Chapter 99

Yin Yiwen's behavior seemed gentle and polite, and she was also outstanding and beautiful, but the moment she walked out of the desk and came to the coffee table to shake hands with Liu Mang, Liu Mang saw in her eyes a kind of aura unique to a strong woman field.


With a strong feminine charm.

It was an invisible strong aura unique to vertical and horizontal shopping malls. Although Yin Yiwen restrained herself and did not release it, this aura had already integrated into her body, and it naturally radiated out in every move.

Even though it is restrained, sometimes it is unintentionally released.

In an instant, Liu Mang judged that if he wanted to deal with Yin Yiwen, if the aura he displayed was too weak, it would not be able to deter her strong heart at all.

Some people are like that, and they are used to the business. From then on, whether it is dealing with people, dealing with people, or talking about marriage, they will invisibly exude a strong invisible aura in their bones.

It can also be understood as experience.

After seeing a lot of knowledge, honor and disgrace are not shocked, Mount Tai is overwhelmed without changing his face, regardless of how awesome people he sees, he can look at them with a light smile.

Liu Mang once read a book, which said that when a person has his own aura, this person is terrifying and possesses infinite power.Similarly, this person is also fragile. Once someone defeats this kind of aura, it will be more difficult than normal people to regain their confidence.

It's like, if you climb high and fall hard, if you don't get hurt, you'll be fine, and if you get hurt, you'll be covered with cuts and bruises, full of holes.

"Liu Mang, Liu Bang's Liu, the radiant Mang, is a detective. I was hired by Bao Zhuozhuo's sister, and I came to investigate the so-called boyfriend in Bao Zhuozhuo's suicide note." Liu Mang grinned, meeting Yin Yiwen's strong eyes , took a closer look at her voice and smile.

Yin Yiwen saw that Liu Mang was not embarrassed or restrained at all, but stared at her figure openly, and immediately puffed up her chest, showing Liu Mang's proud figure all over.

However, when she heard that Liu Mang was a detective and came to find the boyfriend in Bao Zhuozhuo's suicide note, her face suddenly darkened, her eyebrows slightly frowned, and an inexplicable irritability and negative emotion lingered in her heart.

"Sit!" Yin Yiwen said.

Her voice was very pleasant and sweet, and it fell into Liu Mang's heart, giving birth to a feeling that she couldn't help but want to get close.

This girl is not simple!

Liu Mang secretly sighed in her heart. She was in her early thirties. Not only was she beautiful and graceful, she also had the temperament of a strong woman. Most importantly, her voice was very pleasant.

Like big pearls and small pearls falling on a jade plate, a man can't help but want to get close when he hears it.

Sitting on the sofa, Liu Mang looked up at Yin Yiwen again, and found that her face had returned to normal, and a smile appeared on the flaming red lips, and said with a smile: "Zhuo Zhuo has a sister, I know, but I just haven't seen it. Why, Zhuo Zhuo passed away, didn’t the police have already solved the case? Why do you need a detective to investigate? Do you suspect that there is a shady scene?”

At this moment, Yin Yiwen gave Liu Mang the feeling that she was not as strong as before, with a strong aura.In fact, there was a reason why Liu Mang mentioned Bao Zhuozhuo when he opened his mouth.

From a psychological point of view, this is called anti-customer-oriented, directly poking at the problems that the owner is unwilling to face. Only in this way can the opponent's strong aura be instantly broken and the opponent's strength exposed.

Once broken, the chatter behind will not be at a disadvantage.

Dealing with people is an unfathomable art.Different people have different ways. To deal with a successful business woman like Yin Yiwen, in a word, you can't be cowardly.

Once you are coaxed, the other party will not miss you from the bottom of their hearts.

A coward, what can he do.

"The case has been solved, but the so-called boyfriend in the suicide note has never been found. Her sister Arlene is very anxious, eager to know who the younger sister committed suicide for, and who abandoned her and hurt her heart." Heart." Liu Mang said lightly.

He didn't mention that Bao Zhuozhuo was Les' business.

If Yin Yiwen had a good relationship with Bao Zhuozhuo as Zhang Jinchuan said, then she would definitely know more.

Although Liu Mang also had doubts in his heart, this boyfriend was unfounded.

But maybe it was really cheated out of Yin Yiwen's mouth?
At first, Liu Mang suspected that Zhang Jinchuan was the so-called boyfriend in Bao Zhuozhuo's suicide note, but after seeing Zhang Jinchuan, he concluded that it was not.

If there is a boyfriend, but not Zhang Jinchuan, then there must be someone else.

Unexpectedly, Yin Yiwen didn't want to hide things about Bao Zhuozhuo. In fact, she also wanted to know who the boyfriend in the suicide note was: "Zhuozhuo has worked here for more than a year. Our relationship is like that of sisters. She still wants to kiss her best friend, she doesn't have a boyfriend at all, because she is..."

Seemingly remembering something, Yin Yiwen didn't continue talking, but stopped in time.

Hearing this, Liu Mang couldn't help laughing, and kept saying what Yin Yiwen didn't want to say, or dared not to say, without surprise: "Because she is a Les, which is what everyone calls a lesbian."

As soon as these words came out, Yin Yiwen's eyes widened and her breathing became short of breath, as if her privacy was suddenly exposed.

And it was exposed in front of a man.

Seeing Yin Yiwen's reaction, Liu Mang became even more suspicious.

Since Bao Zhuozhuo is a Les, he has no boyfriend.So, who is the female companion in Bao Zhuo Zhuo Les?
Who played the partner in Baudrojo Les?

Is it Yin Yiwen in front of me?
Liu Mang had never thought deeply about this question.

"you know!"

The expression on Yin Yiwen's face became extremely serious, she got up suddenly, went to the door and locked it, as if she didn't want others to hear their conversation.

Seeing Yin Yiwen being so cautious, Liu Mang became more curious.

Could it be that Yin Yiwen knew who Bao Zhuozhuo played Les with.

"I know, Bao Zhuozhuo's sister Arlene told me, and that's why I took this case. It's Les, so it's impossible to have a boyfriend, but the suicide note is true, so Bao Zhuozhuo's suicide is full of strange things. It's weird, but a suicide note concluded that she committed suicide and there was no murderer." Liu Mang said in a low voice.

Yin Yiwen found a pack of cigarettes from under the coffee table. Liu Mang had seen this kind of cigarettes before, and they were only for women.She tapped one lightly, took two puffs in ecstasy, and her eyes became blurred.

The smoke came out from Yin Yiwen's flaming red lips, wrapped around her heart like a cloud of sorrow, and floated up in front of her.Liu Mang did not interrupt Yin Yiwen's melancholy remembrance.

After smoking a full cigarette and putting the butt out on the ashtray, Yin Yiwen cleared up the melancholy and nostalgia in her heart, and her eyes fell on Liu Mang: "I, Yin Yiwen, have seen Liu Mang in the mall for seven or eight years since I started my business. Countless bosses, sales elites, real estate bosses, hosts... but I feel like they are not as difficult as you."

"From you, I feel a feeling like a hunter staring at his prey, and I am the prey, and you are the hunter. In front of you, the privacy in my heart is gone, as if everything has been seen through, you Your eyes are not sharp, but your heart is not small."

She had a vague feeling that when Bao Zhuozhuo was mentioned as Les just now, Liu Mang saw the flash of panic on her face.

And from this trace of panic, Yin Yiwen noticed that Liu Mang might have seen something, but she hadn't spoken yet.

"Boss Yin, you've really flattered me. I'm just an ordinary little detective." Although Liu Mang was happy to be praised like this, he still felt a little shy.

"A little detective who is so ordinary that he can't be more ordinary? Hahaha, you really know how to joke."

Yin Yiwen smiled, like a hundred flowers blooming, giving people a very amazing feeling. She seemed to mock Liu Mang's modesty: "Mr. Liu Mang really knows how to joke, do you really think I don't usually go online? Internet celebrity anchor Jiang Yuehong committed suicide by jumping off the building The truth, but you provided the evidence to break it."

 Update it, update it!Asking for a reward, no recommendation, no subscription, so hard!
(End of this chapter)

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