folk detective

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

Setting up a department just to monitor the group and its members for taking bribes and breaking the rules is not only an expense for the group, but it will also give people a sense of panic.

With such a department, it is easy for employees to feel that they would rather not do something than do something wrong.

This is not what Shi Shini wants.

Besides, the Shi Group is not a national unit, so there is no need for such a special department.

With a person like Liu Mang present, it is enough to replace a department. You don't even need to worry about causing a psychological burden to the employees in the group, and it can also promote the enthusiasm of the employees. Of course, Shi Shini regards Liu Mang as the best candidate.

"You don't understand. From a management point of view, setting up a department is not as good as hiring an external expert." Shi Shini said in a deep voice.

She likes Liu Mang.

Not only because Liu Mang is a detective, but also because Liu Mang is upright in his heart and not greedy for money. This kind of person doesn't have to worry about being bribed with money.

"But I really don't have time."

Liu Mang, who had no idea in his heart, still didn't want to agree to Shi Shini: "You know, I'm very busy, and I have my own company. If it wasn't for Mr. Ding's case this time, I wouldn't have the heart to come to you at all. Do it against people."

When he and Shi Xiaozhang quarreled the first time they met, Liu Mang felt sick just thinking about it.

What the hell.

Get angry when you meet.

He's still a stranger, isn't this brain damage and low IQ!

"One month, come one day!"

Shi Shini, who has already decided to keep Liu Mang in her heart, of course, will not give up her thoughts just because of Liu Mang's words. At this moment, she is a bit domineering and strong: "I'll give you 5000 yuan a month, how about it!"

"5000 yuan a day?"

Liu Mang squinted her eyes, thinking that Shi Shini's move really cost her money.

The daily salary can reach 5000 yuan, which is 15 yuan a month.

With such treatment, in a large group, they are all high-level leaders with an annual salary of over one million.

This kind of leadership, it is estimated that a large company only has five fingers!
"Yes, 5000 yuan a day." Shi Shini nodded, "Is this salary enough? I don't believe that you can't even spare a day for a month. I just need you to come to the company for a day and work in the company. It is enough to go around all the departments and see if there is anything wrong with it, and you can have a look at all the documents in the company, as long as you don’t leak them out.”

Since Liu Mang first told her about Shi Xiaozhang's breaking the law, she came back and thought about it carefully, and felt that Liu Mang was trustworthy.

If Liu Mang was untrustworthy and didn't think about her, he wouldn't have told her about it in advance, so that she would have enough time to deal with Shi Xiaozhang's matter first.

Minimize the damage that Shi Xiaozhang can affect the group.

Even though Liu Mang didn't think so much in essence, in fact, Liu Mang told her subconsciously, which meant that Liu Mang was still thinking of her and the Shi Group.

I don't want Shi Xiaozhang's matter to involve the Shi Group.

"Interesting!" Shi Shini was able to offer such a treatment, and it seemed that she was bound to be taken down.

Thinking of this, Liu Mang chuckled, "I suddenly realized that you are actually a very courageous person, very powerful. With a salary of 5000 yuan a day, as long as you are not a fool, you will not refuse your request."

"Then you agreed!" Hearing Liu Mang's answer, the smile on Shi Shini's face bloomed like a flower, bright and sweet: "I knew you wouldn't have the heart to refuse me, giggling..."

"Promise you can, but I will decide the time myself."

Shi Shini asked him for help so sincerely, Liu Mang really couldn't bear to refuse, unless he had a hard heart, otherwise it could be seen that Shi Shini was sincere.

"no problem."

As long as Liu Mang comes, that day is irrelevant to Shi Shini, and when this matter is settled, she has one less thing on her mind: "I have something I want to ask you, please analyze it for me. "

"Please teach me?"

This surprised Liu Mang.

What kind of thing can make people at Shi Shini's level use the word "ask for advice".

It's really incredible.

Liu Mang was curious, maybe Shi Shini had encountered something difficult.

"Say it!" Liu Mang looked at Shi Shini solemnly.

It must not be easy to make Shi Shini hesitate.

"About the position of vice president."

Shi Shini took a deep breath, and said with a serious face: "After Shi Xiaozhang was fired by me, I talked to Shi Xiaomei and asked her if she broke the law. She told me directly that she did not do anything to offend the group. Other than that In addition, she also asked me that she wanted to be a vice president, and hoped that I could approve it for her, and even tell the board of directors."

He didn't break the law, and he volunteered to be the vice president.

It seems that this Shi Xiaomei is really arrogant enough.

No, stupid enough.

At this moment, if she took the initiative to ask Ying to take the position of vice president, wouldn't she be afraid that if she didn't sit firmly on her butt, she would be burned on herself by the original criticism!
It should be noted that Shi Xiaozhang has just been eliminated from the position of vice president, and the bad things he did before are not so easily eliminated.

Moreover, Shi Xiaomei and Shi Xiaozhang are cousins ​​with the same surname, a cousin can do such a bad thing, if the cousin comes by airborne, it's okay, there won't be any problems.

But Shi Xiaomei's character and style in the group has long been seen through.

It's not a good stubble either, it belongs to the kind of insidious and cunning people who have done bad things in the group, even if Shi Xiaomei's methods are concealed, they can't hide it from everyone.

It's just that everyone dared to be angry and dare not speak out because of her status.

However, once such things as hatred are not released, the longer the backlog, the easier it is to cause problems and affect the enthusiasm of the group.

This is a question that leadership needs to consider.

People with flawed character, no matter how capable they are, or relatives, cannot be placed in important positions, lest they cause immeasurable losses and influence to the group.

Sometimes, one mouse dropping is enough to ruin a large pot of porridge, and it is disgusting, and every time I think about it, I will feel sick.

"What do you think?" Liu Mang had a very bad impression of Shi Xiaomei.

Shi Xiaomei is her cousin, when she asked this question, Shi Shini thought about it carefully, and told Shi Xiaomei to give her some consideration and reply in two days.

In fact, Shi Shini has been thinking about this.

If Shi Xiaomei's request is refuted, Shi Xiaomei will definitely resent her in his heart.

We are all cousins, if they turn against each other, this is what Shi Shini does not want to see, in that case, her uncle and parents will have opinions on her.

Shi Xiaozhang entered the Public Security Bureau.

Shi Xiaomei turned against her.

It's no wonder the elders have no opinion of her.

"I have two considerations: From the perspective of the elders and family, I want to agree to her request. After all... Shi Xiaozhang has surrendered himself. Anyway, Shi Xiaozhang broke the law, and the elders will think that there is something in it. Part of the reason is mine, if I get into a fight with my cousin, and become like an enemy for a vice president position, even if my parents don’t blame me, my uncle and uncle will blame me.”

"I'm not the kind of hard-hearted person. My uncle and uncle have been very kind to me since I was a child. I can't bear to see them sad because of this."

"Another idea, starting from the interests of the group, coupled with Shi Xiaomei's character and ability, in fact, Shi Xiaomei is not qualified for the position of vice president."

Sitting in Shi Shini's position is sometimes really difficult.

For the sake of family affection, she had to compromise.

For the sake of the group, she had to refuse.

In a word, sitting in this position seems to have infinite scenery, but apart from being rich, not many people can understand the sadness and misunderstanding behind it.

When Shi Xiaomei made this request to her, she said that she needed to think about it, and she could clearly feel that the way Shi Xiaomei looked at her changed from a trace of expectation to resentment and resentment.

She could tell on the spot that Shi Xiaomei had gone mad for the position of vice president.

"Family affection is important, but you have to figure out the essence of one thing."

Liu Mang already knew about Shi Xiaomei's carelessness, and she and Shi Xiaozhang joined hands for nothing more than to deal with their common enemy, Shi Shini.

Now Shi Shini has not been dealt with, but Shi Xiaozhang killed himself.

Shi Xiaomei wanted to take the opportunity to take the position and replace Shi Xiaozhang as the vice president. It was actually not inappropriate, but her ability and character made people dare not compliment her: "Brothers can fight side by side on the battlefield, but father and son cannot Turn against each other."

Markets are like battlefields.

If there are no relatives or nepotism in a company, it is easy to talk about anything.

Once there is, the relationship involved is too complicated, and the interests of the company will be damaged, and the stability and enthusiasm of employees will be hit.

Since then, it has affected the company's organizational structure.

Once there is a large-scale resignation wave in the company, the consequences will be unimaginable, and no one can afford it.

"Continue to talk." Hearing Liu Mang say this, Shi Shini felt that the haze in her heart was gradually clearing away the clouds.

There is a feeling of sweeping away the haze and seeing the scorching sun.

"When a person is not suitable for a position, don't be discouraged because of face and family affection. Shi Xiaomei dares to speak because she has figured out the weakness in your heart and knows that you may agree to her."

Liu Mang and Shi Xiaomei have not had a bad time dealing with each other, but after discussing with each other a few times, it can be regarded as Shi Xiaomei has a certain understanding of how people deal with things: "Those who make big things happen, be ruthless! Especially for relatives, otherwise, when the Shi Group is killed because of this When something goes wrong, it's not just Shi Xiaomei and your uncle who hates you, even your parents will blame you."

"Your parents handed over the huge Shi Group to you. First of all, they hope that you can take up the burden of the Shi Group. As long as you can support it, it doesn't matter what your cousins ​​are. You don't agree to Shi Xiaomei, but they are resenting you. That's all, but if it goes bankrupt, everyone will blame and curse you, including your parents."

It took several generations of hard work to create and create the Shi Group.

If it is destroyed by any descendant, this descendant will bear great accusations and charges.

With Liu Mang's words, for some reason, Shi Shini, who was hesitant, seemed to have taken a dose of reassurance, and had her own thoughts in her mind: "Thank you, for helping me solve the doubts in my heart."

"You're welcome, you just didn't think about it for a while. After all, family affection is more important than money, but you have to make it clear that the matter you are facing now is not as simple as money, but involves the Shi family created by your family. A little carelessness in the management and operation of the group will cause huge losses, and you will not be able to afford it at that time." Liu Mang laughed.

Shi Shini is the first person in charge of the Shi Group.

She is responsible for the survival, development and operation management of the entire group.

"You're right." Shi Shini nodded.

"Okay, it's over, I should go."

Liu Mang stood up and was about to leave, but when he thought that he would leave like this and only come one day in the next month, he suddenly remembered that Xu Xiangyun and the three of them from the photography department: "Xu Xiangyun and the others should come back to work tomorrow. thing, get rid of it!"

"Don't worry, if you don't take care of this matter, I will cancel it."

Shi Shini smiled sweetly and said: "Actually, I never took this matter seriously from the very beginning. It was all Shi Xiaozhang's messing around. Now that he has been killed by me, no one in the group dares to say anything. I directly Rescission of this order will suffice."

"Thank you!"

Liu Mang glanced back at Shi Shini before walking towards the door.

Outside the elevator entrance, there were many leaders. Seeing Liu Mang finally walk out of the CEO's office, everyone looked at him with awe and vigilance.

As long as you are not a fool, no one can see that the relationship between Liu Mang and Shi Shini is extraordinary.

If Shi Shini wasn't behind him, Shi Xiaozhang would have taken Liu Mang away long ago.

Among this group of leaders, some of them were Shi Xiaozhang's dog legs. Since Shi Xiaozhang had just been killed not long ago and Shi Shini hadn't freed up to deal with them, they didn't leave.

These dogs of Yuan Shi Xiaozhang, seeing Liu Mang at this moment, are like a mouse seeing a cat, or a puppy seeing a tiger, trembling and looking flustered.

Don't be afraid not to.

Liu Mang glanced over, and said coldly: "I'll give you a chance, immediately go to the president's office to admit your mistakes, and confess all the wrong things you have done, maybe the company will demote you and keep you, and then in the office Observe for a period of time and put you in important positions, just wait to get out!"

Shi Shini actually asked him to stay to investigate the company's corruption and bribery, bullying employees, and breaking the rules, so he can do it directly now.

With the help of the turmoil caused by Shi Xiaozhang's killing, he can deter some intriguing people in the group: "Don't take chances, let me tell you the truth, from today onwards, I will be in the company and responsible for supervision. If there are problems found, you will lose your jobs by then."

Responsible for supervision?

Some middle-level leaders who had offended Liu Mang, especially Shi Xiaozhang's former lackey, turned pale instantly when they heard what Liu Mang said, and their eyes were filled with fear.

If this is the case, wouldn't it be... forcing them to be good in the future?

Can no longer use the power in your hand to do some bad things?

Thinking of this, all the leaders present felt a little pimple in their hearts, and they looked at Liu Mang with vigilance.

It's like seeing the plague god.

If there is no accident, Liu Mang will indeed be a plague god in the future, and maybe he can really kill them.

"It's over, it's over! I'd better go to the photography department to apologize immediately!"

The person in charge of the brand promotion department, as well as the team leader, have been panicking since Shi Xiaozhang was killed. Now that Liu Mang issued a warning in front of everyone, they are not afraid.

Afraid of Liu Mang, avenging his personal revenge, he directly used his power to kill them first, and then they would not even have a place to cry.

 It's updated, hahaha!

(End of this chapter)

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