wild flowers in mountain village

Chapter 97 0111: Let the king of the village treat guests

Chapter 97 0111: Let the king of the village treat guests
Zhai Wang and Director Li arrived at the accident site in a police car.There are still more than a dozen people around here, and a few young people who escaped have also returned.

Director Li got out of the car, and Zhai Wang also got out of the car.

The onlookers began to discuss.

"Everyone, don't discriminate between right and wrong! The cadres of the two committees of your village also saw that it was the people from your village who beat me first, and I pushed him in self-defense!" Zhai Wang said and walked towards the village cadres of the village.

Several village cadres told Zhai Wang that he was still shouting "Oops" at home!Your shot is too heavy!
"You take Director Li and me to see him," Zhai Wang said.

"Take you there?"

"Well! When something goes wrong, it must be resolved. Isn't it?" Said the king of Zhai.

"Let's go!" Several village cadres led the way.

When they came to a one-story house, Zhai Wang saw the young man lying on a chair, pressing his knees and shouting "Oops" with a painful expression on his face.The two people next to him kept scolding him.

They must be his parents.The king of the village thought.

King Zhai walked in and said, "I'm sorry, I hurt you by mistake, and I'll heal you." As he spoke, he bent down and held the young man's leg and moved, only to hear the young man shout "Ah".

Zhai Wang stood up and said, "It's all right, you stand up and walk!"

The young man stood up and walked around, and he was really well.

"The king of Zhai showed some mercy! Otherwise, your leg will be useless! Young people don't know the power of heaven and earth, and they always love to make trouble! Obstructing official duties, and even beat people! Go, go to the police station!" Director Li roared with a tiger's face. road.

"Director Li, don't worry! Young people are ignorant! It's fine to educate them. I don't think we should let him go to your place," said Zhai Wang.

"You said you won't go if you don't let him go? What if he makes trouble in the future and hinders the progress of the project?" Director Li stared at the young man.

"You told Director Li that it was impulsive, and you won't do it in the future." Zhai Wang said to the young man with a smile.

The young man looked at Zhai Wang and Director Li, lowered his head and said, "I, I won't make trouble anymore!"

"Is it really not causing trouble?" Director Li asked forcefully.

"Yes." The young man replied.

"Director Li, give young people a chance to correct themselves!" said the village cadre of Lanjia Village.

"Yes, Director Li, give young people a chance!" Zhai Wang also said.

"Okay! Since the village committees of the two villages have guaranteed you, I will give you a chance. Don't you thank them?" Director Li said.

"Thank you, thank you." The young man said "thank you" twice, and then specifically said to the king of Zhai: "Thank you, Mr. Zhai Wang, for not remembering the mistakes of villains."

The Zhai Wang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Haha! I know I am the Zhai Wang. If you don't fight, you don't know each other! Brother, let's go! Go drink with Director Li and your village cadres, I treat you!"

"I, I..." The young man didn't know what to say.

"Let's go, let the king of the village treat you." Director Li said with a smile.


The shotgun fired twice, and everyone in the village was startled.Everyone asked each other what happened.

Seeing that King Zhai was fine, Sanjun took the initiative to go to the police station, he ran home and told Narcissus to report the situation to Xueer.Xue'er stuffed her son to the three armies, and trotted to Xue'er's house.

Xue'er heard two shots from the shotgun, and was just guessing what happened!Seeing Narcissus running, he let her into the room and asked her what's wrong.

Narcissus simply stated how things turned out.

Xue'er heard that the young people chasing Zhai Wang ran away, and Zhai Wang went to the police station with Director Li, and she was relieved.

Xue'er said, "It's okay, don't worry."

"Is it all right? After such a big incident, will it be all right?" Narcissus's heart was still raised.

"It should be all right. Don't worry? Let's go, I'll join in the fun and inquire about the situation. Maybe some men with mobile phones will be called later to tell them the news!" Xue'er said with a smile.

Narcissus felt very strange: all her men were chased away, and now she is still in the police station, but she still has a sweet smile.

Xue'er asked Narcissus: "The news at the fork in the road? Or the gate of the sacrificial hall?"

"It should be a fork in the road. A few people with shotguns are still at the fork in the road. I'm afraid that people from other villages will make trouble!"

"Go! Go to the fork in the road." Cher said.

Narcissus and Xueer were talking as they walked towards the fork in the road. Halfway there, they saw some people with shotguns and some people with poles walking back.

"Let's stand here and wait. It may be that Zheng Shuang called, and they came back when they knew they were fine." Xueer said with a smile.

"Xue'er! The king of the village is fine! The king of the village called and said that the matter has been settled. He is drinking in the hotel with director Li, the village committee over there, and the young people who took the lead in making trouble!" Dong Mao shouted loudly.

"Xue'er, you are amazing! You are really fine." Narcissus said with a smile.

Everyone came over and started talking about it.

"Guess what, the scene at that time must have been thrilling! So many young people were chasing Zhai Wang alone, which means that he started to tamper with! Zhai Wang must have hit someone, and then ran very fast, calling us while running! "Dongmao's mouth began to play a role.

"I think it should be like this. Although King Zhai is very skilled, he can't beat four hands with two fists. If he hits someone, he will definitely run away." Wang Zai echoed.

"These guesses are not important. I'm thinking, why did King Zhai settle the matter so quickly? The one who led the disturbance even drank with him? Tell me, why is that?" Wang Wen asked his own question.

"What's so strange? People from the police station have come out, aren't young people afraid?" Dongmao said.

"You also know that their village is a big one, so a few people from the police station can scare them off? Besides, the Zhai Wang ran away, and so many young people chased after him. The conflict must have intensified at the beginning. Even mediation, it's not so fast?" Wang Wen said.

"This... Really, it seems that only the king of the village will know what's going on when he comes back." Dongmao said.

Xueer smiled and listened to everyone talking while walking.

Seeing that Xueer was silent, Dongmao asked, "Xueer, tell me what's going on?"

"How do I know! I didn't go out the gate, I didn't step through the second gate, ask me?" Xueer said with a smile.

"We want you to guess how this matter was resolved? No one saw it! It's a guess." Dongmao said.

"I can't guess." Cher said.

"Xue'er, I think you don't need to worry when you heard that King Zhai went to the police station. You know what's going on in your heart, let's take a guess," Narcissus said.

"You all want me to guess. I guess the purpose of Zheng Shuang's initiative to go to the police station is to let Director Li and the others solve the problem in time. You also said that when Zhai Wang shouted, he said that the people who beat them were legitimate self-defense. .I reckon that Zhai Wang didn’t hit people hard. He told Director Li about the situation and went with Director Li. Then, after singing and making peace, the matter was resolved, and he shook hands with the troublesome youth. I guessed randomly.” Cher said with a smile.

Everyone thought about Xueer's words, and no one spoke for a while.

Wang Wen slapped his head and said: "It makes sense! It should be like this! The Zhai Wang went with Director Li, and Director Li must have an official tone, and the Zhai Wang became a good old man from it. No, the troublemakers thank Zhai Wang for their help. He talked, didn't shake hands and made peace, and drank together?"


"The king of the village is really brave and resourceful!"

"The king of the village is called a slap for a candy!"

Everyone happily praised the king of the village.

Cher smiled and walked alone.

(End of this chapter)

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