Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 161 - The correct posture of teacher-student confrontation

Chapter 161 – The correct posture of teacher-student confrontation

"Teacher Ai Wen! ヽ(▽)ノ The students in our class have won awards!" On the day Song Hongxia led the students to participate in the competition, Ai Wen received a call from her from the provincial capital.It seems that the grades of the baby in class [-] are good, otherwise she wouldn't be so excited.

Ai Wen also showed an old father's smile in relief: "<( ̄︶ ̄)↗ Not bad. What awards have you won?"

"One provincial first prize, two provincial second prizes, two provincial third prizes, and the rest are excellent awards!" Song Hongxia spoke in a light voice, obviously her emotional management was almost out of control.

Aiwen can only persuade the girl first - lest she lose the students: "Congratulations, I will celebrate you and the children when you come back."

After hanging up the phone, Ai Wen sat at the desk and packed his things while humming: "Drinking hard today ~ celebration wine, ambition unpaid ~ I will never stop ~~, Mr. Fang Chang will be accepted in the future ~ sweet blood~~~write spring and autumn~ oh ~~oh~~oh~~oh~~”

The grade director walked into the office and said with a smile: "Mr. Xiaoai, you are in a good mood. Do you have any happy events to share?"

"Isn't ten students in the provincial competition V(^-^)V very happy?" Ai Wen pinched his waist and smiled.

The grade director was shocked: "Ah? When will the competition be played?"

"Just today. Ten students from my class participated in the 21st Century Cup National English Speech Contest. One first prize, two second prizes, two third prizes, and five excellence prizes. Enough for us to post a happy announcement Right?" The smile on Ivan's face couldn't be hidden no matter what, and he looked very embarrassing.

As soon as the grade director heard the result, he rushed to the teaching office - this kind of competition result was enough for the school to post good news and advertise it to the whole society.This is not only Aiwen's educational achievement, but also a victory for No. [-] Middle School in student education.

As for the ten students who are all in the seventh class of junior high school, what's the problem?If you don't write a class, you will get it!The Seventh Middle School only needs to let others know that we have such excellent students, and it doesn't matter how many classes are in it!
It doesn't matter if the good news posted on the school gate doesn't say class Aiwen, anyway, the students are taught by themselves, and they are all students in class seven, so they can't fly with wings.As long as the school leaders and the parents of the students recognize his achievements, Ai Wen will be considered a success.

When the participating students returned to Q City, No. [-] Middle School had already finished school, so they could only go home to rest, and go to school the next day.

After Aiwen announced the award situation in the class group and the parent group, congratulations arose. Of course, some parents were dissatisfied with their children-it's all because of the students. Can't make it through?
As for what the parents think, it doesn't matter that Ai Wen is not a red ticket, and it is impossible for everyone to like him.As long as he has a clear conscience at work, he will be fine.
After being baptized by the news again and again, the profession of teachers has become more and more difficult to do.Another teacher was falsely accused of violence by the parents of the students, but it was reversed in the end-the parents even asked the navy to lead the rhythm in order to obtain compensation.
When the water army recedes, all that is left is a mess. Who will apologize to the teacher who has been insulted and framed after the Internet violence by netizens?After seeing the excitement dissipate, the Internet mobs left separately, brought their own dry food and rushed to the next battlefield to "promote justice".

So the criticism of the teachers has become an online carnival again and again. Whose fault is it that the teachers have changed from being conscientious to trembling?

Ai Wen always saw his colleagues receiving couriers in the teacher's apartment-everyone bought a class recorder similar to a law enforcement recorder.This instrument can record everything that happened during class. The angle of view of the shooting site is the angle of view seen by the teacher, and the microphone is very sensitive. What the teacher said and what the students said will be captured meticulously by it.

When teachers have chosen to record videos at any time for self-protection, it can be seen how bad the working environment of teachers has become. Some students were disobedient before, and some parents were misbehaving.
When the parents of the students talk about their complaints, the teacher is no longer a career, but a humble job with the same status as a wage earner who serves dishes and washes dishes.

Society makes teachers kneel down, but what kind of children will a kneeling teacher teach?When a teacher kneels down, this is a personal tragedy; when all teachers kneel down, this is a national tragedy!

Fortunately, there is no Xiong Daojia among the students brought out by Aiwen himself. Even Li Guoyao, who doesn't like to study, Aiwen guides him to embark on a road that suits him as a sports student.

The teacher-student relationship can be confrontational, but this kind of confrontation is not about who lives and who dies, but about urging each other to improve.Why does Aiwen always force students to grow up?Because they will know the painstaking efforts of the teacher when they grow up, so that they will not rush into their mother's arms like a mentally handicapped little grievance, begging for a hug and a hug.

After being tricked by Ai Wen, the children in Class [-] would only smile wryly and go back to class to share various experiences with their good friends, and then try to earn their face back from Ai Wen next time.If someone really chooses to cry, report, or maliciously complain about the behavior of a weak little brother, he will not be tolerated by the entire class, and will be despised by everyone until he graduates.

Unless you transfer to leave the No. [-] Middle School, otherwise this malicious atmosphere will become your nightmare.

Why did Aiwen insist on chatting with students during the self-study in the third class in the past two months?He implanted this concept deeply in everyone's mind through chatting, so that they would choose to be calm no matter what adversity they faced, and then grow up silently by licking their wounds in the dark instead of crying like a mentally retarded person .

This is why Song Hongxia feels that the temperament of Class [-] is different from other classes. The children in other classes are like spoiled kittens. Under the guidance of Ai Wen, the students of Class [-] have become wolves who are tightly united. group.

And Aiwen is a tiger, and the ultimate goal of the wolves' growth is to kill the tiger!

Take the ten students who won the award this time, one of the things they will do after they come back is to ask Aiwen for a reward-this is also a kind of victory: they successfully let the big devil Aiwen bleed!
Under the guidance of Aiwen, the battlefield between students and teachers is placed in beneficial directions such as academics, competitions, and extracurricular activities. Why are the students in Class [-] so enthusiastic about participating in activities?They all went with the intention of letting the old thief Aiwen lose his money!
In class seven, Ai Wen gave 1000 yuan to the reward fund for winning the provincial first prize!The reward for the second prize is 500 yuan, and the third prize is 200 yuan. The excellent prize is gone!That thing is a certificate for participating in the semi-finals. How dare you want a reward?

So on this trip, Aiwen had to bleed more than 2000 yuan, and half a month's salary was gone. Seeing Aiwen's heartbroken expression bleeding, the children would feel satisfied. This is the correct posture for teacher-student confrontation!

(End of this chapter)

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