Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 212 - The Warm Daily

Chapter 212 – Warm Daily

In front of Ai Wen, Neptune was speechless. In the end, in order to express his apology, he filled Chen Xiaolin with a full set of skins.This grandson is not short of money, so he is so handsome. He flirts with Ai Wen's niece, and he really doesn't look like an uncle.

However, the flying ability of this product is really awesome, and the name of Zaan Shuangshao is not for nothing. Without a strong ability, he is not even qualified to match teammates-you must know that now the game has been established and no longer team up with him. Team options.

In fact, there are only a few players in the high-end game, and the server on the top of the canyon is almost a relationship of looking down and not looking up. As long as you play the game long enough, you can basically get acquainted with each other.

But because they are bringing girls, so Zuan Shuangjun didn't open the ranking game, isn't it happy to play and entertain?

It was also the first time for Chen Xiaolin to play games with Ai Wen, she finally realized the feeling of being led by a master, she only needs to choose a support bastard to eat melons quietly, and she can see the team's Victor Rui again and again!

"Uncle is so good at playing games? Why haven't I seen him have game records before?" Chen Xiaolin asked curiously.

Ai Wen smiled: "People are floating in the rivers and lakes. Your parents see that the nickname on WeChat is Teacher Ai Wen. It is my special office account. The good people in it are school leaders and parents of students. I really use it There is another social account for the game—anyway, I work with two mobile phones, and having too many phone numbers is self-willed.”

Chen Xiaolin was speechless—she thought Teacher Ai Wen was a rookie scum even if he played games, but she didn't expect him to be a master of hiding?Even if this level can't be a technical anchor, this eloquence is enough to be an entertainment anchor!
Moreover, Aiwen's set of horse flea operations is very suitable for taking the route of the anchor. The various matches are very happy, sometimes cheating opponents, sometimes selling teammates, no matter from which angle you look at it, it is full of slots.

The four of them finished for more than two hours, and it was not until the middle of the night that Aiwen confiscated the mobile phones of two women surnamed Chen, big and small.

"Do you know that staying up late is the natural enemy of a woman's beauty? Ma Liu go to bed. Yanzi, you can sleep with Xiaolin, and I'll go to the study." Ai Wen arranged.

After all, Chen Xiaolin lives here tonight, and it's not easy for Ai Wen to play sports with Chen Yanzi. Although the sound insulation of the house is good, there are always faint sounds wafting out.So let their aunt and niece sleep together, and he went to sleep in the study without seeing or worrying.

Chen Yanzi also had no objection to this allocation. After all, Chen Xiaolin was only 14 years old, and it was really not good to sleep alone at a relatively unfamiliar aunt's house.It just so happens that the aunts and nieces can have some private conversations—for example, what does the boy Chen Xiaolin likes look like!How tall!What do you do at home?
Aiwen left the master bedroom with a two-meter-wide bed to the two girls surnamed Chen, the elder and the younger, and rolled into the study to find a small bed with a width of 1.5 meters.Anyway, he never chooses a bed when he sleeps. Isn't that how the one-meter-wide upper and lower tables in the university dormitory come here?Although he didn't live in the dormitory for a few days, he rented a room and moved out to live a shameless sex and happy life with all kinds of girls, but he didn't deny that Ai Wen didn't have high requirements for the bed.

He slept well, but the two women surnamed Chen in the master bedroom chatted until almost three o'clock. God knows why the aunt and niece have so much to talk about. Is it because they are similar in age or because they are congenial?
Aiwen didn't wake up until after seven o'clock the next day. As soon as he woke up, Aiwen called himself depraved.It's no wonder that he gets up late in winter, after all, the sun comes out later in winter. He routinely lists menus on the tablet.Breakfast must be nutritious and delicious.

The staple food is flavored burritos, and the porridge is preserved egg and lean meat porridge. How about cold dishes?Cold enoki mushroom and wakame salad are enough.Simple breakfast is enough, you can't eat it even if you have to make a full banquet!

And the burritos can be said to be anything that can be rolled, meat, vegetables, or fruits. There are only ingredients you can't think of, and there is nothing that can't be burritos!Aiwen has seen a lot of recipes for dark burritos on the Internet:

Tomato scrambled egg burrito, Changsha stinky tofu burrito, marshmallow burrito, grilled cold noodle burrito. Putting good things in the burrito is a new world.

Of course, Ai Wen's cooking was not so dark. He simply prepared a plate of fried three shreds (potato, carrot, and green pepper shreds) and a plate of Beijing sauce shredded pork.Mix and match meat and vegetables by yourself. If you want to eat meat, you can add more shredded pork. If you want to lose weight, you can eat more vegetables.

The recipe for the crust is a secret recipe that Aiwen learned from the grandfather who sold Shandong burrito across the school when he was in college.The old man was also very critical. He spent most of his life selling burritos at the gate of the university. With the money from selling burritos, he forced his two sons to become doctors—one is a doctorate doctor at Shuimu University. Read, one is Dr. Ivy living overseas
These are all the news that Aiwen and Uncle Burrito got during the chat-and now that the uncle's child has become famous, his family is not short of money at all.The uncle lives in the best neighborhood opposite the Northern Normal University, but he has been busy for almost a lifetime, and he seems to be missing his soul every day if he doesn’t make burritos. So he still insists on selling burritos opposite the Normal University.

Because Aiwen lives off-campus, when he comes to school in the morning, he will always be entrusted by his classmates to help bring burritos.He is definitely considered the golden VIP customer of Mr. Burrito, so he has become acquainted with Mr. Burrito.

So there really don’t need to be too many crouching tigers, hidden dragons near the university. Take Ai Wen’s morning run—the 1.8-meter-five-legged uncle he always encounters in the morning is the few remaining research leaders of the last era!

The crust made with the secret recipe of the burrito is thin and elastic, and it will not leak easily.When he got everything done, he went to the master bedroom and knocked on the door to call for someone. If Aiwen didn't take the initiative to act as a human alarm clock, the big and young slobs would probably rush to the middle of the night.

It's still a familiar routine-Xiao Ai's classmate let's go!
"Xiao Ai--"


"Let's play "Steel Torrent March"!" Ivan began to order songs.

As the majestic and majestic march was played, the whole house slowly filled with a solemn and epic sense.In this kind of BGM, when you see a dog, you want to put on a rein and ride it to fight.

This is a military parade god-level bgm, if you can be lazy, Ivan has absolutely nothing to say.Sure enough, no one can fall asleep in this kind of bgm, so the two girls with disheveled hair came out of the bedroom with sleepy eyes and washed up obediently.

Aiwen is really good at choosing songs!Who can bear to give you an impassioned chicken blood in the morning?

Taking advantage of the rest time, Aiwen turned out his small book and started freehand drawing. After his drawing skills rose from intermediate to advanced, he felt that countless inspirations would always burst out in his brain.Intermediate art skills are more inclined to copy, while advanced art skills can design beautiful original paintings by themselves.

Ai Wen, whose drawing level is at an intermediate level, can only copy photos to keep Chen Yanzi's image on paper, but Ai Wen, who has an advanced level of painting, can draw directly from memory.

In the art studio, only painters with advanced skills can design characters and scenes as master painters, and painters with intermediate skills can only be art migrant workers—drawing lines and filling colors according to the characters created by others.

In other words, after waking up, Aiwen can already be the chief writer of comics or independently design original manuscripts.As long as you don't run into strange things, Party A can basically have a good meal in the art industry, and it's just right and full.

This is awesome!

(End of this chapter)

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