folk detective

Chapter 174 He Didn't Lie To Me

Chapter 174 He Didn't Lie To Me
Although Lin Yu's wife Qing Ning is a physical education teacher, she is actually very smart and has good cooking skills.Liu Mang was lucky enough to eat it a few times, but Qing Ning's cooking skills are not appreciated by ordinary people because it is too spicy.

People who don't like spicy food can't eat the food she cooks at all.

When I took Lu Hui to Lin Yu's house, it was already around 06:30 in the evening. When I arrived, I found that the food had already been prepared.

Everyone drank some beer, and after dinner, Liu Mang and Lin Yu sat on the sofa in the living room and chatted.

Neither of them mentioned Wang Qinfen and Wang Peirong. As for the gauze on Liu Mang's head, he had already taken it off, but if you look closely, you can still see that there is a scar on the back of his head that is healing.

After chatting for half an hour, Liu Mang took Lu Hui away from Lin Yu's house after his stomach digested and he was able to walk. Then he took a Didi car back to Lu Hui's rented house.

Since returning from her hometown, Lu Hui's attitude towards Liu Mang has changed a lot, and she has become more intimate. She would take his hand whenever she walks, chatting and laughing in her ear.

"What are you going to do next?"

Downstairs in the rented house, the two walked with their fingers intertwined. Lu Hui looked at Liu Mang sideways.Liu Mang is different from ordinary office workers. He does not have a fixed job and does not need to go to work from nine to five.

If you receive the order, you have to go to work, and if you can't close the order, you can only stay at home.

"do not know!"

Liu Mang shrugged and said casually, "You know the nature of my job. If I have work, I will do it. If I don't have work, I will waste it. I take one order every half a year, and I take one order for a year."

He is not a policeman, he helps people solve crimes, finds cats and dogs, breaks up mistresses and cheats, all of which are paid services.

But there is not much work, and sometimes there is not much work to do if I am idle for half a year.

"Okay! If you have nothing to do, you can visit my parents more." Lu Hui said.

During this period of time, she also saw Liu Mang's ability to make money. It doesn't matter whether he is idle or not, as long as he can make money.People can make a lot of money when they are idle, so it can only be said that they are capable.

After all, not everyone has to go to work from nine to five on time in order to receive an income.

Some people can make money while lying down.

However, they have not become such people.

"I know, go see your father-in-law and mother-in-law when you have time, right?" Speaking of Lu Hui's parents, Liu Mang smiled wickedly, shook his fingers intertwined, and said with a smirk: "After you go to my house and come back , Did your parents say anything?"


Lu Hui knew what Liu Mang wanted to ask, so she deliberately teased Liu Mang's taste.

"You really didn't say anything?" Liu Mang narrowed his eyes and looked at Lu Hui with a smile.

It stands to reason that after Lu Hui went to his home to meet his parents, he would definitely ask her when she went back to see her own parents.

After all, this is to meet my parents, not to travel around the mountains and rivers, so there must be something I want to ask.

"Want to know?" Lu Hui looked at Liu Mang gently.

Of course I want to know, Liu Mang nodded vigorously.

"I still won't tell you, hahaha... I'm so anxious to kill you..." Seeing Liu Mang's eagerness to know, Lu Hui smiled happily: "It's not impossible to want to know, but you have to agree to one condition. "


Liu Mang was speechless, and deliberately choked on her, "Then you better stop talking!"


Back to the little private detective, Liu Mang was wearing a vest and sitting on the sofa, looking in the mirror and applying some liquid medicine to the back of his head.

Where he was slapped by a brick, the wound was healing, but the scab hadn't fallen off, and the ointment hadn't been applied yet, so he had to apply it once before going to bed.

"It seems that we should be more careful in the future."

After applying the ointment, Liu Mang leaned against the sofa and put his legs up on the glass tea table, unconsciously recalling the scene where Wang Qinfen slapped him with a brick and passed out.

Looking back on it now, it is vivid in my mind, and I still have lingering fears in my heart.If the other party wanted to kill him, in that situation at that time it was completely effortless, and his life could be taken away with a single blow.

Fortunately, Wang Qinqin's conscience has not been completely lost, otherwise he would be completely goodbye now, and the game is over.

This kind of life hanging by a thread must never happen again. It is important to solve the case, but you can't put your life on it.Liu Mang doesn't want to end the game like this, so he needs to be more cautious in the future.


The phone vibrated.

Liu Mang lowered his head and stared at the phone screen, and saw the long-lost avatar nickname popped up on the screen.

Since taking Lu Hui home to meet her parents on the Double Ninth Festival and encountering Wang Peirong's suicide case, Liu Mang has hardly had time to play with her mobile phone during this time.

He didn't even have time to talk to Zhou Shiyu.

But Zhou Shiyu sent him a lot of messages, but he was busy solving the case and never replied.It's not that he is heartless and doesn't want to talk to Zhou Shiyu, but...

Picking up the phone, Liu Mang didn't even listen to her voice, but made a voice call on WeChat.

Almost as soon as he dialed it, he was connected on the spot.

"Bastard Liu Mang, you liar, big liar..."

As soon as the voice call was made, Zhou Shiyu, who had already been dissatisfied, cursed on the spot, but she choked up and sobbed in a low voice, as if she was very sad and sad.

Liu Mang originally wanted to apologize to Zhou Shiyu, saying that he was really busy recently, so he didn't have time to talk to her.Hearing her cry, it was hard to speak for some reason.

"You speak a word!"

Choked up for a few minutes, the voice call was still on, but Zhou Shiyu couldn't hear Liu Mang's voice at all, and immediately yelled into the phone: "Are you hiding from me on purpose? Is it because of what my dad said last time, It hurt your self-esteem, so you hide from me on purpose?"

For about a week, she sent a lot of messages to Liu Mang, but got no response.She thought that what her father said during the last meal hurt Liu Mang and made Liu Mang unhappy, so she deliberately ignored her.

"Have you lost your temper?"

Liu Mang lit a cigarette, took a puff of cloud, and then said in a flat voice: "I know what I said, you may not be able to listen to it now, but I don't mean not to talk to you, but I really want to talk to you during this time. I'm very busy, when your anger subsides, you can contact me!"

ding dong...

As soon as the voice call ended, Zhou Shiyu, who lived in Tingyuan Garden, was so angry that she wanted to drop her phone.It's too irritating, Liu Mang is really too irritating.

Don't be too busy, he must be avoiding her on purpose.

"I don't believe it, you are really busy."

It's easy to know if Liu Mang is busy or not. You can find out by searching the Internet. Liu Mang can be regarded as a well-known detective now. Whenever he is busy, it means that he is solving a case.

Opened the tablet and searched for Liu Mang, and the latest message appeared immediately.

"No way? He didn't lie to me?"

Search for Liu Mang, and the latest news pops up on the tablet browser.

is a piece of news.

It is reported that during the process of returning home to worship ancestors in Chongyang, Liu Mang accidentally encountered a girl from a neighboring village committing suicide in front of the grave... Assisting the police in solving the case, she was heroically wounded...

There is also a picture of Liu Mang with white gauze tied on his head, which looks seriously injured.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Shiyu suddenly felt guilty.It turns out that Liu Mang didn't lie to her. The reason why Liu Mang didn't have time to talk to her during this time is probably because he was really busy helping the criminal police solve the case, which caused him to be injured...

The voice call came through again, "Liu Mang, I'm sorry... I want to invite you to dinner tomorrow, can I?"

 It's updated, the transitional chapter, a new volume will open tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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