Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 196 - 2 Little Yutian Media

Chapter 196 – The Second Young Master’s Yutian Media

After negotiating the 500 million business in a child's play, Ivan returned to the room with a somewhat tired body.As soon as she entered the door, Chen Yanzi climbed onto Ai Wen's back and asked, "What does the student want from you?"

"The child won the national competition, and he couldn't sleep because he was so happy. He insisted on sharing the happiness with me." Ai Wen replied——his current income is so easy to check, and it is impossible to tell where the investment of 500 million came from. of.

Chen Yanzi asked curiously: "Xie Mingjie? That kid is really smart! Xiaolin's brain is average, and she will be very popular if she can pass one of the exams in the future."

"Didn't your family support Xiaolin to learn art? Anyway, it's not bad for money, and the big deal is to learn dance in the future." Ai Wen said relaxedly.

Chen Yanzi said faintly: "Learning to dance is hard work, and you have to practice every day. If you don't practice for a long time, your bones will harden, and if you do splits again, it will hurt to death."

"Okay. But it's not easy to do any job. Let's see what Xiaolin likes before deciding on the future. At least for now, it seems that she still prefers dancing." Aiwen comforted.

Chen Yanzi nodded, and then she put a bunch of handbags in front of Ai Wen as if offering treasures: "Honey! See what I bought for you? Try it!"

Sure enough, Chen Yanzi did a lot of shopping for herself today, but she didn't buy too much - she only bought a set of sportswear, a casual suit, a formal suit, and... a set of plus-size women's clothing?
"I can accept both sportswear and suits. But what does this women's outfit mean?" Aiwen asked.

Chen Yanzi smiled and said: "Didn't you agree to be the grandmother with me? From now on, we will be Wu Lin Shuangshu."

Alvin: .
There must be no escape, so Ai Wen could only bite the bullet and try on the clothes Chen Yanzi bought for him.As expected of a woman who has gotten to know herself well, the clothes Chen Yanzi bought are just right—especially the women's outfit, which is more suitable than Ai Wen's own shopping!
As a fitness expert who looks thin in clothes and fleshy in clothes, Ivan's muscles are not exaggerated.And his hands are very slender and soft, and they are very beautiful without joints.Aiwen's hands are the best ones to use as hand masks, and they are the ones that are wasted if you don't play the piano.Moreover, his skin is also very good, especially since he has never seen the sun after work, and his skin color has dropped several degrees.

When he put on the women's clothing, he could be confused with the real one, except that the murderous appearance was ordinary.Desperately, Chen Yanzi bought him a magical item in the cosplay world - a latex fake murderer. This thing was pasted on the front and back of the murderer with special glue, just like the real one. No matter it was tactile or visual, it was flawless.

Chen Yanzi herself is also a wealthy woman. Although her annual income is more than one million, she still lives a relatively frugal life.Ai Wen has been with her for so long, Chen Yanzi's biggest expense is cosmetics!She doesn't have a car, only a motorcycle worth [-] yuan
So even if Ai Wen borrowed a lot of money from her, the girl's deposit is still rich.Ai Wen secretly glanced at the price tags of the clothes that Chen Yanzi bought for him - none of them were below five figures!
It can be said that the price of a piece of pants that Chen Yanzi bought for Ai Wen is worth all the clothes on him.The clothes that Ai Wen bought were all three-digit civilian models, not luxurious at all-the consumption level of the middle class was not worthy of his status as a billionaire.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's so pretty." Chen Yanzi looked around Ai Wen bouncingly for a long time. Ai Wen, who was wearing a wig, had no flaws in appearance, just like a fairy descending to earth.The only fly in the ointment is that although Aiwen's complexion is fair, it is not fair enough. However, there is something called cosmetics in this world. Just applying a small lotion on the face can moisturize and whiten the skin.

Ai Wen really couldn't stand Chen Yanzi's bad taste: "Don't you feel so unhappy when you look at a face that is prettier than you?"

"Why are you upset? This face belongs to my dear husband. It belongs to me." Chen Yanzi kissed Ai Wen's face happily: "Look, this girl can kiss if she wants to!"

"Aren't you afraid that after being a grandma with you, a bunch of sand sculpture netizens will call me my wife?" Ai Wen squinted →_→.

Chen Yanzi pinched her waist and laughed loudly: "That's so interesting! If they know that the goddess is a man, will they be so depressed that they will explode?"

"You're mentally drunk too." Ai Wen reluctantly took off his wig, took off the women's clothes and put them in a bag: "Where are you going to torment tomorrow?"

Chen Yanzi smiled and said: "Tomorrow, let's go to Xiaotangshan Hot Spring~ Soaking in a hot spring in winter is so comfortable!"

"By the way, don't your little sisters have jobs? Can they be with you all the time?" Aiwen asked curiously.

Chen Yanzi explained: "They have their own dance studio, and their working hours are relatively flexible. It can be said that they are half freelancers."

"What is the dance studio for?" Ivan asked.

"Well, how should I put it? I help people choreograph and arrange dances, teach dance, and record videos on the Internet. All in all, the work is relatively easy and free, and the income is not too low. Besides supporting myself, I can also have a small savings. But buying a house in the imperial capital is definitely not enough." Chen Yanzi explained after pondering for a while.

Ai Wen asked: "Can there be customers?"

"Yes, they are all graduates of the Imperial Dance Academy, and their professional ability is relatively strong. Not only do they have social orders to pick up, but they even occasionally guide the dance practice of the girl group and boy group. It's easier to make money in other businesses." Chen Yanzi replied.

Ai Wen nodded, it seems that the two little sisters Chen Yanzi are not very fuel-efficient.Being able to gain a foothold in the imperial capital and get involved in the entertainment industry can be called a counterattack and become a god, teaching dance to the trainees of the boy group and girl group?Just think about it!

"Who is better than them in your professional ability?" Ai Wen asked.

Chen Yanzi let out a three-stage queen smile: "You are looking down on me, Chen! But then again, I am not as good as them in jazz and modern dance. But they are not as good as me in classical dance."

"Are you laughing so wildly?" Ai Wen was speechless -- but when he mentioned the entertainment industry, Ai Wen thought of his fourth Chinese young master, the second brother Hu Yutian.This guy seems to be ups and downs in the entertainment industry!

Hu Yutian started a media company with all the New Year's money he had saved since he was a child - more than 1000 million (listen, is this a human language?).In the initial stage of the company, it barely survived by relying on corporate videos, commercials, and micro-movies.However, the company is in a state of shutdown for the first half of 2020, and the loss is almost left.

But there are still three thousand nails in the wreck—Hu Yutian is also a second generation after all, and he can make ends meet through the connections of his seniors.However, as China's economy slowly recovers, the media industry will always make money.

The most frightening thing is that this guy Hu Yutian actually has a professional film crew under his hands-this crew can not only shoot online dramas, but their skills can even be used in star dramas.

This is very awesome, no wonder the half-year shutdown is about to lose the pants, can it not cost money to support so many people without starting work?If it weren't for the three brothers taking turns to help, Hu Yutian would easily go home in despair and inherit the property.

(End of this chapter)

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