Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 153 – Revisiting the old place

Chapter 153 - Revisiting old places
It was getting dark gradually, and Aiwen arrived at the Northern Normal University at No. [-] Xueyuan Road before seven o'clock.Aiwen couldn't be more familiar with the road conditions here. After entering the school gate, Aiwen asked, "Where are the dormitories for you two?"

"Apartment 14" Ouyang Bai said.

Ai Wen asked with a smile: "Apartment 14? Is the aunt in your apartment still Aunt Zhao?"

"The aunt on the first floor of our apartment is surnamed Wang. I heard that she is the aunt of ten apartment." Yu Shuangshuang replied.

Ai Wen smiled: "It turned out to be Aunt Wang—I haven't seen him for a long time. Aunt Wang used to be the aunt of our apartment. For my sake, he might let me help you carry your luggage upstairs."

It stands to reason that boys are prohibited from entering and leaving girls' apartments.But as long as you have a good relationship with the dormitory auntie, sometimes the auntie can turn a blind eye.At that time, Aiwen's girlfriends were all over the apartments, so he maintained a good relationship with the aunts in all the apartments.

Every time he sent his girlfriend back to the dormitory, he would bring a small gift to the aunt downstairs.Fruits and milk tea, so Aiwen can sneak into the girls' dormitory sometimes.What are you afraid of if you have an aunt?
Especially Aunt Wang from Apartment Ten, she definitely regards Ai Wen as her own son!The main reason is that Aiwen is a guy who does everything right. Aiwen will send blessings and gifts to the dormitory auntie every year and festival-so others can only go out to stay in the dormitory after the dormitory is closed, but Aiwen can use the spare key Open the dormitory fire exit and sneak in.

After parking the car, Ivan took out the luggage of the two girls from the back of the pickup truck.With the strength of these two children alone, it is absolutely impossible to move so many things up to the fifth floor, so Ai Wen has to go in with his face.

Ai Wen entered the apartment with a suitcase in one hand and a box of tea in the other.As soon as he entered the door, he walked to the management desk and greeted Aunt Wang: "Aunt Wang, long time no see!"

Aunt Wang looked up and saw that she was very subtle: "Aiwen? Didn't you graduate? Why did you go back to school again? The guy has become handsome! Where do you work now?"

Ai Wen replied with a smile: "I'm a teacher at the No. [-] Middle School in Q City. This time, when I return to school, I will send some intern girls back to school, and secondly, I will visit my former teachers. I plan to take the postgraduate entrance examination and return to Normal University this year. Aunt Wang , this is Yunwu Yunnan tea prepared for you, drinking more tea is good for your body."

"Look at you boy! Come back as soon as you come back, what else do you bring?" Aunt Wang blamed with a smile on her face.

Ai Wen hesitated and said: "Aunt Wang, my two school girls have a lot of luggage, and I can't carry it by myself. Can I help carry it?"

Aunt Wang waved her fat hand: "Go in, you boy! Don't cast your eyes around!"

She looked behind Ai Wen, and it turned out that it was Yu Shuangshuang and Ouyang Bai
"It's Shuangshuang and Xiaobai! Is your internship over?" Aunt Wang asked with concern.

Ouyang Bai replied with a smile: "The two-month internship period has arrived, go back to school and prepare for the final exam."

"Aunt Wang, I'm going up first!" Ai Wen whispered, and he got into the stairwell with a suitcase in one hand.

Because it was getting late, the girls in the girls' dormitory wore simple clothes--Iwen really saw a lot of scenery along the way.Some girls were taken aback when they saw Aiwen, why did some boys enter the girls' dormitory?So after a while of flying around, there were no more girls wandering in the corridor.However, a woman's curiosity is no less than that of a kitten, so several small heads protruded from many door frames and looked at Ai Wen curiously.

After all, Ai Wen is also a good-looking guy. Boys of this level are definitely a scarce resource on the campus of Normal University.Originally, the girls' dormitory was a place where yin flourished and yang waned, but a boy who came in suddenly would definitely enjoy a national treasure-level attention gift.

Especially when there are more girls, you will find that they will become more rascal than boys.They looked at Aiwen with aggressive eyes, wishing to swallow Aiwen alive.Ai Wen once had a feeling that Tang Seng had strayed into the Pansi Cave.
The long-lost gaze Aiwen used to secretly send his girlfriend back to the dormitory, and was always looked at like this. Sure enough, the essence of girls is still a visual animal.

Of course, the students on the same floor could recognize Ouyang Bai and Yu Shuangshuang. The literary girls of the same department as them had already sketched out hundreds of chapters of love triangle plots in their minds.

Never underestimate the brains of literary girls, give them a black dot and you can think of the Big Bang!

"Xiaobai! Shuangshuang! Who is this handsome guy?" Those who live on the same floor as Ouyang Bai and Yu Shuangshuang must be classmates of the same major, and it's perfectly normal to know each other.

Both Ouyang Bai and Yu Shuangshuang's small faces were covered with red clouds, and they said weakly: "They are seniors of the Faculty of Arts."

"Senior? Is there such a handsome senior in the Graduate School of the Faculty of Arts?" the neighbor asked wonderingly.There are only a few dozen big cats and kittens in the graduate school of the Faculty of Arts, and they all look familiar when they look down and look up.

If there is such a handsome senior in the graduate school of the Faculty of Letters, it is impossible for them not to have seen it!
Ai Wen smiled gently and said, "I graduated three years ago, and the year I graduated happened to be the year you entered your freshman year. So you haven't seen me."

The girl boldly asked, "What's your surname, senior?"

"My surname is Ai, and my name is Ai Wen. I am the internship tutor of Ouyang Bai and Yu Shuangshuang. I graduated from the 13th grade majoring in Chinese language and literature." Ai Wen simply introduced himself.

"Aiwen? Why is this name so familiar?" The girl muttered, and then she turned to her roommate and asked, "Have you ever heard of a senior named Aiwen? Why do I think this name is so familiar?"

"Are you not familiar with it? The founder of Shangdewu Club, which is the most popular in Normal University!" Her roommate replied while typing on the keyboard: "Why did you ask Ai Wenwen?"

Her roommate had just taken off her earphones and didn't hear Ivan introducing himself in the hallway.

However, the girl standing at the door did not answer her question, but stared at the corridor with a nympho and muttered: "Mr. Ai Wenwen is so handsome!"

After sending the two interns to the door of the dormitory, Ai Wen didn't follow them in.Girls dress in their dormitory sometimes quite unrestrainedly, after all, it is really uncomfortable to be wrapped in a piece of cloth all the time, is it wrong to liberate nature and release restraint in your own territory?
When it was hot in college, Aiwen often vacuum-packed in the dormitory, even if he went out to go to the bathroom, he would only wear a small pair of underpants.Vacuum is not scary, whoever is small is embarrassed!In terms of size, Aiwen is generally not worth it to anyone!
What's more, don't six pack abs look good?What is the difference between shirtless fitness and Jinyi night walk?Of course, Aiwen also has a nemesis - there is a big guy in the dormitory next door, every time he sees Aiwen going out shirtless, his eyes will shine.
So in order to avoid embarrassment, Aiwen still didn't enter the girls' dormitory. It's not that he hasn't been in the dormitory. The problem is that it is his girlfriend's dormitory, and it will be closer if he enters.Is this the case for entering Ouyang Bai and Yu Shuangshuang's dormitory now?It's easy to say or not!
(End of this chapter)

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