Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 139 – The Good Show Is About to Begin

Chapter 139 – The Good Show Is About to Begin

Thursday, November [-]. Sunny.
The desks, chairs and benches of all classes in the school have been moved out of the classroom yesterday and placed in the area allocated by the school.Because the playground is large enough, each class is located a certain distance from the runway.

The electric three jumpers borrowed from the parents and the agreed sponsorship have been in place, and the large umbrellas above the heads of all classes in the school are clearly written "Welcome to Qiushi Electric Vehicle Store".
In addition to the hard sponsorship, there are also many flower baskets sent by the parents of the students. There is a row of flower baskets in front of the table of the seventh class. On the flower baskets are words like Jianhong Industry wishes the conference a complete success, and Hot Pot City wishes the seventh class a victory because The flower baskets were filled with fresh flowers, and the whole Class Seven was enveloped in a strong fragrance of flowers—thanks to the fact that there were no pollen allergies in Class Seven, otherwise they would have to go to the hospital!

For the flower baskets sent by the parents, Ai Wen called one by one to express his gratitude. The other class teachers were so envious!There are also rich parents in other classes, but such caring parents like Class Seven are rare.

The main reason is that Ai Wen and the parents of Class [-] are very close--more than two months after the start of school, he first had a cordial talk with the parents of all Party A, and then called the parents to discuss the arrangements for the lunch break of the students and prepare for the establishment of the Parents Committee. After the monthly exam, Aiwen also took the lead in organizing a large-scale group outing for the seventh class, and took the parents for a parent-child outing.

Even if it's a stone, it's always warm when you hold it.What's more, the parents already have a good impression of Aiwen—especially Chen Xiaolin's parents, who sponsored their own sister to Aiwen!
As a family member, student parent and dance instructor, Chen Yanzi came to the school with Ai Wen early.If Class [-]'s show is a hit this time, it will also be a big publicity for her dance school - their dance school also accepts art candidates, and dance special students are very welcome to sign up.

Chen Yanzi looked at Ai Wen who was directing the students to enter the arena and asked maliciously: "Why don't you change your clothes?"

Aiwen pointed to the electric three bungee that had been transformed beyond recognition: "That's my changing room"

Chen Yanzi followed Aiwen's fingers and saw three three-wheelers with various slogans on them. The space in the back of the three-wheelers was enough for Aiwen to change clothes. Moreover, the enclosed space surrounded by the slogans could provide space for Aiwen to change his clothes. It shields the outside world well, allowing him to change his clothes with ease, and he can also put on makeup by the way.

"Awesome!" Chen Yanzi didn't expect Ai Wen to be able to make this show, change clothes and make up on the spot before the review?It really exploded!

Ai Wen had already prepared the primer before going out. At this time, his face was extremely white, and his face under the sun had a warm and jade-like texture.

The students have already returned to class and changed their clothes - Class [-] and Class [-] have reached a friendly agreement, the girls from the two classes go to Class [-] to change clothes, and the boys from the two classes go to Class [-] to change clothes.This can effectively avoid the embarrassment of not having enough places to change clothes in the toilet.

Classes wearing school uniforms for review on the day of the sports meeting will be ridiculed, and they will be embarrassed to say hello to others if they don't do something fancy.Some classes wear Chinese tunic suits and female school uniforms of the Republic of China; some classes wear small navy camouflage; ratio.

After all, the costumes of Class Seven were carefully selected by Chen Yanzi—and their costumes are in a series but not the same.It is much more advanced than other classes that only have two styles for men and women.These advantages are all made by Ivan with money!

The boy was dressed in a modified Hanfu, with two nunchucks pinned to his belt.According to Aiwen's request, the chain of the nunchuck should face down, and the head of the nunchuck should face up.The main switch of the spray on the nunchuck is in Chen Yanzi's hands, and Chen Yanzi will remotely control it when it's time to spray.The coverage distance of the remote control is 300 meters, which is quite a long distance.

The girls' costumes are divided into two types, one is white and red costumes for dancing, and the other is black and red costumes for modeling.No matter what color it is, it is very beautiful.What made the children most happy was that Boss Aiwen promised that these costumes would not be taken back after the sports meeting and could be kept as souvenirs.

This is Alvin's midterm exam reward for the kids.A bet is a bet, and a reward is a reward, the two should not be confused!For this award, the children accepted it with great joy, no matter how old children are, they love beautiful clothes!
More importantly, these clothes are not afraid of colliding with classmates!Although the costumes of the entire Class [-] are in the same series, the plums, orchids, bamboos and chrysanthemums are all different, so it is not embarrassing to wear them together.

At 07:30, the students and teachers of all classes in the school gathered on the playground to prepare for the sports meeting review.Each class has its own waiting area, and the school will conduct inspections in the order of the third, second, and first grades.The space of each class is limited, and the seventh class almost couldn't fit the people and props.

The sixth class in front of the seventh class and the eighth class behind were stunned when they saw the luxurious equipment of the neighbor class seven.

"Wow. Is your class going to heaven?"

Class [-] has the same set of teachers as Class [-], so there is naturally a closeness in meaning.A child asked, pointing to the beautifully made figure.

The driver of the three jumpers smiled: "Calm down. Calm down, don't be six."

Driving an electric tricycle is really not technical at all, but when choosing a driver, Ivan still chose three relatively calm guys-after all, the three cars have to keep moving forward at a slow speed, and they have to put on a "one-two" "Triangle formation.

The class flag of the seventh class is inserted on the body of the first three-wheeled car. This car is also Aiwen's car today-code-named "Three Bouncers No. [-]".As for the occupants of No. [-] and No. [-], it's easy to guess - two interns!Ai Wen, Ouyang Bai, and Yu Shuangshuang appeared as the easter eggs of Class Seven.

In addition to the staggering three jumpers, the six screens of class seven are also very eye-catching.Because there is no stage set for the sports meeting, Chen Yanzi directly ordered these ancient screens as the background.What kind of beauty is the hottest?Still hugging the pipa half-hidden!The screen is a very important prop in dance and an indispensable existence.

The child looked around and asked, "Where's Lao Ai?"

The driver of Sanbengzi No. [-] pointed to the truck behind him and said, "Here! Lao Ai will have a surprise in a while!"

Everyone in class [-] is looking forward to Aiwen's women's clothing!Since the results of the mid-term exam came out, the bad guys in class seven have sketched the image of Aiwen in women's clothing in their hearts.There are even a few guys who are good at painting and start to create art directly - Ai Wen's women's clothing has become a series of works in class seven.

(End of this chapter)

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