folk detective

Chapter 187 Li Jiaqi is lying

Chapter 187 Li Jiaqi is lying
Zhu Yibing felt that what Liu Mang said was nonsense.

If he didn't die in a beautiful dream, wouldn't he be awakened once he felt pain?Will he die once he wakes up from the pain?No way.

But he also knew that Liu Mang was comforting him in a disguised form, telling him that when Su Muye died, he was not in pain, but was immersed in a sweet dream. There might be pain in bleeding, but at least he couldn't feel it in his soul.

This may be the blessing of misfortune.

"The matter is over, should I sign?"

Li Jiaqi retreated to the door of the study, stood by the door and looked at Liu Mang and Zhu Yibing in the room: "I have told you everything I know, the agreement should be signed!"


Zhu Yibing couldn't help clenching his fists when he heard the words of signing, with blue veins appearing on his forehead, exuding a violent breath all over his body, he glared at Li Jiaqi angrily and shouted: "Believe it or not, I will tear up the property inheritance agreement right now!" Oh, what about him, you don’t care about my brother-in-law’s death, just focus on his property, are you a human? You’re a beast! You’re not sad at all.”

Although he doesn't like Li Jiaqi very much, for his brother-in-law's sake, he always restrains his emotions and doesn't want to fall out with him and insult him, but Li Jiaqi really sticks to his line and forces him to sign to inherit the inheritance.

Oh shit!
If I don't say a few harsh words, just treat me as a good talker, right?Is Lao Tzu's sturdy body just for display?

A fierce aura erupted from him, bluffing Li Jiaqi on the spot, and her face turned pale from fright.

"Don't shout!"

Liu Mang interrupted Zhu Yibing with his hand, looked at Li Jiaqi, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, it is Su Muye's property, so it will definitely be inherited. Even if Zhu Yibing doesn't plan to sign in the end, he can still inherit it in a lawsuit. It's just a process." It's a little troublesome, and it will take a long time."

"If you want to inherit this property smoothly, don't want to get into a lawsuit, and don't want to be abused by others, I advise you to keep your mouth shut and don't push it. It should be yours sooner or later, and others will steal it." Can't take it away."

It's not that Liu Mang wants to help Li Jiaqi, it's just that he doesn't want Li Jiaqi to start a fight with Zhu Yibing right now.He could tell that both of them were irritable people, and they would speak harshly at every turn.

In this case, if you can't restrain yourself, you may really fight.In fact, whether to fight or not has nothing to do with him, but it will delay and affect his investigation of the truth of the matter.


Li Jiaqi felt that Liu Mang's words were quite reasonable, so he snorted and turned away, not wanting to look at Zhu Yibing's infuriating face.

If Su Muye was still alive, Zhu Yibing would have to be respectful when he saw her.

Zhu Yibing gave Liu Mang some face, and immediately stopped glaring, but took a deep breath and calmed down.

Don't look at him as tall, burly and strong, with a bad temper, but in fact, it's because of his brother-in-law that he gets angry easily. Usually he is a very restrained and calm person.

"One last question." Liu Mang walked to the sofa by the door, sat down gently, and then lay down on it, trying to find out what Su Muye felt when he lay here and died: "Su Muye suffers from family hereditary hypertension Do you know about this?"

The real cause of Su Muye's excessive bleeding was hereditary high blood pressure.

This disease usually seems insignificant, but it is closely related to the health of the body. Once the blood pressure is too high, it is easy to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and the most common one is stroke.

This disease is called an invisible killer. If you don’t get sick, you will be like a normal person. Once you get sick, you will die.

As for the possibility of recovery, it is not impossible but very few.

It is a very serious and terrible cause of disease.

And once you suffer from high blood pressure, you must be restricted in terms of diet and daily routine.Of course, high blood pressure will not only cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but also cause bleeding from wisdom tooth extraction wounds.

However, since blood pressure must be measured before wisdom teeth are pulled out, tragedies can almost be avoided by asking patients about their past medical history.

But if it is deliberately concealed...

Although Liu Mang was lying on the sofa, his eyes were fixed on Li Jiaqi.

He wanted to see if Li Jiaqi knew about the fact that Su Muye suffered from hereditary high blood pressure.

If there is, but conceal it, there is a story in it.

If you don't know, but Liu Mang recalled that at the Hehe Dental Clinic, the nurse measured Su Muye's blood pressure, and when the consultant Wang Yao asked, Li Jiaqi was by his side.

Liu Mang clearly remembered that when he asked Su Muye if he had high blood pressure, Li Jiaqi didn't say a word, and then watched the surveillance video.

When the consultant Wang Yao asked Su Muye if he had high blood pressure, Li Jiaqi's expression turned a little strange.

"I don't know, I only found out after the fact." Li Jiaqi's tone was a little weak, but he still shook his head to express his ignorance.

Liu Mang has been out for so long, and although he can't tell the truth when he speaks the truth, he can still tell whether the tone of his words is full of confidence.

Li Jiaqi's words clearly show that he lacks confidence and is vain.

"Really!" Liu Mang sat up from the sofa with a smile, walked up to Li Jiaqi, and quacked, "How many people do you think will believe you? Su Muye is your husband. You two share the bed together." After so many years, you don’t even know these things?”

Being stared at by Liu Mang's aggressive eyes, Li Jiaqi felt a little guilty, her face twitched slightly, she smiled and said: "He and I are both adults, we each have our own careers and hobbies. Li Duo, how dare I get involved in his affairs..."

Su Muye has a net worth of tens of millions, but he didn't get it by a windfall. He earned it all by himself. He is busy with running around every day, and he spends less time with his wife than he does.

"Although what you said is correct, but you don't even know that your husband suffers from hereditary high blood pressure. It seems that your wife is not qualified to do it."

It wasn't that Liu Mang wanted to mock Li Jiaqi on purpose, but that she didn't fulfill her due responsibilities as a wife.

Li Jiaqi has long been tired of listening to cynicism and sarcasm. Although there is still a trace of resentment in her heart, she can already control it.

"Is there any more? If not, I have to go." Li Jiaqi said coldly.

The police all said that Su Muye died of excessive bleeding caused by his family's inherited high blood pressure.

No one committed the crime, she really didn't understand why Zhu Yibing asked the detective Liu Mang to do it.

The police have settled the case, and they still call for detectives. Isn't this a fool's errand?Or it's cheating money.


Judging by Li Jiaqi's attitude, it is obvious that he will not tell Liu Mang anything else.A woman who doesn't even feel sad when her husband dies, how could she care about how her husband died...

"You go!"

Liu Mang was sitting on the sofa, crossing his legs, rubbing his chin and thinking.

"How is it? Do you have any clues?" Zhu Yibing came over and sat next to Liu Mang. He wanted to know if Liu Mang really found something unusual after asking so many questions.

"Yes!" Liu Mang nodded, "Li Jiaqi is lying!"

 It's updated, ask for a wave of rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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