Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 108 - 2 Bosses

Chapter 108 – The Second Boss
Early morning on the [-]th, at the gate of the No. [-] Middle School.
Ai Wen lit a cigarette to the driver master and handed it over: "Master, thank you for your hard work!"

"What's the trouble, you spend a lot of money on the car!" The driver said with a smile, "Teacher, are you going to take the students to a summer camp?"

"This time the students' test scores are good, so I'll take them on a trip." Ai Wen said with a smile.

Aiwen’s scheduled departure time is [-]:[-] in the morning. Parents who drive by themselves can decide the departure time. Aiwenbao’s bus will drive at the hotel on time.

Not long after, several parents with their children arrived at the gate of No.[-] Middle School.Parents and students got in the car and sat down after greeting Ai Wen with a smile.Ai Wen didn't plan to drive today, because he needed to be responsible for the safety of the students on the bus.At the same time, there are several children in class seven who went by themselves with the consent of their parents, so Ai Wen has to take good care of those children.

After the number of people on the bus is determined at nine o'clock, Aiwen can notify the bus driver that he can drive.The bus was waiting at the school gate at seven o'clock, and Ai Wen asked the driver to find a place to rest, and just wait until nine o'clock to drive.

Uncle Zhang, the guard of the No. [-] Middle School, saw Ai Wen and asked, "Mr. Xiao Ai, what are you doing?"

"Class group building, find a holiday resort to travel!" Ai Wen smiled and handed a flue to Uncle Zhang.

Uncle Zhang asked: "What if there is a safety problem?"

"Cool and cool! There are definitely risks, but you can't give up eating because of choking. When I was young, the school was afraid of this and that. The spring outings in spring and autumn outings in autumn were all cancelled." Ai Wen complained.

Uncle Zhang raised his thumb and said, "Miss Xiaoai, you really have courage!"

After chatting with Uncle Zhang for a while, the students and parents who acted in unison have already arrived.After Ivan called the driver, the driver immediately returned to the driving seat and drove.After waving to Uncle Zhang, Ai Wen sat in the first row and escorted the car.

Chen Yanzi was sitting with his niece Chen Xiaolin, and this morning she was woken up again by Ai Wen. Waking up early was a huge torture for Chen Yanzi, especially after staying up all night cultivating immortals.

Aiwen is getting used to Chen Yanzi's life habit of staying out at night, but I definitely can't sleep in today, the bus leaves at nine o'clock--you can't sleep until noon, can you?

In fact, she could also drive Chen Xiaolin to the resort, but she doesn't quite trust her driving skills.Although Chen Yanzi got her driver's license a long time ago, she has always been a female motorcycle rider, and she has long forgotten how to drive a four-wheeled motorcycle in front of her!
Riding a motorcycle with your niece?Chen Yanzi dared to ride Chen Xiaolin, but she didn't dare to sit!The performance of the motorcycle that Chen Yanzi bought with a huge sum of money is absolutely excellent, and the speed of the rider can exceed [-] in a minute!Ordinary family cars can't outperform Chen Yanzi's motorcycle on the highway!

So she can only endure the pain of being awakened by Ai Wen's tricks and get up early.But in order to supervise this guy's activities outside, Chen Yanzi felt that her hard work was necessary.My fiancé has too many cronies and friends, it's hard to guard against!

The owner of this resort is his sworn elder brother—the head of the Four Chinese Young Masters and the eldest son of the Longpeng Group. If he wants to give Ai Wen a job, he can easily arrange him clearly.And now Ai Wen is Yang Peng's partner, what if there are some coquettish people who want to hook up with Ai Wen?

Chen Yanzi has doubts about Ai Wen's willpower who claims to have a three-figure girlfriend--Ai Wen promised her not to pick up girls, but he couldn't stop the mad bees and butterflies from jumping on him!Therefore, as the empress of the palace, she must serve Young Master Ai clearly.

The resort is more than 100 kilometers away from Q City, and is located among the mountains in the middle of the provincial capital of Q City.The location chosen by Yang Peng is very tricky. This distance is not too far for people with cars, so it can attract customers from Q City and the provincial capital.

The road leading to the resort is very easy to walk, the width of the road is enough for two buses to drive side by side and meet each other easily.When Ivan saw the resort, he found that it really felt like a paradise.The resort is built in the middle of the valley, and the mountains are lined with trees.There is a mountain spring pouring down—it seems that the hot spring water is not tap water!
Aiwen knew that the hot spring here was not a natural hot spring, but just heated up the mountain spring.Many hot springs on the market are not as good as resort resorts—there are even hot springs that use tap water directly to heat them up!
After Ai Wen got off the car with the children, there were already people at the reception counting the number of tourists.Before he came, he had issued e-tickets to the children. The children can enter by themselves, and the parents need to pay to enter.

As for the accommodation in the resort, it depends on the arrangements of the parents.Some parents let their children live with them, while others choose to let their children live with their friends.Ai Wen booked double-standard rooms for the children. It is definitely not acceptable for one person to live in a single room. In case something happens, the two can take care of each other.

After checking in, the hotel staff showed Ai Wen the room allocation situation.Avenby needs to be strict about not having boys and girls sneaking together in the same room.The kid now has the right idea. If there is any problem with his life style, Ai Wen will definitely be interviewed by his superiors.

Fortunately, the girls in the seventh class of junior high school are all led by their parents - Chen Xiaolin's mother also came together, so the girls live in the family room with their parents.

In fact, after the children arrive here, they can move freely. Aiwen talked about the requirements-pay attention to safety, not to run around, and not to leave the resort.Especially those children who came alone, they must form a group wherever they go to play.

There are many entertainment items in the resort. If you like quietness, you can find a pit to soak in hot springs; if you like excitement, you can go to the water park to play water slides and the like; the resort also has leisure clubs that can provide tea, drinking, listening to music, reading books, and spa and other services.

Some of the students wandered around the resort with their parents, and some found their friends to play with.Ai Wen found Yang Peng under the guidance of the staff.

"Oh my fourth young master! Miss me!" Yang Peng said after hugging Ai Wen fiercely.

Ai Wen easily broke free from his arm: "I haven't seen you for three years, is this inflated?"

"Hey, it's hard to say. Actually, I also want to lose weight, but I feel tired every time I move, so I gained a full forty catties." Yang Peng said depressedly: "Brother, my agreement is ready, just wait You're signed!"

"Young Master Longpeng is so eager to face 200 million?" Ai Wen laughed.

Yang Peng curled his lips: "I also want to understand, I will definitely inherit the family property - but I have to go back in a glorious manner, put the results on their desks and tell them to be a big deal. What is going back now? Too poor to eat outside? That's an act of masturbation!"

"As the fourth child, I definitely support you. For your 1000 million, I even took out the wedding money." Ai Wen smiled bitterly: "And for the follow-up 800 million, I managed to borrow more than 300 from my wife."

"Daughter-in-law's is yours! It's not like I didn't eat soft food when I was in college!" Yang Peng broke the stage and said, "That's strength!"

"Get out!" Ai Wen checked the agreement and signed it. As long as he transfers 200 million to Yang Peng, he will be the second owner of this resort!
(End of this chapter)

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