Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 124 - Physics advises you to be kind

Chapter 124 – Physics advises you to be kind
Aiwen went upstairs for a meeting, and then Class [-] welcomed a few children with unfamiliar faces.

Aiwen usually sits in the class, and there are very few students from other classes who come to the door of class seven to wander around.Aiwen's reputation has been well-known throughout the school year-who dares to provoke a master who can compete with the instructor's uncle?What's more, Ai Wen is a teacher!He naturally had an oppressive dominion over his students.

Therefore, even girls from other classes rarely appear in Class [-], let alone girls from other classes come to Class [-] to deliver milk tea and snacks. It can be said that Ai Wen is like the Queen Mother of Class [-], who separated the seven classes by turning himself into a galaxy. Friendly exchanges between the class and the outside world.

According to the usual practice, when the teacher goes to the meeting, all classes in the school can let the children go out for free activities.However, Class Seven has a strong learning atmosphere, even if Ai Wen let them go out, they would still choose to study by themselves in the class.

Learning makes me happy!

Learning enriches me!

If I don't study for a day, I feel uncomfortable all over!

When everyone in class seven was quietly studying in the classroom, Zhao Dongfeng kicked open the door of class seven with a few loyal friends.Under the watchful eyes of everyone in Class [-], several new friends walked into the classroom and asked arrogantly: "Who is Li Guoyao?"

The eyes of the children in the seventh class suddenly became playful - say Cao Cao Cao Cao will be there!You were still talking about it after class, but you didn't expect to come to your door so soon?It's really a coincidence that this guy came - if Lao Ai was present, he would definitely make him sing peach blossoms.

But Lao Ai also said: Class Seven never causes trouble, but there is no need for Class Seven to be afraid of trouble.There is a steelyard between heaven and earth, and this weight is fairness and morality.A few children from other classes who came to Class [-] violated school discipline, so even if they settle accounts after the fall, they must be held accountable first.

Zhao Dongfeng followed the eyes of everyone in Class [-], and found Li Guoyao who was sitting in the back row of the classroom with a look of lovelessness.What does it mean that a person sits in the class and comes from the sky?What is unlucky to hit the heels of the exhaust!Do you blame me for being handsome?Do girls like to blame me?I'm so sorry to be human!
When Zhao Dongfeng saw Li Guoyao at first sight, he thought he was a formidable opponent -- he was handsome, tall, and he heard that his family had money!Masaka!I feel like I am completely crushed!

no!Can't be cowardly!Zhao Dongfeng cheered himself up silently--girls like boys with masculinity, as long as this guy is taught a lesson, Wu Xintong will be disappointed in him, and then he will become good friends with him.

Tender him!That's right!You must tender him!

Zhao Dongfeng brought three partners to the back of the classroom. They walked to Li Guoyao's desk and surrounded him, then asked condescendingly, "Are you Li Guoyao?"

"It's me. What advice do you have?" Li Guoyao asked kindly.

Zhao Dongfeng said: "Wu Xintong is not a girl you can climb, you are not worthy!"

Li Guoyao: .
He rubbed his face and said, "Got it, is there anything else?"

Seeing Li Guoyao's sincere look, Zhao Dongfeng smiled: "Looking at your weak appearance, I really don't know how Wu Xintong likes you! Tell you! I will walk around when you see me in the future, otherwise I will let you know why Taohua is so cute. red."

"Okay." Li Guoyao still had a nuclear smile on his face. Although he really wanted to punch this arrogant guy, there were cameras left by Aiwen in the front and back of the entire classroom—maybe the old thief Aiwen Now the class is being monitored remotely.

If Li Guoyao made a move at this time, he would be at the wrong side.He is not afraid of Zhao Dongfeng, what he is afraid of is the ultimate ruler who hangs over the head of class seven-- old thief Aiwen!To put it bluntly, Li Guoyao's body is as rich as Zhao Dongfeng's four!The combat effectiveness of Zhao Dongfeng's followers may not be as good as Zhao Dongfeng himself!
"Hahaha! You heard me! What a coward!" Zhao Dongfeng continued to taunt: "Li Guoyao. Sure enough, what class gave birth to who? Your seventh class is as if you are at home. All of them look fierce, and they are all embroidered pillows. Cotton bales!"

"Why do you say you bother?" Li Guoyao scratched his head: "It's your business that you like Wu Xintong. I don't think it's a problem if you come to me to warn me--after all, it's a misunderstanding. Let me let you go. But what are you doing?" Why humiliate our class."

Before Li Guoyao finished speaking, the other boys in class seven stood up silently, then got up quietly and walked to the back of the classroom to watch Zhao Dongfeng with calm eyes.

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air. The silent and fierce counterattack of the seventh class almost scares Zhao Dongfeng. As the saying goes, a dog that bites does not bark. It opens its sharp jaws and bites the throat of its prey.

"Everyone. What do you want to do?" Zhao Dongfeng softened. He had never seen such a battle before.

Xie Mingjie walked to the front of the boys. He is a popular monitor and should occupy the most glorious C position.

"You—too much." Xie Mingjie looked down at Zhao Dongfeng, his sharp eyes frightened him like a knife.

"What do you want? Draw the Dao!" Zhao Dongfeng sternly drew circles in the air with his arms, quite like a Tai Chi master.

Li Guoyao took a step forward silently, and then pushed him into the corner of the classroom. Zhao Dongfeng, who was separated from his friends, was as weak and helpless as a Shar-Pei dog whose back was picked up.

"You guys, don't come here!" Zhao Dongfeng yelled in horror.

Boys in class seven:
We didn't even move!This person has too much inner drama!Possessed by drama?The best of the best?talent!

Xie Mingjie sighed, it's impossible to be angry with this kind of person!He said coldly: "Apologize, you provoked this matter today, you kicked the door of Class Seven, and you provoked the matter of Class Seven. Boy, you have to have a bottom line in doing things and being a person, you Crossed the line."

"Scholars can be killed and cannot be humiliated!" Zhao Dongfeng said with his neck stuck.

Xie Mingjie:
What is the composition of this hob meat that does not contain oil and salt?How did this kind of product become the third small row noodle?What happened to Sanxiao?
As a result, several giants from class seven got together to discuss countermeasures.
Xie Mingjie said depressedly: "What should I do if this guy doesn't get in? You can't take him away!"

Li Yang rolled his eyes: "Yang has a plan."

Xie Mingjie's eyes lit up after listening to them, and they immediately followed Li Yang's arrangement.The seven groups of people with a clear division of labor go their own way - those who should close the door close the door, those who should lock the window lock the window, those who should pull the wires pull the wires, and those who should turn off the camera turn off the camera.

Seeing the people in the seventh group getting busy, Zhao Dongfeng and the others, who have already become the shackles of the urn, are surrounded—what are they doing?Could it be that these guys are finally going to attack themselves!I hate it!If I had known that Class [-]'s idea was so hard, no matter what, I couldn't break into this dragon's pond and tiger's den!
too difficult!Chasing a girl is really hard!It's not easy at all!
Everything is ready, it is only due to Dongfeng, as long as Ai Wen comes back, the drama will kick off!
(End of this chapter)

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