folk detective

Chapter 358

Chapter 358

"Do you know how Yao Jin's family is?" Hearing what Sister Qiao said, Liu Mang also sympathized with Yao Jin.

It is too pitiful for a married man to become a door-to-door son-in-law, and to be abandoned after giving birth to make money.

He couldn't even go back to his hometown to visit his parents normally. In such a family without a man's dignity, Yao Jin was definitely unhappy.

If it wasn't for Yao Jin's frail body and Zhang Yunxia's obesity, Liu Mang reckoned that Yao Jin would definitely teach Zhang Yunxia a lesson.

Let her know what a man's dignity is.

"Is it his hometown?"

Sister Qiao took another sip of the milkshake. Half of the oversized bottle of milkshake disappeared in an instant, which shows that she has a very large appetite.When playing mahjong before, Zhang Yunxia once said a few words about Yao Jin's hometown.

"It's not very good. If you are very rich, you won't be a door-to-door son-in-law."

Sister Qiao shook her head lightly, and spoke with a hint of contempt in her tone. In fact, she also looked down on the man who came to the door, without dignity.This is especially true of the customs in their town.

If Yao Jin was very capable, he wouldn't be so capable, but Yao Jin didn't have much skill, and the son-in-law who came to visit was just here to be a bad face.

As for Zhang Yunxia's family, it was also because she had only one daughter, and Zhang Tianqiang needed a grandson to carry on the family line. If Zhang Tianqiang had a son, who would have enough to eat and have nothing to do?
This is exactly what Liu Mang guessed.

"Then do you know where Yao Jin's family lives?" Liu Mang asked, "And the relationship between Yao Jin and Zhang Yunxia, ​​since when did the rift appear."

"I don't know where I live."

Sister Qiao shook her head, her mouth sneered: "You are not right to ask, you should ask, do they have feelings at all! I heard that Zhang Yunxia had a relationship history before, and not long after they separated, her father Zhang Tianqiang I found her a door-to-door son-in-law, that is, Yao Jin, and they got married not long after they met, and I went to the wedding banquet."

They are all from the same town. Although she came here on a fake basis, she married Zhang Yunxia before she got married, so she attended the wedding banquet between Zhang Yunxia and Yao Jin.

At the wine table, many people were whispering about it in private.

Said that Zhang Tianqiang finally found a son.

Now I understood one of Zhang Tianqiang's concerns.

But now it seems that a beautiful event has become a tragic event.

The daughter died, the son-in-law who came to visit ran away, and the two grandchildren were taken away.

The two elders guard the mourning hall every day, doing nothing, and there is no hope for life...

It's quite pitiful when I think about it, but compared to the evil things they did to Yao Jin these years, it seems that evil will be rewarded with evil!

If they hadn't treated Yao Jin like this, Zhang Yunxia passed away, humiliated Yao Jin on the spot, and scolded him bloody, Yao Jin would not have taken his two sons away in a fit of anger.

A marriage without feelings is simply a business!

"Yao Jin came here as a bride, how much dowry did Zhang Yunxia's family give?"

Marriage is a dowry.

When a man marries a wife, he must give a certain dowry to the woman's family.

And vice versa, the woman's family must give a certain gift to the son-in-law who comes to visit.

Otherwise, who would behave well and give away a son who has been raised for more than 20 years for no reason, and make him a door-to-door son-in-law.

"How do I know that!"

The family found a son-in-law who came to the door, and who would reveal how much dowry they gave, and it was not for marrying a daughter. The man's family gave a lot of dowry, and it was a sense of honor to say it.

Zhang Yunxia has always done a good job in this matter, and she didn't disclose it at all.

In other words, Zhang Yunxia herself didn't know, her parents never told her.

"The day before Zhang Yunxia's death, you were playing mahjong, weren't you!" Liu Mang sighed. It seemed that Yao Jin was also a miserable man.

As a door-to-door son-in-law, he is not valued by his family, and his wife also despises him...

Hehe, nothing is more sad than this for a man who is married.


Speaking of this matter, Sister Qiao also had a stalk in her heart: "It was still good that day, and I didn't see any problems at all. Usually, Zhang Yunxia doesn't have any enemies. Everyone playing mahjong is just for fun, and it doesn't hurt anything."

"When it was time for dinner, Zhang Yunxia went back by herself. And we usually know that she is allergic to seafood, so when playing mahjong, there is no seafood for snacks..."

"Does Zhang Yunxia usually not eat outside? Or does she always eat at home?" Liu Mang asked.

"Don't eat outside, do you think we can get so fat if we only eat food at home!"

Sister Qiao doesn't care about her obesity at all. Although this is a town, it belongs to the countryside without a doubt. Women of their age don't pay much attention to their figure after they get married and have children.

Fat and thin are the same.

Anyway, it's enough to live a carefree life, so never mind him!

The family eats three meals a day. Although the food is good, no matter how much you eat, it is impossible to get fat, especially Zhang Yunxia, ​​"Because Zhang Yunxia opened a shop at home, they sell a lot of snacks and fruits. During mahjong, Zhang Yunxia would bring a bunch of snacks from home and eat while playing..."

"Sometimes, when we get tired of rubbing, we all go out together, and when we see something delicious, we buy it directly. Anyway, it's normal to spend 45 yuan a day."

The reason why she is so fat.

Part of the reason is that it became like this after getting acquainted with Zhang Yunxia.

In the beginning, although she was delicious and lazy, she didn't end up eating a bunch of snacks every time she played mahjong.

Zhang Yunxia was very harsh on her husband Yao Jin, but she was very generous to her mahjong friends, and the snacks she brought were all for those who saw them, and she didn't keep them private.

Xiao Doubi looked at Sister Qiao, and thought that Zhang Yunxia lived a really comfortable life, with nothing to do every day, while Yao Jin was exhausted, not even a little dignified.

In his heart, he suddenly felt that Zhang Yunxia might be a villain who deserves evil!
After drinking a glass of milkshake, Sister Qiao felt that it was not enough. Looking at Liu Mang, Liu Mang knew that she wanted another drink.The milk tea in the town costs about ten yuan for a super-sized one.

Just drink it!

Anyway, Liu Mang was not short of tens of dollars.

"Go and order two extra-large glasses for her. If you can't finish it, take it home!" Liu Mang smiled speechlessly.

I don't know what the capacity of Sister Qiao's stomach is. If he is compared with Xiaodou, he won't be able to finish a cup.

But in a few moments, he wiped down a super-large milkshake.

With this amount of food, it's no wonder that he can grow so fat. It's not for nothing that he grows fat all over his body.

Holding two servings of milk tea, Sister Qiao smiled and said, "I've said everything I need to say. If you have nothing to ask, I'll leave first."

She came out today to buy groceries and go home to cook. She was invited by Liu Mang to inquire, and she was delayed for nearly an hour. The children in the family were still waiting for him to come home and cook!

Originally, the family's parents-in-law were always responsible for the fire and cooking, but after Zhang Yunxia's accident, the mahjong parlor was closed down, and she had nowhere to go. In addition, Zhang Yunxia's death put a lot of pressure on her.

So during this time, I cook at home and dare not run around for fear of accidents.

"this is my name card."

Liu Mang took out a business card and handed it to Sister Qiao with both hands: "There is a phone number on it. If you think of something important, you can call me and tell me. If you can help me solve the case, I will provide you with an appropriate informant fee. Although Not much, but a few hundred yuan is still there.”

A few hundred yuan is really not much in the urban area.

But for the common people in the town, a few hundred yuan is enough for them to buy a few clothes.

The family's meat and vegetable money for about a week.

Watching Elder Sister Qiao disappear into his eyes, Xiao Doubi frowned and said in a low voice: "This Yao Jin is really a poor person. It is not good enough to be a door-to-door son-in-law to do this."

"Zhang Yunxia has a tough personality. It's understandable for her to bully her husband like this."

Liu Mang once studied that when two people are together, once one of them has a strong personality, the other will be completely different, either weak or cowardly.

Compared with Zhang Yunxia, ​​Yao Jin's character is a bit cowardly.

Judging from the clues we have so far, Zhang Yunxia is a fierce wife.

And Yao Jin is a coward.

One strong, one weak.

Very different.

"What shall we do next?" Xiaodoubi asked.

Sister Qiao doesn't know many things. After all, she is just an ordinary mahjong friend. Although she often gets together to play mahjong, it doesn't mean she is close.

Playing mahjong is just for everyone to pass the time.

"Ask another person." Liu Mang said flatly.

No matter what, they are here, and we must inquire as much as possible, and from other people, we must implement things about Zhang Yunxia.

It's hard to judge just by asking a person.

"Well, let's go! I know where the other one lives."

Xiao Doubi stood up, wiped his hands with a tissue, and walked in one direction, "Brother, the case has been investigated and the family members of the deceased have also contacted. How do you think Zhang Yunxia died?"

Xiao Doubi actually wanted to ask Liu Mang about this question last night, especially when he saw Zhang Yunxia's mourning hall, this idea was born in his heart.

But he didn't ask for a long time, but waited until he got in touch with Sister Qiao before asking.

In fact, it doesn't matter how Zhang Yunxia died.

The moment he agreed to Xu Wu, Liu Mang made up his mind to help him find out the cause of Zhang Yunxia's death.

If it turned out to be an accident, that would be the best.

If murder...

Then there will be one more tragic family.

"not sure."

This case was the simplest and the most complicated one that Liu Mang had ever encountered.

Here, money is not involved.

Not interests.

Not grudges.

but people.

To be precise, it should be about the relationship between the husband and wife and the two children.

Cases involving money interests are easy to solve, because Liu Mang knows that most of the cases involving such things are murders.

But when it comes to human sophistication, it's hard to say.

In particular, Zhang Yunxia died from a seafood allergy, and this cause of death is even more difficult to trace.

"This case is the most common, the rarest, and the most difficult to solve among the several murder cases I have solved." Liu Mang said with a look of embarrassment.

In the previous cases, Liu Mang had almost everything to start with, but now Zhang Yunxia had no way to start.

In particular, Zhang Yunxia's parents refused to cooperate, which made him even more troubled.

The two walked towards the house of another mahjong friend of Zhang Yunxia.

After about 10 minutes, they walked downstairs.

Residents living in the town, most of the first floors of their houses are shops. Liu Mang and Xiao Doubi stood at the door of this shop, and saw a fat woman sitting on a recliner at the door, playing with her mobile phone.

It is morning now, and at this time of the morning, the market is not the time when the traffic is the most, so although many shops are open, there are very few people who come to buy things.

No need to guess, the moment Liu Mang saw this fat woman, she knew that this was the other mahjong friend of Zhang Yunxia they were looking for.

Zhang Yunxia is a fat man.

Sister Qiao is also fat.

Then, the mahjong friends of the two of them are naturally the same.

"What do you two want to buy? Just look around, choose and tell me." This fat woman is called Sister Tian.

"We don't buy anything, we just want to talk to you about Zhang Yunxia."

Liu Mang cut to the chase and said, "We are detectives. I just talked to Sister Qiao. I hope you can help us."


Sister Tian's complexion was not very good. When she heard that she was a detective and wanted to ask about Zhang Yunxia, ​​her eyes became very gloomy. She was different from Sister Qiao.

Their shop is a little far away from the most prosperous part of the market, that is, Zhang Yunxia's house.

Therefore, the mourning hall set up by Zhang Tianqiang did not have much impact on her family's business, and since Zhang Yunxia's accident, the police came to question her a few times.

The family members also warned her not to play mahjong anymore, or even run to Zhang Yunxia's house.

Even if you go to burn incense and worship, it will be contaminated with mold, which will affect the family's business.

She doesn't want to hear anyone talking about Zhang Yunxia at all now.

"I don't know Zhang Yunxia, ​​you have found the wrong person." Sister Tian said with a gloomy expression.

Compared with Sister Qiao, Sister Tian's abnormal attitude surprised Liu Mang and Xiao Doubi. It is possible that Sister Tian knew something, so she was very scared.

"Have you found the wrong person? You know better than us. If you don't know Zhang Yunxia, ​​ wouldn't have heard this name. Your face has changed. You must know something."

Liu Mang also didn't want to embarrass Sister Tian, ​​so he said coldly: "I was able to find you, and I definitely want you to speak up. If you don't cooperate, I won't get the clues I want to know. We won't leave, just play tricks on me." , you have found the wrong person."

Growing up in the countryside, Liu Mang naturally knew how to deal with this situation.

Play tricks and pretend not to know.

Ha ha!

Liu Mang also used this trick before.

Sister Tian was afraid that she would be involved in the matter, so she stood up directly from the recliner, and said with a serious face: "Hurry up, if you don't leave, I will call someone, I said, I don't know, I don't know Zhang Yunxia, ​​don't force me , otherwise everyone will have a hard time."

"You murdered Zhang Yunxia?"

In a hurry to drive them away, Liu Mang felt in her heart that Sister Tian must have a guilty conscience. If she is not guilty, why don't her face change in fright when she hears the name Zhang Yunxia.

There must be something tricky in it, Liu Mang shouted loudly: "You are a murderer!"


This move really shocked Sister Tian, ​​she was so frightened that she trembled all over, and her face flushed red from the stimulation.

"Don't spout blood."

Sister Tian was also scared, she unexpectedly met two rascals.

 It's updated!Ask for a wave of rewards, not too much, just a few hundred yuan!
(End of this chapter)

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