wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 94 0105: Who do you hear that I am a good person

Chapter 94 0105: Who do you hear that I am a good person

King Zhai patted Xue'er, reminding her that it's time to cook.

Xue'er stood up and was about to wash the rice, when a voice came from outside: "Is the King of Zhai at home?"

"Qin Jun, it's you, come in and sit down, you're at home!" Xue'er greeted with a smile.Zhai Wang also stood up: "Qin Jun, come and sit down."

"King Zhai, I just brought back three white mice from Monkey Rock, let's go to my house for a few drinks." Qin Jun said with a smile.

"Sit down and I'll pour you a cup of tea."

"No need. Zhai Wang, let's go together!" Qin Jun pulled Zhai Wang's clothes.

"Okay, let's go! If you don't come, I plan to go to your house today." King Zhai said as he walked.

"Oh. What's the matter?" Qin Jun looked at Zhai Wang.

"It's like this. This year I went to the town to fight for more fertilizers. I want to tell you that you don't need to buy fertilizers this year. As a poor household in the village, the village provides them for free."

"King Zhai, thank you so much. If it weren't for the three idiots, my family wouldn't be..."

"I know this. For him, you spent a lot of money. Treating him when he was a child not only cost money, but also delayed farming. The family was empty."

"That's right! That's why her two older sisters married early. It's better to say they're selling than marrying! For the gift money of several thousand yuan, repay the debt, alas!" Qin Jun said with a sigh.

"Don't worry, it will get better slowly. Don't you owe anyone money?"

"No more debts. Thanks to you, the king of Zhai, Zhushan was banned, the road was repaired, and electricity was connected. I can also buy some bamboo processing tools and drag them to the town to buy them. Otherwise, I think I will live in debt for the rest of my life. Already." Qin Jun thanked Zhai Wang from the bottom of his heart.

"This is not due to me alone. The people in the village are united, it is everyone's contribution, and it is also the progress of society." The king of the village said with a smile.

"How do you say, you are the leader of getting rich in this village! King of the village, I didn't praise you in person, but everyone in the village also praised you behind their backs?"

"Hahaha, there must be people who praise me behind my back. However, I know that there are also people who call me behind my back, the king of Zha Mao Zhai, right?"

"This has indeed happened. To be honest, sometimes people call you that because they don't have a problem with you. Sometimes when I talk to people about the excitement, I will say, don't tell me, the king of the miscellaneous hair is really good." Come on! Zhai Wang, you won't be angry, right?" Qin Jun looked at Zhai Wang.

"Why are you angry? It's a fact that I have white hair on my head. Whether it's Zhaiwang, Zamaozhaiwang or Baimaozhaiwang, aren't they all a code name? As long as everyone thinks that I have done some good things for the village, I will I'm happy. Hahaha!" Zhai Wang said and laughed.

"This is for sure. No one can deny your credit. Qing Su! The king of the village is here! Has the three idiots come back?" Qin Jun asked Qing Su who was squatting in front of the door to make a white mouse.

"The king of the village is here! Come here! I'm afraid you won't come to our poor family! Three idiots will come back naturally when they eat. You pour tea for the king of the village first. My hands are greasy."

"Why did Qing Su say that! When did my Zhai Wang dislike the poor and love the rich? If you invite me, as long as you see me, I will reject you first. Last time, Dong Mao told me Going to have lunch, I will come to your house too?" Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"King Zhai, I know, just kidding! You are considerate of us." Qing Su said with a smile.

"I know, it's not easy for you. Don't worry if I don't come. You won't come when the food is ready. You will still think about it, and you will still think about buying me a few drinks in the future, which will cause you trouble."

"Say you are considerate. What you said is the truth. If you don't come, we are really thinking about it." Qin Jun said.

"That's right. Li Liying in the stockade treats dinner the same way. I really can't push myself away, and I will go for a few drinks. Once at noon, I went to her house for a few drinks before going to Sanjun's house. Sanjun is here. Father-in-law, you told me about the meal early, and I can't refuse. Hahaha, the people in this village are so warm to me, I can't help but appreciate it!"

"It's because you did good things for the people in the village that everyone remembers you! Like Director Li, who in our village doesn't miss her? Isn't it?" Qing Su said while doing things.

"That's right. The people in the village are honest and honest. Otherwise, why would I stay in the village?" The king of the village laughed.

"Qin Jun, go catch the chicken and kill it! You, you have to order everything!" Qing Su called Qin Jun with a smirk when he saw him standing there.

"Are there any other guests?" Zhai Wang asked.

"No! I wanted to invite you over for a drink because I caught a white mouse. Okay, I'll catch a chicken." Qin Jun said with a smile.

"Qin Jun, if you treat me as your own, don't kill the chicken! How much can four people eat? Get another green vegetable, it's fine!" Said the king of Zhai.

"Two dishes, how dare you? Qin Jun, go catch the chicken, hurry up!" Qing Su shouted at Qin Jun.

"If you are so polite to me, I'll leave!" The Zhai Wang really turned his head when he said that.

Qin Jun was anxious when he saw it, "This, this..."

"Okay, okay, listen to the king of the village, and get two dishes at will. Qin Jun, the bacon is washed, you go and cook the bacon!" Qing Su gave another order.

"Look, there is bacon, and he said he wanted to kill the chicken! I told Qin Jun on the way, if you don't invite me to lunch, I will come to your house in the afternoon."

"Oh! What's the matter?"

"The king of the village took care of us and told us not to buy fertilizer. The village bought some and provided it to us for free!" Qin Jun said happily.

"Let me just say, the king of the village is thinking about the people in the whole village. Anyone who is poor wants to help." Qing Su stood up and thumped his back: "Okay, the three white mice finally got rid of it." It's clean."

"Haha, your waist is sore and your back hurts! Let Qin Jun give you a good back at night." Zhai Wang said with a smile.

"Look, Gu Gu talked. I didn't know you were asked to come in to drink tea and eat peanuts. I wash my hands and get peanuts while you watch TV." Qing Su flushed her hands with tap water and entered the room.

Zhai Wang sat down and watched TV for a while, when Sansha came back.When he saw the king of the village, he smiled and said, "The king of the village is a good man. The king of the village is a good man."

Qing Su smiled and said, "Look, even we fools know you are a good person."

"Three idiots, who do you hear that I am a good person?" Zhai Wang asked with a smile.

"Abba, Aunt, and... a lot of people..." Sansha couldn't name anyone, and replaced it with "a lot of people".

The king of Zhai was very pleased when he heard this: "Come on, three fools, eat peanuts!"

Sansha stretched out his hand to grab the peanuts, and ran out the door: "I eat peanuts!"

"Don't run away! It's time for dinner!" Qin Jun said.

"I know!" Sansha ran to the tree in front of the door, looked back, and put the peanuts in his trouser pocket.

Sansha circled the tree a few times, then ran home, grabbed peanuts and ran out.

"It smells so good! This white mouse needs to be made more spicy!" said Zhai Wang.

"I know. Make sure your mouth is so hot that you can drink and drink." Qin Jun said.

When the dishes were cooked, the four of them sat around the table and each occupied a side.

"King of the village, come, taste the food first, then drink." Qin Jun pointed at the white rat meat with chopsticks.

King Zhai put a little bit into his mouth and chewed it: "Well, it's delicious, fragrant, and spicy! Come, let's eat!"

Sansha looked at Zhai Wang and smiled silly.

Zhai Wang picked up a white mouse and put it in his bowl: "Three idiots, eat, eat more!"

"King of the village, good man." Sansha finished speaking and picked up the white mouse's leg and began to bite it.

(End of this chapter)

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