folk detective

Chapter 154 How many boxes of chapters to buy?

Chapter 154 How Many Boxes To Buy?
"Are you Liu Lin's grandson? Oh my god, you're so old."

As soon as Liu Lin was mentioned, the owner of the small shop thought of Liu Lin who often did things for the dead in Lushan Village next door.

People in Wangcun passed away every year, and Liu Lin had been doing things all his life, so he was naturally very famous.The boss sells things every day, and the villagers who come here to buy things, when they talk about the death of an old man in their family, they will get involved in religious affairs.

In Wangcun, if someone dies, a mage must be invited to do a ritual to help them save.Liu Lin is very famous around here, and it's normal to be talked about.

The owner of the small shop knew that Liu Lin had a grandson. He heard that after graduating from school, he stayed in the city to work, but he didn't know the details.

"Boss, after so many years, he must have grown up." Liu Mang laughed dumbfounded.

"Time flies so fast, it really passed in the blink of an eye." The owner of the small shop said with emotion.

Unexpectedly, even Liu Lin's grandson was so old. His eyes fell on the beautiful young woman beside Liu Mang: "Is this your girlfriend? She looks so beautiful. Are you married? Or should I bring her back to meet my parents?"

"I've met my parents. I'm here to buy something from you today."

Liu Mang laughed, and turned to look at Lu Hui: "Go to the refrigerator and get a few bottles of beer, then give me a pack of cigarettes, and buy two ice creams by the way."

He just sat on the stool and ordered Lu Hui like a master.

Lu Hui didn't know what Liu Mang wanted to do, why didn't he just get to the point and ask about condoms, instead of chatting nonsense with the shop owner.

Chatting nonsense, what can you ask?

As soon as Liu Mang wanted to buy something, the owner of the small shop became active, got up from the stool, and hurriedly prepared the things for Lu Hui.After Lu Hui paid the money, he packed it in a cardboard box himself, and helped to move it to the motorcycle and tie it up.

"By the way, boss, after chatting for so long, I still don't know what to call you?" Liu Mang took out another cigarette and lit it for the owner of the small shop, and introduced himself: "My name is Liu Mang, Liu Bang's Liu, Guang Guang The awn of ten thousand zhang. You already know who grandpa is."

"Me!" When Liu Mang wanted to ask his name, the owner of the small shop smiled and said, "My name is Wang Xiang, the peaceful Xiang. The children in the village call me Grandpa Xiang, and the young people call me Uncle Xiang. Everyone calls me King."


This title is indeed a bit ironic.

It would be ridiculous if a neighbor was added in front.

Pharaoh next door.

But it's not right to think about it. Everyone in Wang Village is surnamed Wang, and it seems that everyone is the old Wang next door.

"Uncle Xiang, I heard from my grandfather that there are still many unmarried bachelors in your Wang Village, right?" Liu Mang opened an ice cream, took a bite, and looked at Wang Xiang.

"Many! Too many will kill you."

Talking about bachelors seemed to open up Wang Xiang's topic. He groaned, his tone somewhat contemptuous and mocking: "In our village, there are more bachelors than in your Green Mountain Village. Some young people, who are almost thirty, don't work Forget it, wandering around the village all day long, bullying the elderly and beating children, these bachelors are really hateful."

There are many bachelors in Wangcun, and some of them have good conditions. They go to Guangdong to work in factories all year round, and they have no time or opportunity to meet girls.

And some bachelors are completely village ruffians, very difficult to deal with.These people don't go to work, relying on their strong physique and viciousness every day, they specifically bully some women who stay at home to take care of their parents and children.

Wang Xiang has long been disgusted with these bachelor village ruffians, but he has limited energy alone, so he can't care so much at all.

To be honest, Liu Mang also hates this kind of person.

He obviously has hands and feet and can work, but he insists on staying in his hometown, being a village ruffian who bullies people everywhere, and even bullies the old, weak, sick and disabled.

"Don't their parents and grandpa care?" Liu Mang asked with a frown.

"Take care? How do you manage? They are in their twenties, and they are stronger than their parents. The grandfather is already old. Can he beat a youngster in his early 20s?"

Wang Xiang smiled wryly and was speechless: "Recently, some young people who went out to work came back. They stayed at home and had nothing to do every day. They either went to the town to play in Internet cafes, or just wandered around. Parents are not around, and grandpa can't care. You say How to deal with this situation?"

"It's true."

Liu Mang shook his head. The village is not like the city. Once someone bullies you, just yell or call the police, and the police will deal with it.In the village, no one can hear you yelling. Even if you call the police and wait for the police to arrive, no one knows where they are going.

Moreover, this kind of thing can't arrest people and put them in jail. If they are arrested and educated and released again, what's the use if they don't correct themselves many times?
In the end, the old, weak, sick and disabled in the village continued to be bullied and harmed by the village ruffians.

"By the way, Uncle Xiang, do you sell condoms here?"

Liu Mang stood up, walked a little closer to Wang Xiang, and asked in a low voice, "I want to buy a few boxes to use back."

How many boxes should I buy and use back?
Hearing what Liu Mang said, Wang Xiang looked past him and landed on Lu Hui who was behind him: "Young man, if you are getting married soon, what do you need this thing for? Just have a baby quickly, and your parents will see you anyway." pass."

Liu Mang came to his place by car to buy some beer, which meant that Liu Mang had gone back home and brought his girlfriend back home to meet his parents.

What do you need a condom to meet your parents?
The thinking of rural people, in this era of bachelors everywhere, it is best to get married early and have children.

Even better if you can get pregnant before marriage, so it's better not to use condoms.

"Uncle Xiang, don't many people buy your condoms?" Liu Mang looked shamelessly at the condoms placed on the counter through a layer of glass: "It's hard to sell these things in the village, right?"

"It's hard, except for you, only three people have bought this thing this month."

Wang Xiang curled his lips, and said speechlessly: "People in the village originally wanted to have more children. It is best to have sons. If it is a daughter, they should continue to have children. Everyone else wants children. Whoever is young like you now, who will If you have nothing to do, you still need to use contraception. If you are full, why do you have nothing to do? If you can’t have children, getting married is just a joke.”

The old people in the village don't need this thing at all.

Young people, those who have girlfriends are about to get married, and whoever knows how to use this thing is eager to cook the raw rice and cook it.

As for young people without girlfriends, what is the purpose of buying this thing?Playing water polo?

Therefore, this thing is harder to sell than some high-end wines, because there are really few people who need it.

"three people?"

Liu Mang's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he asked with a smile, "Uncle Xiang, there are only three people? Are you lying to me? Don't some married adults in your Wang Village know how to use this thing? Will they always be born?" Go on? Give birth to five or six? What age is it now? It is normal to have two or three births, and it is very rare to have more than three."

"I told you, only three."

Wang Xiang didn't know what Liu Mang wanted to do, so he took out two boxes and gave them to him: "One was bought by a high school student. I bought a box a few days ago when I went home and took the bus to the town. One of them is The young man in the village, that guy seems to be in love, he brought his girlfriend back not long ago, and he is still living at home now. The last one..."

Speaking of the last one, he frowned, as if he didn't remember who the other party was...

 It's updated, please recommend


(End of this chapter)

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