Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 184 - Currency Ability Famous Teacher System!start up!

Chapter 184 - Money Ability Famous Teacher System!start up!

Ai Wen was really relieved to see the results of the cowhide in the seventh class. He took out a bunch of popsicles from the small freezer under the desk and handed them out to each office.

"Eat popsicles!"

"I'll treat!"

"A popsicle?"

Ai Wen posted it whenever he saw anyone, and he looked cheerful like a good fortune boy.If you want to say who has the most snacks in the entire seven-year group, everyone will say Ivan!As a person who pays great attention to the taste of life, Aiwen's office has been hoarding all kinds of rich snacks all year round.

In addition to satisfying their own appetite, some of these snacks entered the students' stomachs.There is a reward for answering Ivan's questions in class, so students will think more in Chinese class.Of course, if the teachers are hungry, they will often come to Aiwen to enjoy the autumn breeze.

The most exaggerated thing is that this guy Ai Wen actually bought a refrigerator and put it in the office - this refrigerator was bought two years ago, and has been following him around the offices of No. [-] Middle School.The freezer of his refrigerator is filled with various carbonated drinks, energy drinks, tea drinks and fresh fruits all year round. As for the freezer of the refrigerator, there are all kinds of ice cream and frozen ice cubes he stocked.

Although Ai Wen's behavior was quite excessive, there is really no one in the school rules and disciplines of the No. [-] Middle School that prohibits teachers from putting refrigerators in the office, let alone prohibiting teachers from hoarding snacks.Aiwen didn't steal, didn't steal, didn't grab three, didn't open a small shop privately to make a profit, and the leader of the seventh lieutenant colonel didn't have any reason to punish him-wasting electricity?Stop it!All the electricity in No. [-] Middle School belongs to the electricity used for education, so there is no need for No. [-] Middle School to pay for it itself!

Not to mention how much does a small refrigerator cost per day?Once the electricity is not working!It’s not just Aiwen’s refrigerator that consumes electricity—the teachers’ quick-boiler and health-care pots are big consumers of electricity, you can’t ban them all, can you?Teachers should also have human rights, right?Not even allowed to drink hot water?So the school leaders also ignored Aiwen's refrigerator when they inspected the school. So Aiwen became a big snack dog in No. [-] Middle School.

Fortunately, Aiwen is a warm and generous person, and he often shares delicious food with others-he bought a bucket of Haagen-Dazs ice cream online, and after the goods were roughly divided into one person and one ball, he wiped out the rest beautifully.

They are soft-handed when they take people, but short-mouthed when they eat people. No matter how envious and jealous the teachers are of Aiwen, they can't get along with snacks, can they?Only delicious food and beautiful women can't live up to it!
Because of Aiwen's unbelievable grades, not only the teachers in the first year group were fried, but also some people from the second year group and the third year group came to the first year group to pay homage to the boss.Aiwen never refuses anyone who comes, and the teachers who come uninvited end up sucking a popsicle in their hands.

The teachers all laughed and said: I heard that Aiwen is a big dog, and today I saw that I lived up to my reputation!

The big guy came downstairs full of joy, after all, such a great guy who came out of No. [-] Middle School also felt very happy.This is the first time that No. [-] Middle School has passed No. [-] Middle School and No. [-] Middle School head-on-there are [-] classes in No. [-] Middle School, and Ai Wen's class has killed all [-] of them. Thinking about it, I am relieved!
Although some teachers in the first-year group may feel sour, but thinking of Aiwen winning honor for the school, everyone's mentality will be much calmer.

After unscrewing a bottle of Sprite in August 20, Aiwen happily poured a glass and drank it for himself.Hearing the compliments from his colleagues, Ai Wen was indeed a little flustered. Who is not frivolous when he is young?It has been 21 years. Aiwen is only 26 years old when he is at his full age. It is a good time for youth, so why not make people arrogant?

It's not that Aiwen is bragging and criticizing, who would dare to compete in front of him in the teachers under the age of 30 in Q City?If you don't accept it, just touch your grades!Which one of the head teachers with higher grades than Aiwen is not an experienced person with more than 20 years of teaching experience?Ai Wen is definitely considered a top-notch level among young teachers!

The only person in the education circle of Q City who can compete with Aiwen is Teacher Ding Hong from Experimental High School. After graduating from university, he entered the experimental high school to teach and served as the head teacher of a parallel class in the second year of high school.In the college entrance examination two years later, the average score of this class exceeds the key class B of the experimental high school.
The school made an exception and promoted her to be the head teacher of the key class B of the new high school. It took this class a year to successfully step on the grades of the key class A.After the second year of high school, the class was re-divided. Teacher Ding Hong was entrusted by the school with a heavy responsibility. As a mathematics teacher, she became the head teacher of the key liberal arts class.

Two years later, this key liberal arts class set a benchmark record for the college entrance examination in Q City - the 49 students in the class had a 80.00% admission rate for the heavy-duty test; the double-first-class admission rate was as high as [-]%.
If Teacher Ding Hong hadn't gotten married and had children, she would have become the youngest senior teacher in Q City at the age of 33.However, because she was on maternity leave, she missed the first senior teacher title evaluation after she met the evaluation period.After her maternity leave, she was transferred from Experimental High School to teach in No. [-] High School—three years later, she trained five or six students who were admitted to God Capital University and Mizuki University.

Strictly speaking, Ai Wen's brilliance at this time is not as good as that of Teacher Ding Hong, but the miracles he created are not small.Being able to lead a group of ordinary students into the field of the rocket class from among thousands of troops is a kind of transcendence in itself.Although the seventh class of the first year of junior high school has not yet passed the test of the senior high school entrance examination, Ai Wen feels that most of the students in the list can be promoted to the senior high school of the first middle school.There are also quite a few guys who can enter the key classes of the No. [-] High School.

So the road is long and long, and I will search up and down--Ai Wen still has a long way to go to become a famous teacher, if he slackens off a little, he will be lost forever.How much modern people like to hold high and step down!In case Class Seven falls down from the altar, the first person to be laughed at is Ai Wen, the head teacher.

It is easy to start a business and difficult to keep a business. This time Aiwen led the students into the top eight in the final exam, but it does not mean that Aiwen can hold on to this ranking.Neither No. [-] Middle School nor No. [-] Middle School's key classes are ordinary people. These children have great potential. If Class [-] is not careful, they will be squeezed out of the top eight or even the top ten.

The so-called courage after knowing shame, if the small universe of the class squeezed out by Aiwen explodes, the situation of Class Seven will be very dangerous.However, Ai Wen thinks that the guys in Class [-] have a pretty good mentality. If they can maintain the current state, it is still possible to maintain the current glory.

What he is most afraid of is that the guys from Class [-] will start to get flustered because of one impressive result.Learning is like sailing against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. Your opponent has no time to pay attention to you who is floating in the sky. If you are left far behind, it will be difficult to catch up!

Ai Wen fell asleep while thinking, and when he was half asleep, he seemed to hear a reminder in his ear:
"Congratulations! The user's ability has reached the standard! The banknote ability master teacher system is officially launched!"

(End of this chapter)

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