folk detective

Chapter 162 Father and Son Partnership Deception

Chapter 162 Father and Son Partnership Deception
do not know?
Lin Yu smiled slightly, and instead of entangled in this issue, he changed the topic and asked other questions, which made Wang Jian and Wang Qinfen overwhelmed: "Last Friday, around five o'clock in the afternoon, what were you doing?"

"Last Friday?"

Wang Qinfen fell into memory. He had been living his life upside down during this period of time. He couldn't remember where he was all of a sudden, but he continued to recall and pushed back the time a little bit.

His heart was also cold.

"Last Friday, my son was working in the farmland." Seeing his son fell into silence, Wang Jian said with a smile: "I don't have any financial income, and I usually have to eat, so I planted two parts of the farmland. Go and help with the potion to get rid of the insects."


Wang Qinfen didn't answer, and before he remembered it, Wang Jian, the father, responded to him first, which surprised Lin Yu: "Excuse me, where is your farmland?"

"Cunwei!" Wang Jian replied.

"The end of the village?" Lin Yu narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were locked on Wang Qinfen: "On that Friday, you didn't go to the town, or did you leave Wang Village?"


Wang Jian didn't need to answer this question, Wang Qinfen said categorically: "I was working all day and never left the village."

"Okay, thank you! I'm done asking."

After asking here, Lin Yu stopped asking, but turned around and left.He knew that if he continued to ask, the answer he got must be the lie of the father and son Wang Jian and Wang Qinfen.

He is not a fool, how can he fail to notice that Wang Qinfen and Wang Jian are lying.Anyway, he had already obtained Wang Qinfen's hair, and the routine inquiry just now was just a normal procedure, so as not to make Wang Qinfen suspicious.

You can't just come and leave without asking, right?
If this is the case, it will definitely attract Wang Qinfen's attention even more.

"Just leave?"

Lin Yu suddenly turned around and left, so frightened that Wang Jian and Wang Qinfen didn't react for a while, feeling a little uneasy deep in their hearts.

"I'm sorry, I still have other people to ask, time is running out, I hope you understand." Lin Yu said with a smile.

In the gaze, Lin Yu's figure gradually disappeared.After seeing Lin Yu completely disappeared, Wang Jian stared at his son Wang Qinfen fiercely, and said very seriously: "I don't care what you did, it's best not to have anything to do with Wang Peirong..."

In the second half of the sentence, he didn't have the courage to speak, for fear of irritating Wang Qinfen.

And scare myself at the same time.

If it was really what I guessed, then it would really be the end, not only him, but also his son.

"I know." Wang Qinfen snorted.

If it weren't for the fact that his father helped him lie and deceive people just now, he wouldn't want to cheat on his crippled and incompetent father at all.

"You know best. Don't go to town to play all day these days, just stay at home and help with work." Wang Jian said in a low voice.

If Lin Yu, a policeman, hadn't come to visit suddenly, Wang Jian reckoned that it would be a long time before he could talk to his son calmly like this.

However, this time he lied. He lied to a policeman. For his son, he had to stop lying.

He had only one son, his only son and daughter.Apart from my son, I have no relatives anymore.No matter what the son did wrong, he, the father, had to bear it for his son.

Because it is his duty as a father, and it is what he owes to his son.

In order to prevent Wang Qinfen from becoming vigilant, after Lin Yu left Wang Qinfen's house, he did not leave directly, but went to Wang Qinfen's neighbor's house.

In this way, the suspicion in Wang Qinfen's heart will not be so great.

"How is it?" Half an hour later, Lin Yu and Liu Mang met at the entrance of the village. Liu Mang wanted to know that Lin Yu had revealed his identity, so he should be able to find some news.

Lin Yu told Liu Mang about his suspicion that Wang Jian and Wang Qinfen were lying: "I got the hair, and now I have to go back to town as soon as possible. The DNA data matching hasn't come out for a few days, please continue to investigate." Going on, I personally feel that Wang Qinfen must not be doing farm work that day, you can ask the villagers in the village to see who has seen Wang Qinfen on Friday."

"I know, leave this matter to me, and I will definitely get to the bottom of it." Liu Mang grinned.

For some things, it would be better for Lin Yu to ask on the spot.But there are some things, showing the identity of the police, but it will not work.

Farmers often do not tell the truth for their own benefit.

This point cannot be seen at ordinary times, and will only be exposed at critical moments when one's own interests are involved.It's not that farmers are selfish, but that self-thinking has been deeply ingrained, and everything is centered on themselves and their families.

Being a person and doing things often lacks consideration from the perspective of others.

Wang Qinfen said that he had never seen Wang Peirong on the day of the Double Ninth Festival, and did not even know Wang Peirong.Lin Yu might just be skeptical about this sentence, but not sure.

But when Lin Yu told Liu Mang, Liu Mang immediately knew that Wang Qinfen was lying.

On the grave where Wang Peirong committed suicide that day, an old man Ke told them personally that when Wang Qinfen left by sweeping the grave, it happened that Wang Peirong arrived, and Wang Qinfen glanced at Wang Peirong from afar.

Lin Yu might not remember this incident, but Liu Mang remembered it clearly.

After Lin Yu took Wang Qinfen's hair and left, Liu Mang was not in a hurry to leave, but was trying to figure out how to find evidence that Wang Qinfen was not working on the farm when Wang Peirong came home from school last Friday.

Wang Jian said that Wang Qinfen was working in the farmland at the end of the village at that time, so as long as someone can prove that Wang Qinfen did not go to work in the farmland last Friday, then it can be concluded that Wang Jian and Wang Qinfen conspired to lie and deceive Lin Yu.

In the last century, when the fields in rural areas were divided, they were generally allocated according to their family addresses.

Generally, every family, for the sake of fairness, divides the fields that are far away and near.

Just like Liu Mang's farmland, there are three close to home, and two three or four kilometers away from home.

So to find out whether Wang Jian and Wang Qinfen were lying, Liu Mang went directly to the end of the village and asked a few villagers who often worked in the fields to find out.

The end of Wang Village is a bit desolate and sparsely populated, with a piece of farmland next to a vegetable field.

When Liu Mang arrived, he happened to see several villagers watering the vegetable fields and picking vegetables, as if they were going to go home and cook after picking vegetables.After Liu Mang arrived, he walked towards the nearest vegetable field and chatted with a villager.

"I was watering this vegetable field last Friday. I have never seen Wang Qinfen come here. His family does have a piece of land here, but it has been abandoned for a long time. Since his grandparents passed away, this There will be no one to cultivate this piece of land." The villagers snorted, obviously they didn't like Wang Qinfen either.

 Hahaha, give a recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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