folk detective

Chapter 156 To find a woman who lost her footing, do you have to bring your own TT?

Chapter 156 To find a woman who lost her footing, do you have to bring your own TT?

Colleague or classmate?

Liu Mang couldn't help laughing, and didn't answer Wang Jian's question directly: "Master, did Qinqin bring his girlfriend back?"


Parents in the village are most concerned about their children's marriage.Wang Jian has long wanted to be a grandfather, but his son Wang Qinfen has been struggling.

Loafing around all day with nothing to do.It made him very angry, but there was nothing he could do. He was crippled and crippled, so he couldn't do anything to his strong son Wang Qinfen.

So I can't control him at all.

But worrying about their son's marriage is still something every parent will do. Even if they can't control it, they will still worry about it: "I have a girlfriend, if I have a girlfriend, why not just go to town every day when I have nothing to do?"

"Uncle, you are not lying to me, are you?"

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Liu Mang's mouth: "I heard that he brought his girlfriend home, so he came to play with him from the next village."

"I really don't have a girlfriend!" Wang Jian shook his head and said.

He still doesn't know the relationship between Liu Mang and his son Wang Qinfen, but Liu Mang doesn't seem like a bad person.

Wang Jian, who had a relatively simple mind, just brushed past the question just now, and at the same time, he didn't have much guard against Liu Mang.

Anyway, he's not a bad guy, and he's not here to rob, so what is he afraid of?
Besides, even if he was robbed, he would not be foolish to choose him as his target. He was so poor that he had nothing to steal at home except for an old-fashioned color TV.

"Uncle, what happened to your leg?"

If he is not at home, then first inquire about Wang Qinfen's family background and the situation of his parents.

What's wrong with the leg?It happened to ask about the hurt in Wang Jian's heart, and the question went to the bottom of his heart.Sitting on the stool, he sighed, shook his head and smiled wryly, "Fate! This is all fate."

Liu Mang knew a long time ago that the villagers are superstitious and believe in fate.

Instead, I don't believe in hard work.

No matter how hard you try, you can't change what you think is predestined.

But anyone with a bad fate is often the kind of desolate person.

But anyone with a good life is the kind of person who is very rich and can make a lot of money.

People who say that their fate is not good often attribute their misfortunes, failures, and incompetent life experiences to fate.Such people are often miserable people.

Liu Mang has already studied it thoroughly. People who are not doing well are more trustworthy.People who live well often don't believe in fate.Because they believe that as long as they work hard, they can change their predicament and live a better life.

And people who believe in fate, once they know that their fate is not good, they give up their efforts, or they know that hard work is useless, so they simply don't work hard.

Eat and wait to die for a lifetime.

"Uncle, to be honest, I don't believe in unrealistic superstitions like fate." Liu Mang shook his head.

Believing in one's destiny is similar to one's life being fixed.

Is rich or poor, has long been doomed.What is destined, no matter how hard you try, you still can't change the fact.

"Of course you young people don't believe it." Speaking of his legs and feet, through a layer of cloth, Wang Jian touched them with his hands: "My legs are just bad luck..."

Liu Jian's sad expression made Liu Mang a little speechless.

He sighed, lifted up his trousers with his hands, and a shriveled calf caught Liu Mang's eyes on the spot.

Calf muscles atrophy like backbone!
The calves of adults are generally thicker than the arms.But Wang Jian's calf shrank very badly, as if he was born with muscular dystrophy.

Just like there is only one bone left, it makes people look daunting and desolate.

For a moment, Liu Mang sympathized with Wang Jian.Lu Hui felt that Wang Jian's life was very sad, no wonder he believed in fate.

Suffering from this disease, I am afraid that I do not believe in fate, and there is nothing I can do.

Because it can't be cured.I can only put my prayers on the illusory life.

Humans are like this, when encountering difficulties and having no way to overcome them, they can only trust in fate if nothing is answered.

"Uncle, what's going on with your leg? Why did it become like this?" Liu Mang looked at Wang Jian with a serious expression.

It seems that Wang Jian is a man with a story.

Wang Jian shook his head, not wanting to talk about the sad things that made him sad.

"I still have work to do. If you want to find Qin Fen, you can either come at night or go to the town to find him."

Putting down his trousers to cover his thin calves again, Wang Jian stood up, limped to the well, and picked up the water lever to shake the water continuously.

The shaken water flowed into a large iron pan, which contained a pile of dirty clothes.

As long as his eyes are not blind, he can tell that Wang Jian is shaking water from the well and washing clothes by himself.

Seeing Wang Jian's attitude and his mood at the moment, if he wanted to continue asking, it seemed that he couldn't ask anything.Liu Mang laughed a few times before turning around and driving Lu Hui away.

Not far from Wang Jian's house, Liu Mang parked the car under a big tree on the side of the road to enjoy the shade.

"What do you think?" Liu Mang turned to look at Lu Hui, wanting to hear her opinion.

"There is a great suspicion."

Lu Hui, who had been following Liu Mang all the time, said without hesitation: "Wang Qinfen, the owner of the small shop, said that Wang Qinfen bought a box of condoms, but just now Wang Qinfen's father, Wang Jian, said that Wang Qinfen didn't have a girlfriend. What is he buying this thing for? Could it be that there are women who lost their feet in the town? I don't believe it, if there were, they would have been caught by the police long ago."

The town is so big, not as complicated as the city. Once there is a woman who has lost her footing, the police station in the town will definitely find the clues easily and take it away.

So it doesn't make sense for Wang to work hard to buy condoms.

After all, when looking for a woman who has lost her foot, I have never heard of a person who brings such a thing by himself.

Although Lu Hui doesn't know about women who have lost their feet, and has never had contact with women who have lost their feet, she has watched TV and reasoned with common sense.Some people spend money to find women who have lost their feet, so there is no reason to bring their own condoms.

"You are right, Wang Qinfen is very suspicious."

A condom with liquid remaining was found at the entrance of the village that day, which is enough to show that the person who violated Wang Peirong had certain anti-detection capabilities.

Liu Mang speculated in his mind that Wang Qinfen had just returned from working in Guangdong a month ago and had no girlfriend, so why did he buy condoms?There are no women who have lost their feet in the town, and he bought this thing for no purpose other than doing bad things.

The only explanation is that he violated Wang Peirong with a condom.

Moreover, he had premeditated.Otherwise why buy condoms?Moreover, the condom used to commit the crime was hidden not far from the scene of the violation, instead of leaving it directly at the crime scene.

"Then what should we do now? Go directly to the town to find Wang Qinfen?" Lu Hui frowned, but Wang Qinfen has not been found yet. Once Wang Qinfen returns home, his father Wang Jian will definitely tell him that someone came to visit him today. .

At that time, it might arouse Wang Qinfen's vigilance.

"can not go."

Liu Mang shook his head. Judging from the information on Wang Qinfen's ID card, his ID card was applied for five years ago.In other words, the avatar on the ID card is still different from the current person.

It takes a certain amount of eyesight to recognize it at a glance.

"Then what should we do next?" Lu Hui frowned.

"Easy, ask his neighbors."

Liu Mang's eyes fell on the neighbor who was 30 meters away from Wang Qinfen's house.

 Ask for a wave of recommendations, have a good year!


(End of this chapter)

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