folk detective

Chapter 281 Afraid of being pulled down from the position of president

Chapter 281 Afraid of being pulled down from the position of president
From a distance Liu Mang saw Ding Xiuxue's son coming out with the urn in his hands. He knew that time was running out and he had to ask the questions he wanted to ask as soon as possible.

"The last question, how is the relationship between you and your husband? Please answer me." Liu Mang asked with a glint in his eyes, speaking quickly.

To be honest, Sun Longgang felt too mysterious to Liu Mang, and he didn't care about his father's death at all.

Even if Mr. Ding is only his father-in-law.

However, the son-in-law who came to the door is also the father!

His father died, and he left him a large estate, but he didn't care about his father's death at all. Isn't this worth pondering for others!

Everyone has feelings, not to mention his wife's father is also his father.

Wouldn't it be terrible if we had been together day and night for decades without feelings.

Ding Xiuxue was silent.

She lowered her head slightly. This question seemed to be very heavy for her.

The embarrassing atmosphere was growing rapidly, and Shi Shini also saw Ding Xiuxue's embarrassment, she chuckled lightly, patted Liu Mang on the shoulder, and smiled at Ding Xiuxue: "Aunt Xue, it's getting late, you should go back first! "

Silence means that the answer is self-evident.

How can someone as smart and wise as Liu Mang fail to see the implication of Ding Xiuxue's silence? He followed Shi Shini's words and gave Ding Xiuxue a step down: "Aunt Xue, let's talk next time we meet! I have something to do, so I'm leaving first." , Farewell!"

He turned around and pulled Shi Shini away.

As soon as the front foot left, Ding Xiuxue's son appeared next to him holding the urn in both hands. The two asked their mother what they were talking about just now.

They have been abroad all year round and rarely return to China, so they don't know Shi Shini, let alone Liu Mang.

However, after the memorial service is over, those who can stay and chat with mother must be very important.

"It's nothing, let's go!" Ding Xiuxue raised her head, looking at Liu Mang and Shi Shini who had already left.

The moment she walked to the parking lot, Shi Shini broke free from Liu Mang's hand, and said shyly, "Did you take the opportunity to eat my tofu?"

"eat tofu?"

Liu Mang stopped and looked at Shi Shini like an idiot. His face was twitching, and he said in pain, "My Miss President, have you made a mistake? Who is in the mood to flirt in a place like a funeral parlor? Eat you!" Tofu? Your head wasn't crushed by the door, right?"

I really don't understand, the domineering and powerful Shi Shini is also the president and head of the Shi Group, is her head filled with mud?A place like a funeral parlor eats tofu?

"..." Shi Shini was speechless for a moment after being reprimanded by Liu Mang, but when she thought of Liu Mang holding her hand just now, she had never been so intimately held by a man before, she felt lost and flustered for a moment: "Then why did you hold my hand without saying a word? Have you been holding it for so long?"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Mang instinctively saw a crow floating above his head, croaking...

"Didn't I just do this out of desperation? Didn't you see that Ding Xiuxue's two sons and daughter-in-law are coming? We don't leave in time, do you want to greet them?" Liu Mang spread his hands, Put on a very speechless demeanor, "President Shi, Ms. Shi, I'm solving a case, investigating clues, collecting evidence, and when and who I meet. Do you understand? To contact Mr. Ding's family too early, Sometimes it's not a good thing, but a bad thing, OK?"

Originally, in Liu Mang's heart, Shi Shini was a perfect woman with beauty, wealth and wisdom.

But now it seems that her emotional intelligence is a little lower, and she always feels that someone wants to eat her tofu and covets her beauty.

That's right, Shi Shini is indeed very beautiful, rich, with a very attractive figure, and also has a very temperament, the temperament of a domineering president.

However, low EQ is no fun.

But in Shi Shini's eyes, she didn't think so.

In her opinion, there is a saying that describes it well: to explain is to cover up the truth.

To describe it in four words, that is: trying to cover up.

Liu Mang deliberately explained so much to cover up the fact that he wanted to flirt with her.

"Huh!" Shi Shini snorted coquettishly, and resumed her usual strong manner: "Today I will spare you once, don't pretend that you are very noble and have a high IQ, if you want to tease me, just say it, and use this little trick... ..."

Liu Mang was really speechless, he scratched his head, with a helpless expression on his face, he had to follow Shi Shini's wishes, give her a step down, and then completely turn the matter over: "I'm cheap, I'm a rascal, right? Can't stop, President Shi, can I go?"

Self-righteous woman, he murmured in his heart.

It's not like he hasn't seen beautiful women before.

As far as Zhou Shiyu's looks are concerned, she is no worse than Shi Shini.

Moreover, Zhou Shiyu is also a rich second generation and has his own company, but the company is not as good as Shi's Group.

"Stun..." Everyone apologized, and Shi Shini didn't know how to take over.

Liu Mang got into his car, closed the car door, rolled down the car window and looked at Shi Shini, who was still staring blankly, and said flatly, "President Shi, this is a funeral parlor, there are very few people at night, you are not afraid to stay here alone." ?"

This is the parking lot of the funeral parlor. It is quiet, except for the two of them talking, there is no other sound.

It's okay not to say anything, but Shi Shini shuddered when she said it, and goose bumps popped up all over her body.

The funeral home was originally very quiet and scary, but now that Liu Mang reminded her, Shi Shini was so frightened on the spot that her face turned pale instantly.

Shi Shini opened her car door in a panic and got in the car, feeling a little bit safe because she was hiding in her own space, but at this moment, she saw that Liu Mang's car had started and was driving towards the exit.


Regardless of Liu Mang's motives, in short... At that moment just now, she was really frightened, the engine started, and she followed, until the car was far away from the funeral parlor, she overtook and forced Liu Mang to stop on the side of the road.

And this place is almost in the urban area.

"what's up?"

Forced to stop, Liu Mang rolled down the car window with a speechless face, and calmly looked at Shi Shini with an angry face: "President Shi, it's late, and I'm still hungry."

"I'm hungry too!"

Shi Shini snorted, the anger in her heart was still there, and Liu Mang could tell from her eyes that she was very angry at the moment.

But when Shi Shini misunderstood him as eating her tofu, Liu Mang felt a little uncomfortable.

It's not that he cares about every detail, but can he talk nonsense about this kind of thing?
He is now a man of his own.

"If you don't mind, let's eat together!"

It could be heard that Shi Shini wanted Liu Mang to treat her to dinner, so she could swallow this breath, otherwise she would have to make trouble for him.

It's just a meal, and Liu Mang can't afford to invite him, but he has the final say on what to eat and where to eat.

"Really?" Shi Shini looked at Liu Mang suspiciously. Although she didn't know Liu Mang well, she could still feel that Liu Mang seemed righteous, but he had a hidden secret. The deep ruffian.

That is the personality of his name.


"believe it or not."

Liu Mang replied casually, then lit a cigarette, smoked and said, "President Shi, I'm leaving, if you want me to invite you to dinner, follow me, if you don't want to go, leave, I will call you later for you."

The car window floated up slowly, Shi Shini saw Liu Mang's face gradually disappearing from her eyes and was covered by the car window, she secretly laughed inwardly, and played tricks, trying to whet her appetite.

Twenty minutes later, the car returned to the private detective.

At this moment, it is already 06:30 in the evening.

In winter, it gets dark early and quickly.

"Big brother!"

Xiao Doubi was still watching the video, his eyes were dazzled, he was leaning on the chair to smoke at this moment, the room was full of smoke smell, when he saw Liu Mang came back, he raised his head and said listlessly: "I'm almost starved to death, If you don't come back, I'm going to faint from hunger."

But in a blink of an eye, he saw Shi Shini who was following Liu Mang, and suddenly stood up from the chair in a panic, extinguished the cigarette butt in his hand, walked out of the desk consciously, and respectfully shouted to Shi Shini: "Miss Shi, hello!"

Shi Shini is very sensitive to the smell of smoke, especially in such a closed room where the smoky atmosphere is so uncomfortable, she directly covered Qiong's nose with her hands, her brows were slightly frowned, and she said with some discomfort: "Please open the window to let the smell of smoke out." Can you let it out? I'm a little sensitive to the smell of smoke."


Shi Shini is the elder brother's employer, so of course he should be respectful to his employer, and should not be neglected, Xiaodou Bidianpidian opened all the windows and doors to let the smell out.

As soon as the door and window were opened, the cold wind blew in, and quickly blew away the smell of smoke in the room. Liu Mang invited Shi Shini to sit on the sofa. He didn't smoke this time, but made tea.

"Go and order, 500 yuan standard." Liu Mang looked up at the little tease who was standing by the window, letting the cold wind blow away the smell of smoke from his body: "President Shi will have dinner with us tonight, order some delicious food .”

"Ah!" Hearing this, Xiao Doubi was stunned. He didn't come back to his senses for a while, and asked stupidly: "Brother, order takeaway to eat here? Isn't it appropriate?"

He looked around the office for a week, thinking that Shi Shini is the president and head of the Shi Group, and he invites people to eat takeaway here...

This is really wrong!lose value.

"There's nothing wrong with it." Liu Mang is very casual. He invites people to dinner very casually. If it's not during the Spring Festival, it doesn't matter if you go to a restaurant, but now it's the Spring Festival, and it's hard to find a seat in a big restaurant.

It's better to order takeaway directly.

Shi Shini was also dumbfounded.

She thought that Liu Mang invited her to dinner, anyway, it was a high-end place.

Who knows, order takeaway to eat at his company.

This left her speechless.

For a while, she even lost her appetite.

This office, to be honest, is only a hundred square meters, not as big as her president's office.

"Forget it, I'll go home and eat!" Shi Shini didn't want to stay anymore.


Xiao Doubi, who had already picked up her mobile phone to order food, felt embarrassed when she heard Shi Shini say this: "Miss Shi, it's Chinese New Year now, and there is nothing to eat around here except for big restaurants, or go to the 24-hour convenience store to buy boxed lunches." .”

Liu Mang looked up at Shi Shini, and said calmly, "I know you must have a house in the urban area, but your family must be in your hometown now, and you don't seem to know how to cook. If you insist on eating I can’t help but tell you the truth, I didn’t neglect you on purpose, but I live here, and I eat takeaway every day. This is already my greatest sincerity, if you think I deliberately If you leave you alone, then I really can’t do anything.”

In fact, Shi Shini also knows that during the Chinese New Year, if the restaurant does not reserve a table in advance, there is often no room to go directly to it.

And the small restaurants on the side of the road are also closed to go home for the New Year.

eat box lunch...

It's better to eat the takeaway from the big restaurant with Liu Mang here.

"All right!"

Shi Shini, who has a little temper, thinks about it, but she bites Liu Mang's words.

he lives here?
After letting the smell of smoke blow away in the room for a few minutes, Xiaodoubi closed the doors and windows, then consciously put it on the computer desk, and continued to watch his videos.

Shi Shini is the president of Shi Group.

And Liu Mang is his boss.

Big people are chatting, he is a small person, he is not qualified to intervene, of course it is better to sit and listen.

"You live here?"

There is also a bathroom in the office, besides that, Shi Shini's eyes fell on a folding hanger by the window.

There are also some clothes hanging on it.

For some reason, seeing this scene, an inexplicable emotion suddenly surged in her heart, and she looked at Liu Mang's eyes with a little more respect.

Liu Mang nodded without any embarrassment: "I made you laugh."

"No, I admire you very much." Shi Shi is very serious about some things. Those who should be admired must be admired. As a manager, the head of the Shi Group, she must have the mind to admire others. After all, this There must be someone in the world who is above her in a certain way and deserves her respect.

"Unexpectedly, you, a well-known and experienced detective, have such a... rough place to work and live." Shi Shini said with emotion.

For many people, whenever they make money, the first step is to change to a new office or a new residence.

I can't wait to replace everything with new ones and change their appearance.


Liu Mang sneered, and said calmly, "This is a shabby room, but I am virtuous. A truly cultivated person can live indifferently wherever he lives, while an impetuous person, even if he has a lot of money, is still troubled every day." , Difficulty sleeping and eating."

"Okay! You can do it!"

Quoting an old proverb, he immediately blocked Shi Shini irrefutably, "By the way, don't you have anything to ask me?"

"ask you?"

Liu Mang shook his head. He knew what Shi Shini was referring to. The information in his hand hadn't been sorted out yet, so it was useless to ask anything. After sorting out the information first, and after finding clues, if it involved Shi Shini, of course he had to ask her.

But at this moment, it's not time yet: "I haven't asked yet, but if you think you know some secrets, you can tell me in advance, that's equivalent to giving me an extra clue."

Shi Shini guessed that Liu Mang would answer her like this.

"These days, I'm also thinking about whether Ding Lao's death has anything to do with the Shi Group." Shi Shini, as the head of the Shi Group, is of course responsible for the group. A strange idea pops up in my mind.

Ding Lao's death, who is most beneficial to the Shi Group, what kind of situation the Shi Group will be in, and what will happen to her herself.

Will the old stubbornness of the family pull down the position of president?

Pulling down the position of president is a bit exaggerated.

However, the Shi Group is not owned by her family. There are also some uncles and uncles. After all, this is a family business, and the uncles and uncles hold about 25% of the shares.

If the two make trouble, it will embarrass the parents.

 Update, work tomorrow!In the new book, it will be released in a while!Hurry up for a week!
(End of this chapter)

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