." Cuihua also smiled.

Cuihua turned around and went to get steamed peanuts, and poured tea for Zhai Wang: "I'm sorry yesterday, I was in a bad mood."

"I won't be angry with you, I can understand your mood." Cuihua sat down opposite Zhaiwang.

"I didn't tell you about your remarriage yesterday, how did you know I wanted to tell you about it?" Zhai Wang looked at Cuihua.

"You really want to say this? If you really say it, I will drive you away!" Cuihua stood up.

"Can you hear me say a few words?"

"What are you listening to? It's just that this kind of woman's life is hard! There's a lot of gossip about this kind of woman! I'm too lazy to listen! No matter how difficult it is, I can still endure it! No matter how many gossip, I won't ask you, the king of the village, to solve it! You Go!" Cuihua pointed to the door.

"Why are you so excited? No one is forcing you to remarry! Just think about it!" Zhai Wang looked at Cuihua.

"Are you going? Don't you go? I'll take off your shoes and beat you, which will bring you bad luck for the rest of your life! Do you believe it or not?" Cuihua said and bent down.

"Don't, don't! I'm leaving. Cuihua, why don't I go?" Zhai Wang stood up.

Cuihua also straightened her waist.

The king of Zhai said as he walked: "Cuihua, I advise you to think about it. Just get married, live with Ergou, and take care of this family..."

"Good widow! My old lady's shoe soles are waiting for you!" He said and bent down again.

"Think about it!" Zhai Wang said and ran out.

Zhai Wang went out, turned around for a while, and went to Ergou's house.

Ergou lived with his father in the old wooden house left by his father's father.Big Gou's wooden house was left by Ergou's father.Big Gou, Ergou's generation hasn't built a house yet.Big Gou fired cannons to fetch rocks, just to build a new house.Who knows, this happened.

Zhai Wang arrived at Ergou's house, and Ergou and his father were there.The king of Zhai told them that he had made clear with Cuihua, but he was also driven out by Cuihua.

Ergou's father was silent when he heard this.Ergou said: "This matter is settled, what should we do?"

"It's okay, it's okay. This is what I expected. Don't worry, I will be able to handle her work. However, you two still have to pretend that you don't know anything."

"En." Ergou replied.

"Ergou, you can visit your sister-in-law this afternoon and comfort her. It will be the same tomorrow. But, you must pretend that you don't know anything, and you will never talk about remarriage, okay?"


"Okay, that's it. I'll go to persuade her the day after tomorrow. Don't go there the day after tomorrow, lest you meet me there and mess things up. Do you know?"


"Okay, I'm going home." Zhai Wang said and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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