Chapter 16
The three words Yan Mingfang were like a taboo. When Liu Chuang heard this name, his face changed drastically, and his eyes were full of fear when he looked at Liu Mang.

Lin Yu, who was collecting evidence, saw that Liu Chuang's expression was not right, so he also looked at Liu Mang.

Why did Yan Mingfang appear.

Liu Mang was very satisfied with the expression on Liu Chuang's face. In fact, he was just testing at first, wanting to know whether Liu Chuang knew Yan Mingfang, and now it seems that he was right.

Liu Chuang really knew Yan Mingfang, otherwise he would not have heard this name, so he would have been shocked and surprised.

"Now, can you tell me?" Liu Mang took out two cigarettes, lit one for himself, and another for Liu Chuang: "Even if you don't tell me, I can find out the truth, don't question me as a The ability of a young detective."

"What's more, you are now in the hands of the police. If you confess, you can be given a lighter sentence. If you refuse to cooperate, you can be sentenced according to your own sentence..." he said coldly.

Although it was a bit alarmist, it really scared Liu Chuang.

At this time, Lin Yu took out his mobile phone, turned on the video recording function, and faced Liu Chuang, intending to record all Liu Chuang's next words as evidence in court.

"I said, I said!" When Liu Chuang heard the name Yan Mingfang, he knew that it was pointless to keep concealing it.

Because he knew that even if he didn't say anything, as Liu Mang said, the police would be able to investigate this matter thoroughly.

Liu Mang also quietly turned on the recording function to record the truth of the matter.

"Talk about the matter from the beginning to the end." Lin Yu said in a deep voice.

He also wanted to know what Jiang Yuehong's suicide by jumping off the building had to do with Liu Chuang, and whether there was any interest in it.

"I'm a fan of Jiang Yuehong. I've been paying attention to Jiang Yuehong for a long time, until one day I learned that Jiang Yuehong had broken up with her boyfriend. I took advantage of it and lied to her that I was divorced. I spent money and chased after her to buy high-end luxury goods for her. , within a few days she agreed to be with me."

"But I don't know what's going on. My wife found out about this matter. My wife ordered me to sever ties with Jiang Yuehong, otherwise I will divorce. At this time, Jiang Yuehong was not willing to be cheated like this, and also lied to her. She cheated on me, lied to me that she was pregnant with my child, and made a fake checklist. I believed her, so I had no choice but to divorce my wife and split up the family, and gave Jiang Yuehong all the money from the split..."

"But, this damn liar lied to me. The pregnancy was fake. When I found out, I gave her all my money..."

"It's her, it's her who caused me misfortune... woo woo woo..."

Liu Chuang hugged his head and began to cry. He used to be a diamond tycoon, but because of his lust, he found a mistress. His wife and property were scattered, and finally he was caught by the police.

"You lied to Jiang Yuehong, Jiang Yuehong lied to you, ha ha! What a crime!" Liu Mang sighed, "There is a knife on Sezi's head. There is nothing wrong with men liking beautiful women, and I like them too, but you deserve to cheat people for divorce." .”

"Whether it's a man or a woman, cheating people's feelings is more hateful than cheating money." Lin Yu muttered.

"What happened after you broke up with Jiang Yuehong!" Liu Mang asked. To be honest, if Lin Yu, a policeman, hadn't been there, he would have rushed to beat Liu Chuang for deceiving someone's feelings.

Asshole, scum.

"What else could happen? After draining me, I immediately found a rich second generation. The rich second generation disliked Jiang Yuehong's small breasts and asked her to have breast augmentation." Liu Chuang regretted.

He's remorseful now, if he could go back in time and let him re-elect, he would rather not go to the mistress than end up in this miserable end.

His wife left and his son didn't recognize him.

The family business was also divided up, and even now it is in the hands of the police.

"Wait, I have a few questions!"

Liu Mang originally thought that Liu Chuang was the culprit for Jiang Yuehong's breast augmentation, but now a rich second generation appeared, which made him even more confused and confused: "How did you know about Jiang Yuehong's fake pregnancy; Jiang Yuehong found a Rich second generation, how did you know about letting her have breast augmentation; what does this matter have to do with Yan Mingfang, and what is your relationship with Yan Mingfang; behind Jiang Yuehong's breast augmentation, is there any profiteering?"

Lin Yu didn't intervene, because Liu Mang knew better than him about some things. After all, Liu Mang was an undercover agent at the Wanghong Plastic Surgery Hospital and found some clues.

Otherwise, it would be useless if he caught Liu Chuang.

"Zhang Dawei, Jiang Yuehong's first love was leaked." Liu Chuang said grimly.

If Jiang Yuehong hadn't lied to him, how could he have fallen into such a miserable crime.

"One by one!" Liu Mang said in a deep voice, and he was a little surprised to hear that Zhang Dawei told Liu Chuang about Jiang Yuehong's fake pregnancy.

Zhang Dawei didn't tell him about this!
"Jiang Yuehong took my money. I have gone to her many times and asked her to return some of the money to me, not too much, 100 million is enough, but she refused at all. Later, I followed her and found her I went to some plastic surgery institutions to consult about breast augmentation, and it happened that a partner I once knew had double eyelid surgery at an online celebrity plastic surgery hospital..."

It took half an hour for Liu Chuang to tell the whole story.

After Liu Chuang knew that Jiang Yuehong wanted to have breast augmentation, he thought of a conspiracy and wanted to take revenge on her severely.

He first found Shi Yingjun from the Wanghong Plastic Surgery Hospital, and gave him a sum of money to let Shi Yingjun deliberately damage Jiang Yuehong's breasts.

The money was borrowed from him.

Because there are always cases of breast augmentation failures, Jiang Yuehong’s breasts are deliberately damaged. As long as they are well hidden, no clues can be found. , thus creating complications...

If you have money, it can be repaired, and you can earn two sums of money for one business.

So no surprise, Shi Yingjun agreed.

And Yan Mingfang is the proprietress of a beauty salon. She once had her double eyelids cut at an online celebrity plastic surgery hospital, and the results were pretty good. He inadvertently revealed to Yan Mingfang that Jiang Yuehong wanted to get breast augmentation.

The beauty salon originally had business cooperation with the Internet celebrity plastic surgery hospital. The beauty salon introduced customers who went for plastic surgery, and the Internet celebrity plastic surgery hospital would give half of the rebate to the beauty salon.

In other words, no matter how much Jiang Yuehong spent on breast augmentation at the Wanghong plastic surgery hospital, Yan Mingfang would get half of it.

What's more, the customers that Yan Mingfang brought over charged more than half the price.

With such benefits, when she learned that Jiang Yuehong was going to have breast augmentation, Yan Mingfang naturally racked her brains and tried her best to get Jiang Yuehong to the Wanghong plastic surgery hospital.

Therefore, Jiang Yuehong underwent breast augmentation surgery at the hands of Shi Yingjun.

Of course, Yan Mingfang didn't know that Liu Chuang bought Tong Shi Yingjun. She just cooperated with the plastic surgery hospital purely for business. It's time to make money.

"You planned this matter very well at first, and your methods were very sophisticated, but you never thought that Jiang Yuehong committed suicide by jumping off the building! Otherwise, no one would have discovered this matter."

"It's a pity, people are not as good as heaven." Liu Mang said with emotion.

Now, he finally figured out one thing, the failure of Jiang Yuehong's breast augmentation was not a coincidence, but an inevitability.

It's not just because Liu Chuang bribed Shi Yingjun, but Shi Yingjun's own skills are not good. He is not a breast augmentation expert, he is only good at rhinoplasty, and he is not qualified to give breast augmentation.

"This matter can be filed. Although Jiang Yuehong did not kill him, the conspiracy between you and Shi Yingjun was the direct cause of Jiang Yuehong's suicide by jumping off the building." Lin Yu said in a low voice.

"Wait, give me some time, there are still some things that I haven't fully figured out yet."

Liu Mang interrupted Lin Yu: "You can take him back to the police station, but can you give me some time to arrest Shi Yingjun?"

"The matter is very clear. How long do you want to go undercover in the Internet celebrity plastic surgery hospital? With Liu Chuang's confession, you can arrest people tomorrow." Lin Yu said.

"I feel that things are not that simple." Liu Mang expressed his doubts in his heart: "Jiang Yuehong's breasts are not small, so there is no need for breast augmentation, but why did the rich second generation ask her to undergo breast augmentation? The reason for this has not been clarified yet. If you go to arrest someone, you don’t have any evidence, and the other party only needs to hire a lawyer, and they probably won’t be able to ask anything.”

"And as far as I know, not only Shi Yingjun participated in Jiang Yuehong's breast augmentation, but also someone else. When I figure out these two things, it won't be too late for you to catch them." Liu Mang said in a deep voice.

Lin Yu didn't speak in a hurry, nor did he agree to Liu Mang, but rubbed his chin thinking.

"How much do you know about the rich second generation? Tell me everything you know." Liu Mang stared at Liu Chuang and asked.

 It's updated, ask for a reward!The storyline of this book is derived from reality, and it is only described by detective methods!

(End of this chapter)

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