Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 170 - Integrating Network Resources

Chapter 170 – Integrating Network Resources
The learning efficiency of the study group spontaneously organized by the top students in the seventh class is really scary. Sometimes Ai Wen wonders whether there is any metaphysics in it.

Believe it or not, it is an established fact that less than half of the children in Class [-] have already learned all the content of junior high school mathematics by themselves-people can get a score of more than [-] on the simulated test papers of the high school entrance examination, which is enough to take the high school entrance examination.

The small study group in Class [-] has maximized the value of the team they lead, and they are currently studying how to improve the performance of Class [-] as a whole. Especially the transformation of underachievers requires them to ponder.

It is agreed that the whole class will be promoted, and they will be admitted to the provincial key No. [-] high school together in three years' time!Although some students may be hopeless in the key class, it is a great achievement to be admitted to the parallel class!
If the teacher forces the students to study, the students are likely to have a rebellious psychology-but if the learning activities are organized by the top students, the underachievers will easily accept it.

Moreover, the class of underachievers is not very pure-some students have poor grades not because they are unwilling to learn but because they have no way to do it. It will quickly escape from the sea of ​​bitterness and become a butterfly.

There are only four children in Class [-] who simply don't like to study - Li Guoyao, Liu Jianwen, Yang Er and Yan Jing.Li Guoyao has found his own path of development, he has a more ambitious goal, so he can be excluded as long as his grades are not so bad that it drags down the collective, he is not yet the target of reform.

There are only the latter three diehards who really don't like to study. Some of them are because of their family's wealth, some because of their power, and some because of the negative influence of their family environment.

Xie Mingjie took advantage of his position as monitor to scatter the three guys who didn't like studying into the vast sea of ​​the people, and wanted to form a "non-study alliance"?impossible!Do you know what "left and right are men"?Do you know what personal supplementary lessons are?Do you know what it means to have nothing to eat without studying?
Everyone knows that if Class Seven wants to maintain its leading position in the school year, everyone must work together.If anyone wants to delay the results, it is against the whole class!
Isn't traveling good?Are you jumping low?If someone blocks the way of the big guy, I'm sorry. You're so tender!

Your family is rich?Then you book the venue and let us play disco!Your family has the right?Then you let your father drive us a business car to travel!In the face of interests, classmate friendship must be put aside!

The class cadres of class [-] said that the bottom line of individual grades in class [-] should be the average grade of the school year. If you can't meet this requirement, I'm sorry, someone will help you work hard!

This is the motivation of learning that Aiwen spent through krypton gold. Even if you don't work hard for your own grades, you still have to fight for the benefits that Aiwen gives.No matter what your thoughts are, as long as you study hard and get good grades in the exam, Ivan's ultimate pursuit is.

The results of Class [-] are Aiwen's greatest confidence in facing the parents of the students, and they are also the capital for him to communicate with the parents of Class [-] on an equal footing.Why do people with millions of dollars want to communicate with you?Children are the best to bond with!
Is there a future as a teacher?Actually there are!Aiwen should take himself as the core, use the parents of Class [-] as the skeleton, and use the network of parents of Class [-] as the muscle.After Aiwen became the talker in the circle, his investment in education was nothing but water!
After half a year of laying the groundwork, the parents of Class [-] are now willing to give Ai Wen a face.He also collected the background of the parents of the students through various inquiries.If he could integrate these people well, he would be quite a force in Q City.

Although he is only a teacher, don't forget - he also has the identity of the rich second-generation old Ai. He doesn't know how much money he has, but as long as he has a serious need, the [-] million to [-] million old Ai will definitely be able to spend it easily .

Don't forget, Aiwen's house in the mountains, rivers and clouds is worth hundreds of millions!If he mortgages that suite, he can easily get hundreds of millions of funds!
At the beginning of testing the water, Aiwen didn't plan to call too many people.He only invited the parents of class [-] who are more influential in the political and business circles. These people are also members of the family committee of class [-], and it would be a good idea to organize a party for this reason.

In order to show his strength, Aiwen set the meeting place at the villa among the mountains, rivers and clouds.His house is definitely the king of buildings among the mountains, rivers and clouds. It is so beautiful to see the clouds rolling and relaxing by the mountains and rivers.

When receiving the invitation from Aiwen, the parents who were invited were very surprised--teacher Aiwen actually has a villa in the mountains, rivers and clouds?This really made these successful people look at each other with admiration, and at the same time aroused a little curiosity about Aiwen's identity.

So the parents came to Shanshuiyunjian full of curiosity, and Aiwen prepared a banquet for the parents by himself-this is definitely a very face-saving hospitality, Aiwen's craftsmanship is not much better than that of a hotel chef!
Parents are very puzzled by this situation, which song is Mr. Aiwen singing?Hongmen Banquet?Heroes?But when they heard Aiwen's ideas and proposals, they fully appreciated the teacher—he briefly put forward his own ideas: resource sharing, project cooperation, and mutual help.

Because our children go to school in the same class, and Aiwen is also the head teacher of the children, parents and Aiwen have a natural closeness and can make friends with each other.Teacher Ai Wen is there to build a bridge in the middle, and I guarantee that I will not be afraid of someone doing bad things-the child is in someone's hand!
So the parents were very interested in Aiwen's ideas, and at the same time felt the difference of this young man.Can ordinary young people own a villa in the mountains, rivers and clouds when they are in their twenties?And is it the best in the entire landscape?

Among other things, few of the parents here dare to say that they can buy a suite in the mountains and rivers!

In fact, if Aiwen takes the initiative to express his goodwill, there will be a higher-end circle in Q City who agrees to absorb him.But that must be when he has billions of dollars in property. The current Aiwen is still a bit far from that level.

Didn't Addison mean to let Aiwen mix in the circle? He's still too immature, and it's easy to learn to be bad if he messes with those people!
However, Ai Wen's behavior of integrating the resources around him was recognized by Addison and expressed his support.Both the students and the parents are the network resources obtained by the teacher's hard work. Otherwise, why are all those university professors so bullish?
Among other things, since Addison has been teaching for more than 20 years, many students still remember their teacher's kindness even after they have become famous. Of course, this is not unrelated to Addison's funding and help.After teaching for more than 20 years, Addison has sponsored thousands of poor students to complete their studies, and spends more than one million on charity every year.

Don't say that Addison is worth hundreds of millions and only donates this amount of nonsense. No one's money is blown by the wind. People can spend it as they want. Don't compare others. Donate yourself if you have the ability Then stand on the moral high ground and spray people.

(End of this chapter)

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