folk detective

Chapter 182 Puzzling speculation

Chapter 182 Puzzling speculation

The bleeding stopped when I left!
Liu Mang could clearly remember that when he left, Su Muye's blood hadn't stopped, so he turned his gaze back to the surveillance video to check how long it took him to leave before Su Muye left.

"Twenty past five..."

After reading it, Liu Mang found that Su Muye was around 05:30 in the afternoon, that is, it was almost [-]:[-].At this time, the dental clinic is about to close for get off work.

But he left at 04:30, that is to say, after he left, Su Muye bit the hemostatic cotton ball, and it took nearly an hour for Su Muye to suture the wound before he stopped the bleeding.

This made Liu Mang feel strange.

Liu Mang stared straight at Huang Weidong, and asked in a low voice, "Under normal circumstances, when the wisdom teeth need to be stitched, how long will it take for the wound to heal without bleeding?"

"For wisdom teeth extraction, patients usually need to be observed for about two hours. Some people's wounds heal faster, and they can be let go once the bleeding stops, but most of them stop after about two hours." Huang Weidong said in a deep voice. road.

"What if it's still bleeding for more than two hours? What should I do in this situation?" Liu Mang asked, "You have to think about it before answering. It took Su Muye three hours to stop the bleeding."

To be honest, Huang Weidong also thought at the time that if Su Muye's wound was still bleeding by the time he got off work, he would send Su Muye to a public hospital for observation.

But who knew, when he was about to leave work, Su Muye's bleeding stopped and stopped.Before leaving, he deliberately told Su Muye that if something unusual happened after returning home, such as bleeding again, remember to call them as soon as possible, or go directly to the public hospital for emergency treatment.

But who knows...

When he heard the news again, Su Muye died, and he only found out about it when the police came to find him.

"I'm sorry for Su Muye." Huang Weidong felt a little guilty about Su Muye's death: "To be honest, it's the first time I've seen him in a situation like his in more than [-] years of clinical experience. No, I would have sent him to a public hospital for observation. In fact, I was a little worried at the time, Su Muye was bleeding abnormally, but who knew that he stopped bleeding when he was about to leave work..."

"Then let me ask you, under what circumstances is it possible for this phenomenon to occur?" Liu Mang said in a low voice.

"I don't know." Huang Weidong shook his head and said.

have no idea?Liu Mang frowned, rolled his eyes and continued to ask: "Let me ask you another way, if I have high blood pressure, which is inherited in my family, and I want to have my wisdom teeth pulled, what should I do? It must be pulled, will you pull it?"

Family inheritance of high blood pressure, wisdom teeth must be extracted!
Huang Weidong smiled bitterly, flicked the cigarette butt, and dropped the burnt ash: "People with high blood pressure, whether it is caused by family inheritance or diet, if they have to be pulled out, they need to take antihypertensive drugs to lower their blood pressure. And to a certain extent, and it has to be stable for a period of time before it can be pulled out, otherwise no one will dare to pull it out, and accidents will happen.”

"If, I mean, if, if you take a blood pressure drop today, and the next day your blood pressure drops, can you pull out your wisdom teeth... and will there be any accidents..." When Liu Mang said this, his eyes locked directly on Huang Weidong.

This question really stumped Huang Weidong.For a moment, he didn't know how to answer Liu Mang. In fact, when he was studying medicine, he already had a countermeasure for this situation.

"To be honest, I have never encountered such a situation where I have to take antihypertensive drugs for one day and have my wisdom teeth pulled out the next day. Usually, patients are asked to take antihypertensive drugs for about three or four days. Let the patient come to have their wisdom teeth extracted."

Huang Weidong felt that Liu Mang's question was a bit tricky and weird: "If it's like what you said, something will happen. As for what happened, I haven't seen it before and I can't make a conclusion. Besides, before the wisdom teeth are pulled out, the consultant and doctor, I have always asked patients whether they have high blood pressure, if they have high blood pressure, whether they have taken antihypertensive drugs, and it can be found out when blood pressure is measured... Unless the patient deliberately conceals it and does not take his own life seriously, then there is no way."

It is actually very scary to conceal one's past medical history from the doctor. If there is a slight mistake, it is very likely to cause a medical accident.

beep, beep...

Liu Mang tapped the coffee table lightly with his hands, his eyes were heavy.

"Excuse me, under what circumstances, for example, if you don't take antihypertensive drugs, will your blood pressure drop due to family hereditary hypertension?" Liu Mang asked in a deep voice.

Huang Weidong shook his head, "Family inherited high blood pressure will not come down for no reason, only by taking antihypertensive drugs! Moreover, not all high blood pressure needs to take antihypertensive drugs, it depends on how high it is, first level, second level or third level." Level, if it’s just ordinary high blood pressure, it doesn’t even reach level one, it doesn’t really matter if you don’t take antihypertensive drugs without affecting your health, you just need to maintain a healthy diet and exercise more.”

Huang Weidong is very cautious about things that are not sure, and he doesn't even dare to assume, so he dare not talk nonsense.He knew what Liu Mang wanted to ask, and what Liu Mang said just now had a profound meaning.

I just wanted to ask him, is it possible that Su Muye took antihypertensive drugs the day before the wisdom teeth extraction, so the blood pressure dropped, but since he only took it for one day, the blood pressure drop was not very stable, so something happened after the wisdom teeth extraction up.

But Huang Weidong dared to speculate about this kind of thing. If it was true, who would be responsible?

It's better to be ignorant.

Besides, Wang Yao asked Su Muye, and Su Muye replied that he did not have high blood pressure...

It's confusing!
Liu Mang let out a long sigh, thinking that this case was really mind-boggling, and it was the most difficult one he had ever encountered.Su Muye's case involved some medical issues. He is not a forensic doctor, nor is he professional in this area, so he naturally felt very difficult.

There is a feeling of exhaustion.

Mind blowing.

"You can go." Liu Mang took a deep breath, stood up, took another look at the boss, and walked out of the office expressionlessly.

He doesn't even have the intention to laugh at the other party now.

For this kind of irresponsible and evasive person, he was too lazy to pay attention to it, wasting his time.

When I went downstairs, the nurses and doctors downstairs saw that they were going to leave, they were all secretly relieved and let out a long sigh of relief.With them there, it was like being pressed down by a mountain, so tense that it was hard to breathe.

"Get in my car!"

Liu Mang's car was parked by the side of the road. Zhu Yibing came back from abroad for the funeral, so he didn't have a car, so he took a taxi to the Hehe Dental Clinic in the morning.

"You suspect that my brother-in-law took antihypertensive drugs, but there is not enough time to take antihypertensive drugs, so..." After getting into the car, Zhu Yibing asked what he had been holding back in his heart.

When he was in the Hehe Dental Clinic, he heard Liu Mang and Huang Weidong's questions and answers. He was not stupid, and he understood a little bit of the truth.

"It's hard to say." Liu Mang shook his head lightly: "I was there when your brother-in-law Su Muye was undergoing treatment. The consultant once asked him if he had high blood pressure, and he said no. Obviously, he didn't know that he had a family history of high blood pressure. If you don’t know your blood pressure, then you won’t be so stupid as to take antihypertensive medicine, but it’s definitely not a cold medicine, you can buy it everywhere.”

"And, he had his blood pressure measured, and it was still within the normal range."

When he learned that his family inherited high blood pressure, he made various speculations in his mind.

Among them, the most reasonable speculation is also the most inexplicable and puzzling one.

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(End of this chapter)

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