Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 163 - Routine wow!

Chapter 163 - Routine wow!
"Wen Wen, I'm going to record a video, help me get the tripod!" As soon as he got home, Ai Wen saw Chen Yanzi messing around.

"Auntie, what do you want?" Ai Wen took out the tripod, put the camera on the tripod, and skillfully helped Chen Yanzi adjust the equipment, and then watched her mess around.

The living room of Chen Yanzi's house is quite empty, because she occasionally puts the place where she shoots videos at home—this is why her home has to install closed-circuit audio.

As a grandma who breaks the station, Ai Wen is also very good at video processing. Part of the reason for Chen Yanzi's making videos is to earn some pocket money for big rewards, and the main purpose is to promote her dance school online.

It can be seen that this is still a woman with more serious business, which is why she can succeed.

After setting up the camera position, Chen Yanzi entered the recording state, while Ai Wen sat silently on the sofa and watched her make various mistakes--if you want to attract popularity, you can't be too ungrounded, after all, Chen Yanzi wants to open the door for business.

"Hello everyone, I'm Yanyan. Today I'm going to bring you the dance lesson of "MAMMA MIA"." Chen Yanzi wore a tight-fitting tracksuit and began to dance to the video, while Ai Wen feasted on her eyes.

Now Ai Wen has been requisitioned by Chen Yanzi as a late-stage queen, because the video edited by this guy Ai Wen is better than the one she made by spending money to find a big touch. Later, Chen Yanzi found out after asking that Ai Wen actually enrolled in a class to learn film and television post-production .

Regarding Aiwen's strange skills, Chen Yanzi has already expressed her inability to complain.What the heck did this guy go through in college and after graduation?Why do all the irrelevant skills appear on him?

"Do you still remember that women's clothing video I showed you? It was edited by myself and made with special effects in post-production. The money for the class was paid by my ex-girlfriend. It was a rich woman." Ai Wen didn't hide anything, and said All explained.

However, as a vested interest, Chen Yanzi still said that the more such skills the better.
After recording various materials, Ai Wen imported the video files into the computer to start processing.Video production has high requirements on computer performance. Thanks to Aiwen himself, he is an enthusiast of electronic products, and the performance monster skills he has prepared can play games and work, and the post-production of videos is not a problem.

Ai Wen browsed the content of the video at [-]x speed first, and started editing after he had a count in his mind. Some procrastination, repetition, and mistakes needed to be cut out, and he didn’t ask Chen Yanzi’s opinion at all——don’t worry about layman’s opinion, Even if she is Party A.

In theory, Chen Yanzi is still Aiwen's biggest creditor. Even though Aiwen holds more than 30.00% of the resort's shares, he still has several million foreign debts owed to Chen Yanzi.

For the rent of the past few months, besides leaving [-] yuan in his hands for emergency, Ai Wen invested the rest to the young and old.Chen Yanzi's money is also earned by herself, all property before marriage is pre-marital property!
After getting married, Aiwen can consider handing in the bank card, but before getting married, it is better to spend separately.Anyway, neither Chen Yanzi nor Ai Wen are children who are short of money. The poor and lowly couples are incapable of experiencing this kind of feeling.

After more than four hours, Ai Wen finally finished the video. Chen Yanzi sat cross-legged on the bed like a landlady, only a big cigarette pouch was needed. Ai Wen turned on the projector in the bedroom for Chen Yanzi to play on the screen. The more Chen Yanzi looked at her, the more she felt beautiful--this kid's skills are not bad!
Moreover, Aiwen also rendered part of the color of the video to make people watching the video feel more comfortable.His level can be called a small worker in the studio. Don't think this is some kind of curse, it means that Aiwen has evolved from the level of a fan to play with this technology and can rely on this technology to make a living!

After uploading the video to the site, Chen Yanzi asked, "You don't want your grandma's main account anymore?"

"Why keep it? Continue to wear women's clothing?" Ivan asked with his eyes wide open.

Chen Yanzi was full of interest and said: "It's not impossible, you can also be the publicity window of our dance school - a big man can become so charming after learning how to dance."

Ai Wen shook his head like a rattle: "Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it! How can my imposing five-and-a-half foot man wear women's clothes?"

"Excuse me, who is this?" Chen Yanzi turned on her phone and clicked on the dancing video of Aiwen Games and asked.

Ai Wen was speechless: "That was an accident."

"Accident, isn't it? Virtue, isn't it? Let's talk about the 300 million thing now?" Chen Yanzi asked with a smile, holding Ai Wen's hand.

Ai Wen jumped: "Didn't you borrow it from me?"

"We're just chatting." Chen Yanzi smiled like an evil little fox.

"When my economy recovers, I will definitely pay you back. I will pay back when my dad's building is in place," Ivan swore.

Chen Yanxi laughed: "My dad said that after we get married, I will keep all the rent, so the money you pay me back must not come from the rent."

"What? Old Ai cheated on me! His heart can be punished!" Ai Wen's face changed drastically-if the rent was held by Chen Yanzi, wouldn't his monthly disposable income only be left as a teacher's salary?How much is that?
Chen Yanzi continued: "Let's do the math, your salary is calculated at 300 per month, and 50 months a year is 500. [-] million is [-] years' salary, so your salary card has to be repaid to me. Don't worry, I'm not a stingy woman, I'll give you [-] yuan pocket money every month. How about it, isn't it very generous?"

Ai Wen's eyes darkened: "Can I ask my dad (Chen's dad) to apply for a return?"

"I'm sorry, the goods have been sold, and we will not return them!" Chen Yanzi pinched her waist and said, "Your surname is Ai, you still want to return the goods? Why are you trying to throw it away?"

"I'm so stupid, how can I believe what old Ai said? That guy has been cheating on his son since he was a child. He has a lot of money to let his son live a normal life. It's too difficult! It's really too difficult for me to grow up so big!" Ai Wen told Ah Qing muttered like his wife.

Chen Yanzi smiled charmingly: "So young man, there is a job in front of you - dancing in women's clothing, [-] yuan at a time. Do you want to do it or not?"

Alvin: .
Is coercion and temptation already so successful?Since ancient times, true feelings can't be kept, only routines can move people's hearts!

Aiwen has fallen into the pit now, and his face must be covered in blood if he wants to climb out!No wonder Chen Yanzi was so happy when she lent her money!He is waiting for him here with her!




Force old men to dress up as women!
His heart can be punished!
But thinking about the debt of 300 million, Ai Wen felt that women's clothing is not a big deal--1 yuan for a women's clothing, this business is quite cost-effective. Bearing the humiliation for the debt, a real man is too!
(End of this chapter)

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