Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 204 - Aiwen's big fool

Chapter 204 – Ai Wen's Big Fudge

Ai Wen entered Chen Yanzi's office at a particularly coincidental time. The girl had just returned to the office soaked in sweat after class.

He thought to himself: This shouldn't be!This handsome man has admired countless flowers and seen hundreds of people, why is Mao so restless today?
Chen Yanzi immediately smiled brighter than the rose when she saw the rose in Ai Wen's hand.She snorted coquettishly, "Finally remembered to buy me flowers?"

"What is finally?" Ai Wen smiled and said, "Isn't it only natural to buy flowers for my wife?"

"It's okay, you still have a bit of romance. Otherwise, this girl will have to divorce you!" Chen Yanzi said delicately.

Ai Wen begged for forgiveness: "My aunt is right."

"Hey? I found you very handsome today? Did you put on makeup? Did you go to pick up girls?" Chen Yanzi looked at Ai Wen vigilantly, and she went to Ai Wen again and wrinkled her cute little nose to sniff .

Alvin: ┓(`)┏

In order to prove his innocence, Ai Wen put his finger into his mouth, dipped some saliva and rubbed it vigorously on his face. There was no reaction at all!The fair and tender skin is still as white and tender as snow!

"Look! It's all natural!" Ivan said innocently.

This time it was Chen Yanzi's turn to be confused: "It's unscientific. It stands to reason that you, an old man, can't have such a good skin! Beauty treatment? No beauty salon has this technology! This is not a skin change, it's a person change." !"

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yanzi hugged Ai Wen tightly like an octopus and threatened: "Say! Are you my husband?"

"That's right! It's fake!" Aiwen said innocently, "Actually, I'm a little confused. I just want to do a traditional Chinese medicine spa."

"Chinese medicine spa? Fatty's villa?" Chen Yanzi asked suspiciously, and she stretched out her small hands to pinch Ai Wen's fluffy face, feeling unbelievable.

Aiwen can only continue to talk about it: "It may be that I have a good foundation and my skin has a strong absorption capacity. I have been rough before, and a sudden whitening spa will have a miraculous effect. It is like the cracked earth for a long time. It's like rain."

Chen Yanzi expressed doubts about Ai Wen's remarks, but this is also the most reliable explanation.She felt that she would go to Fatty's Villa for a spa if she had time, and the effect was too immediate.

She rubbed Ai Wen's face like a hungry man: "Hey...hey...God help me, you will be officially open from tomorrow! My name is Yanyan, and your name is Ai Aihouhouhou."

Aiwen: There is nothing to love in life.jpg
"Well, I still have to learn to draw." Ivan protested weakly.

Chen Yanzi smiled evilly: "It's enough to study for a morning, and you will do business with me in the afternoon! It's such a happy decision, this girl officially announces that the blood-bathed dancing Lin Shuangshu - Yanyan and Ai Ai officially formed a group!"

"Boss, you won." Ai Wen was helpless. After all, he now eats Chen Yanzi's food, drinks Chen Yanzi's food, and lives in Chen Yanzi's house. Now that it's a holiday, he still has to take classes at Chen Yanzi's school.People under the eaves have to bow their heads and eat soft food to this extent, which is considered quite excellent.

Originally, Aiwen could still coax out a bank card to pay the bill, but now what is 5 yuan enough for?

It can be said that Aiwen is now guarding Jinshan penniless. Who knows what it feels like to try it out.Ai Wen finally experienced the realm where bigwigs treat money like dung.Moreover, Ai Wen felt that he should be on a higher level, he regarded money as an enemy!The right way is to quickly spend the money and lose it and turn it into money ability value!
Chen Yanzi washed herself briefly, changed into fresh clothes and took Ai Wen's car home.As soon as she entered the house, Sister Chen Yanzi lied in Aiwen's arms as if she had fallen apart.

But tonight, the familiar touch has changed a little - Ivan's arms are unexpectedly soft.Chen Yanzi poked Ai Wen's school uniform secretly, and Bang Bang's hard six-pack abs disappeared.She reached out her sinful little hand to touch it secretly, and it turned into a streamlined and beautiful belly that makes girls envy and hate.

What is the situation?Could it be that her husband flew to Taiguo for surgery and became a best friend?How else could it be?Chen Yanzi was about to burst into tears—was it because she was too tight and her husband was under too much pressure, did she feel overwhelmed?

Looking at Chen Yanzi who was nestling in his arms like a kitten, Ai Wen asked amusedly, "What are you thinking about secretly?"

Suddenly, Chen Yanzi stroked Ai Wen's cheek tenderly: "My husband, I'm sorry that I'm usually too self-willed."



God horse situation?

Ai Wen was a little confused, what did Chen Yanzi's magical brain circuit make up for?My thinking with a bachelor's degree can no longer catch up with hers!

"Honey, you don't have to push yourself so hard." Chen Yanzi continued to confess: "Did you go to Taiguo for some kind of surgery? Otherwise, how could you become more woman than a woman?"

Ai Wen choked directly into the trachea with a mouthful of saliva, so he was not suffocated to death by Chen Yanzi's words.God damn go to Taiguo!I go out in the morning and come home at night. What kind of surgery do you think is laser circumcision?Surgery today, work tomorrow?

Let her figure it out on her own!After all, the money ability value is not well explained.Aiwen's brain hole can't come up with a reasonable explanation. He can only say that attributes are too amazing.Be careful when adding points in the future!

So Aiwen borrowed the slope to get off the donkey: "Honey, I did it voluntarily. I just used medicine to dissolve the muscles a little bit. A small amount of injection is healthy. Don't you see that all the stars are alive and kicking? For example, Aunt Xiaoqing, For example, the name of the dish is "Grandma"

Chen Yanzi burst into tears: "My husband, I love you, I know you love me, but you don't have to be like this."

Although Ai Wen was snickering in his heart, he still maintained an affectionate expression on the surface and hugged Chen Yanzi tightly -- he had to control Chen Yanzi's sight, otherwise she would see the corner of his mouth that couldn't help but smile, All the lies may fall short.

Fortunately, this girl's education level is not high, so she will believe whatever Ai Wen fools her.To be honest, in terms of breadth of knowledge, Ai Wen can fool Chen Yanzi into a limp!

After all, Chen Yanzi didn't even go to high school, so she went directly to the college preparatory class.After attending the university majoring in dance, the professional courses she took were dance aesthetic appreciation, Chinese dance history, etc. So this girl is very easy to fool when it comes to professional issues.

Who is Evan?Chinese teacher!It is said in the world that Chinese teachers are all grocery stores, astronomy and geography, medical divination, astrology, natural history, physical hygiene. Whatever you want to talk about, the Chinese teacher can chat with you about one, two, three, four, five.It is said that many lecturers in dry boats in the south are Chinese teachers who have changed careers. Think about it-those colleagues can wash away the concept of highly educated talents. This kind of speech is absolutely terrible.

So Ai Wen's well-founded and well-founded deception has convinced Chen Yanzi that girls are so easy to deceive sometimes, and not everyone is an expert in anti-fraud.Otherwise, why is your V letter group full of all kinds of health-preserving links and tips about different foods?

(End of this chapter)

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