Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 165 - I, Aiwen, have a professional job

Chapter 165 - I, Aiwen, have a professional job

Almost everyone in the school knows that Aiwen is going to be a graduate student at the end of the year—after all, he doesn't resign, but just uses his spare time to improve his education. Both the school leaders and the parents of the students are very supportive.

What everyone doesn't know is that in addition to obtaining a master's degree certificate, Aiwen also needs to obtain a doctoral degree certificate. This is very scary. There are no middle and high school teachers with doctorate degrees in the entire Q city!
However, Ai Wen only said to the outside world that he is taking the part-time master's degree, and the part-time doctorate is still too far away. Be a low-key person, wouldn't it be embarrassing if you don't pass the exam?
The teaching work of class [-] is still going on in an orderly manner, and the students are extremely obedient under Aiwen's baton, which is inseparable from Aiwen's loose and strict management.

Seeing that some students participated in the competition and gained sweetness, many children in Class [-] began to sign up for some interest-type competitions—such as the National Youth Singer Competition, the Little Speaker Competition hosted by CCTV Children’s Channel, and some people even want to sign up for a good voice audition .
Without delaying the class, Aiwen still acquiesced in the children's choice-only the state officials are allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light the lamps. If the activities affect the academic performance, no matter who they are, they must go back to class honestly.

No matter how Aiwen tosses about quality education, scores are still the only criterion for measuring a student's level.No matter how indifferent Ai Wen is to the grades, the parents of the students only care about the grades.

Li Guoyao's sports expertise is impressive. Ai Wen took the time to check Li Guoyao's learning results, and the results are quite gratifying. He can already play a set of Taizu Changquan.

What he wants to learn is martial arts routines, and even if he takes the exam, he will be better at playing than anyone else. In Li Guoyao's career plan, he will either go to the Imperial Sports University to continue his studies in martial arts, or enter the Imperial Film Academy to learn acting skills, and become a star in the future.

Although martial arts movies have declined these years, the audience's desire for fighting stars has not diminished.Just like the popular "Dawei Tianlong" this year, the charm of martial arts movies lies in the collision of power.

With Li Guoyao's family background, it is necessary to take the artistic path. He is the kind of master who "I can only go home and inherit hundreds of millions of fortunes if I don't act well". Stars can never afford capital, but you only know when you rely on capital. How comfortable it is to have the support of a capital father.

Li Guoyao's parents supported Li Guoyao's choice, so they also agreed with him to be a sports student.After he grows up, even if the family spends money on him, they will be able to make him a popular star.As long as he doesn't try his own tricks to touch the bottom line, his journey to stardom will be unimpeded.

At least Ai Wen hasn't seen any signs of arrogance and domineering in Li Guoyao yet. Although this guy is a rich second generation, he doesn't have that kind of domineering and domineering.With this guy's familiar skin, he can play with anyone.

Even the super-student in Class [-]—Xie Mingjie is also his good buddy, and it is quite common to hook shoulders and shoulders.

In the melting pot of Class [-], Ai Wen felt that Li Guoyao would not be crooked as the president for a while, and he could only bless him for his future development.Everyone has their own fate, and it is a great fate to be able to walk together for three years on the road of life.

In addition to Li Guoyao becoming a sports student, Chen Xiaolin and a few other girls also chose to become a dance student, which made Ai Wen a little toothache.Chen Xiaolin has a "family background", but the road of art is really not easy.

As a dancer, Chen Yanzi has reached the top. Although the ceiling of this industry is huge, it is very miserable if she does not do well. But since this is their own choice, Ai Wen can only express his support.

Fortunately, the family background of these girls is not bad, at least it is not too difficult to take dance interest classes in junior high school.Ai Wen felt that there would definitely be people who regretted it in the end, so he could only say this, and whether to listen or not was their own business.

As for Chen Xiaolin's learning to dance, Ai Wen drove directly to Chen's house to chat with her parents.After an in-depth conversation, Ai Wen understood the attitude of the Chen family——Chen Xiaolin is now studying dancing as a hobby, and if she really wants to dance wholeheartedly after high school, the Chen family will support her in studying.

But at this stage, Chen Xiaolin still has to focus on cultural studies, and she can only spend two hours a day learning to dance, and she can only go to learn with Chen Yanzi-Chen Yanzi's dance school is already the best in Q City. Don't worry about throwing it to others!

These girls can only be regarded as half-talented students, but they will leave school early to learn dance every afternoon in the third class. But this is also good. In the future, Class [-] will no longer worry about not being able to present a program at the art festival. , With so many talented students, who doesn't have a few special programs?

"Ms. Ai, has the repertoire of your class for the 12 chorus been decided?" asked the head teacher of Class Nine.

Ai Wen slapped his head: "Forgot! What are the rules of the chorus competition?"

"Each class has two songs, and the compulsory piece is "Defend the Yellow River". In addition to the compulsory piece, each class also needs to sing a self-selected piece." The class teacher of the ninth class reminded.

"What about the form of performance?" Ivan asked.

The head teacher of class nine wondered: "Chorus! No. What kind of tricks do you want to play? The whole year group belongs to your seventh class who likes to play tricks."

Aiwen smirked: "I just have an idea"

"You are also the head teacher, why are you so handsome?" The head teacher of the ninth class felt that life was as lonely as snow. It was so uncomfortable to appear after the seventh class, and they stole the limelight!

Ai Wen frowned and said: "There is no way, we are so prominent. Whether it is activities or waist discs"

"Boss, I can't be bothered to say that if you have any ideas, you have to communicate with our class teachers first. Otherwise, every time we don't prepare at all, you will be turned into scum in seconds. It is not advisable to stand alone, and spring is when a hundred flowers bloom!" Class Ninth The homeroom teacher said heartbrokenly, and almost hugged Aiwen's thigh and burst into tears.

The other homeroom teachers looked at Aiwen with concern—this guy was still a subject teacher in the last class, he didn't show his face every day, he went to work on time and left work on time, and kept a low profile. .

Is this Nima the Force Awakening?It's not such a big change to hang up!

Aiwen saw his colleagues glaring at him, so he could only talk about his thoughts in an embarrassing way: "I like to watch sitcoms, have you seen "Underground Traffic Station"?"

The head teacher of the third class nodded: "Is that the treasure that breaks the station?"

"That's right. The ending song of which TV series is magical, but it's so popular and special. I plan to move it to the 12.9 chorus stage."

The head teacher of the third class opened the broken station and showed the video to everyone, and everyone sighed: "You, Ai Wen, really know how to work hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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