folk detective

Chapter 39 The evidence is solid and ready to arrest people

Chapter 39 The evidence is solid and ready to arrest someone (ask for a subscription! It's still zero)
"Liu Mang, where are you?"

After coming out of Fuqian Villa, Zheng Feifei called him and asked him why he didn't go to work today.Liu Mang checked the time on his phone, it turned out that it was eleven o'clock after all this trouble.

"I just came out of Fuqian Villa, and Fu Qiang came looking for me." Liu Mang said flatly.

"He is looking for you? Why is he looking for you? Did he beat you?" When he heard that Fu Qiang was looking for him, Zheng Feifei felt that Fu Qiang looking for Liu Mang must be up to no good.

Definitely trying to bully him.

"Hit me? No!" Liu Mang thought that Fu Qiang had been arrested, and guessed that the court would be sentenced in a few days. Beat him?There is no chance in this life.

"Then are you still coming to work today?" Zheng Feifei asked expectantly.

Liu Mang, who was standing at the bus stop by the side of the road, frowned when he heard Zheng Feifei asking him this, and instead of responding to Zheng Feifei immediately, he thought for a moment: "Did Shi Yingjun ask for leave today?"

"How do you know? In the morning, Mr. Tan told me that Director Shi has something urgent to ask for a day off and come to work tomorrow!" Zheng Feifei said in amazement.

I don't understand how Liu Mang knew that Shi Yingjun had asked for leave. She only knew about it when Tan Cai told her in the morning.

"I have something to do today, so I won't go to the company, please ask for a leave of absence for me." Liu Mang said after thinking for a while.

There are some things that he still doesn't fully understand.

"Okay then!" After hanging up the phone, Zheng Feifei in the office of the personnel department of the Internet celebrity plastic surgery hospital suddenly showed a look of disappointment on her face.

"What! That guy asked for leave again and didn't come to work?" Qu Jingmei asked with a frown.

"Yeah!" Zheng Feifei nodded weakly.

Qu Jingmei immediately rolled her eyes at Zheng Feifei, and snorted, "Your parents are coming tomorrow. If you check, you will definitely reveal your secrets. If you don't hurry up, I'll see what you will do then, how will you tell me?" Parents explain!"

Zheng Feifei's parents are very strange people.

Qu Jingmei didn't know Zheng Feifei for a long time, that is, about half a year, and found that Zheng Feifei's parents would come to visit Zheng Feifei once in almost two months.

And every time I went to the same hotel for dinner, after eating, I took her to the No. 1 civilian hospital in the city for a pregnancy test.

As the saying goes, knowing a daughter is better than parents.

Zheng Feifei's private life is very chaotic. As a parent, she can discipline her when she is around, but Zheng Feifei came out to work and went solo.

They can't control it anymore.

The only way is to visit her daughter regularly and take her to the hospital for examination.


When this matter was mentioned, Zheng Feifei sighed and sat on the chair, her face full of helplessness: "What can I do? Liu Mang avoids me every day, and dare not come to work, and I don't know where Liu Mang lives. I'm going there to find him!"

"Isn't there an address on his resume?" Qu Jingmei said.

"I checked. What he filled in was the address on his ID card. His hometown...are you going?" Zheng Feifei said helplessly.

"It can't be helped, that can't be helped, are you going to have your legs broken by your parents?" As for Zheng Feifei, sometimes Qu Jingmei also feels a headache: "Sometimes I really don't know what to say about you. Don't mess around, you're all connected! It's all right now, I'm pregnant, and it's still my ex-boyfriend's, so it's embarrassing!"

"Jingmei, you have a lot of ideas, help me find a solution!" Zheng Feifei grabbed Qu Jingmei's hand, as if she had grasped the last straw.

There was light in her eyes, and she hoped that Qu Jingmei could help her.

Otherwise, once her parents take her to the city's No. 1 civilian hospital for an examination and find out that she is pregnant and has no boyfriend, she will be completely left alone.

"In a while, I'll go there and give you some advice!" Qu Jingmei said angrily.

"Just help me think about it..." Zheng Feifei grabbed Qu Jingmei's hand and acted coquettishly: "If this thing succeeds, I will treat you to takeaway for a month, and you can drive my car as you like, so you can flirt with me. ..."

"Okay!" Qu Jingmei nodded helplessly.

Back to the private detective, Liu Mang inserted the 128G small USB flash drive into the computer, and it took a full hour to find the picture of Jiang Yuehong's breast augmentation from a bunch of surveillance videos.


"No, this guy put something in it..."

"How shameless, Tan Cai, you bastard! You actually took advantage of the effects of the anesthetic and Jiang Yuehong to moles her before she woke up... Scum, fuck you!"

Watching all the videos of Jiang Yuehong from her breast augmentation to her discharge from the hospital, Liu Mang's face turned blue, and she couldn't help but slapped the table with enthusiasm, stood up and cursed a few bad words.

So angry!

If Tan Cai stood in front of him at this moment, he would definitely not be able to control his violent temper, and kicked Tan Cai, causing Tan Cai to fall to the ground and roll.

"Doing a decent job, but still a general manager, in the upper class, but specializing in dirty things, Tan Cai! Tan Cai! You are not only greedy for money, but also lustful. The words scum are not enough to describe you. If I don't seek justice for Jiang Yuehong this time, I won't be called Liu Mang." Liu Mang spat.

Next, he selected some photos with ulterior motives, typed them out with a printer, and sent them a courier in two envelopes.

Liu Mang believed that as long as Tan Cai and Shi Yingjun saw the photos in the envelope, they would be scared out of their wits and be at a loss.

However, this is what he wanted.

"Lin Yu, where are you!"

After casual lunch, Liu Mang planned to hand over the data in the USB flash drive to Lin Yu. He was not a policeman, so even if he knew that Shi Yingjun and Tan Cai had broken the law, he couldn't arrest them.

But Lin Yu is, it is enough to hand over the materials of their crimes to Lin Yu.

"What do you want from me?" Lin Yu asked.

"I have evidence of crimes committed by Tan Cai, the general manager of the Internet celebrity plastic surgery hospital, and Shi Yingjun, a rhinoplasty expert, in my hand. I will send it to you!" Liu Mang said solemnly.

"I'm in the bureau, come here!" Lin Yu was interrogating Fu Qiang at the moment, and he couldn't help being moved when he heard that Liu Mang had evidence of Tan Cai and Shi Yingjun's crimes in his hands.

This guy went undercover in the Internet celebrity plastic surgery hospital, and sure enough, he found some shady things.

After handing the USB flash drive to Lin Yu, Liu Mang said, "Remember to return the USB flash drive, I paid for this."

Holding the USB flash drive, Lin Yu patted Liu Mang on the shoulder and said thank you.

He wanted to thank Liu Mang for doing a good deed.

"Don't thank me, I just did what I should do." Liu Mang said lightly.

But in my heart, there is still a sense of pride.

I feel that what I have done is very honorable, and when I say it, I will feel that my face is radiant and has a halo.

"But these two people, it's best to catch them tomorrow, because Shi Yingjun asked for leave today, and I'm going to the Internet celebrity plastic surgery hospital to arrest them now. I'm afraid you will miss nothing, and you can only catch Tan Cai." Liu Mang frowned.

"Don't worry! We won't be so reckless. If we want to grab a pair, we will never miss one." Lin Yu said solemnly.

"I'm going to work tomorrow too, remember to cooperate with me." Liu Mang grinned and thought of a brilliant way.

 Chapter 2, this volume is about to end!

(End of this chapter)

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