Chapter 225 – The Internet Explosion
As a great grandma with millions of fans, tens of thousands of boring netizens received notifications that the people she followed had updates as soon as she released the video.Never doubt the number of idlers on the Internet, this number is much more than you think.
And now it's the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, and the netizens who should and shouldn't be on vacation are all on vacation.Even the people who work on the front line don't have much work to do. Therefore, the daily activity traffic of the broken station is surprisingly high.

The sensation caused by the video that went online at this juncture is unimaginable--especially the grandma--Yanyan is married, and the married partner is indeed a new dancer, singer, and Ai Ai, who is known as the dolphin princess. What the hell? It's so spiritual, it's hard for everyone to believe that a master of women's clothing sang "opera·2" with superb skills and domineering falsetto.
It’s very common to see big guys in women’s clothing—there’s a special group of big guys in Pozhan; there are also a lot of bigwigs who can falsetto, which is also a common skill; as for singing "opera 2", there are also talented Pozhan music areas. A few good voices can sing up.

The problem is that a person who wears women's clothing, sings "opera·2" in false voice and is flawless is very awesome.When Ai Wen took off his wig in the video and transformed himself into a good-looking handsome man in front of thousands of netizens, the bullet screen was full of "shit".

Many netizens feel that the world view has collapsed. The sky is falling apart. The perfect goddess who has been a fan for a month is actually a very meowing man?And Ya Chang is so handsome?The most hateful thing is that this guy turned out to be the queen of the dance area - Dayanyan's husband
Countless netizens were crazy about lemons, and then resolutely sent the video portal to their friends to suffer together.Such a big melon can't be eaten by one person, and it's useless if you ask Avada to come!
Just one video shattered the dreams of countless netizens, and it was shattered twice in a row—Da Yanyan was married once, and Da Yanyan’s husband was the "goddess" Ai Ai. The goddess turned into a lady-dressing boss. The dream was broken again !
As a result, the number of clicks on the video rolled upwards that night, and the speed of breaking one million on the first day directly shocked the netizens.And Ai Wen was dubbed "the most beautiful husband on the whole network" by netizens on the site.

There is nothing wrong with this title. In terms of appearance, Chen Yanzi is not as good as Aiwen in women's clothing. When the two are in the same frame in the video, if there is eye-catching technology in the webpage, you will find it——Netizens who watch more people It is Aiwen, and the most focused places are the face and the legs
So on the last day of the Year of the Gengzi Rat - New Year's Eve, Ai Wen became popular. And it was from the broken station to various small videos.There are so many talented people!After editing the video, they turned it into a small video and posted it on the app with music. Netizens love this magical twist the most.

In the small video app full of various facelifts, Internet celebrity faces, make-up faces, and skin-removing beauty filters, Ai Wen's pure and unaffected stunning face immediately became popular.Especially the magical twist at the end - it made countless netizens call it poisonous.However, the netizens who are poisoned will silently like and repost, adding a little heat to the video.

The Internet age is the age of entertainment to death, and Aiwen's cross-dressing is simply too interesting!So before Ai Wen didn't know it, he had become an internet celebrity.If he can seize this opportunity, it is estimated that many people will ask him to speak for him, bring goods, and perform commercially.

What do you think Ivan can do?If you welcome men, you can grit your teeth!But the meaning of "doing" here is not the same. Ai Wen is also talented at the event, and singing "opera 2" in women's clothing can be regarded as the best gimmick!

But Aiwen will definitely not go back to do this kind of thing, he is a people's teacher, okay?If he really made his debut in the entertainment industry, the system would definitely kill him!The name of the banknote ability famous teacher system is not the name of the great entertainer system, and the price of not doing business properly is very serious.

On the morning of New Year's Eve, he was woken up by his father's phone call: "Dad? What's the matter? Sleeping?"

"Son, did your father put too much pressure on you? Why are you still wearing women's clothes?" Addison asked with concern: "It is because father is testing your will not to let you inherit all the family property."

"Where did you say it? Is this a couple's sentiment?" Ai Wen hesitated.

Addison: "It's better for you young ones to play with us when we are old"

"Son, you are also a man with a family now. You should grow up Yanyan is a good boy, you have to take him seriously." Addison said earnestly.

Ai Wen affirmed: "That must be! By the way, how did you know about my wearing women's clothing, dear father?"

"Showing a small video. And it's very popular." Addison said bluntly: "Many teachers in the teacher's apartment have watched the video. Your mother went shopping this morning, and everyone praised her for having good genes."

Alvin: .
He knows it!These sand sculpture netizens are real skins!
But these days, everyone must have the awareness to be famous at any time - because maybe a certain meme will become popular.Two years ago, a brother who stole the battery became popular on the Internet, and he even got the title-Stealing Guevara.

So when you post a video, you have to be aware that the world is like this. Some people are trying their best to hype up topics, and the popularity is still cold; some people can make a person popular with just a video.

Moreover, Ai Wen's background has been basically wiped out by the netizens - the first generation of the Fourth Young Master of Chinese at Northern Normal University, the founder of Shangdewu Society, the head teacher and Chinese teacher of the seventh grade and seventh class of the seventh middle school in Q City, and he is a pure land of women's clothing The video also became popular again, and the number of hits rushed to 500 million.

After hanging up his father's phone call, Aiwen turned on the computer wrapped in pajamas and entered the broken station for observation.He found that several videos about himself were extremely popular—and not only Chen Yanzi's video, but also a video of him dancing with his ex-girlfriend in women's clothing was excavated by archaeologists.

Not only that, but the video of him singing the domestic yordle "Swell" at the parent-child party in the resort was also posted by the students of class seven.The enthusiasm of my teacher is not in vain!Can cultural people's rubbing heat be called rubbing heat?This is called cultural sharing!
The most amazing thing is not this. Ai Wen saw the video-related push from the side of the video of "Inflation" - he even found the ancient-level video that he brought the club out to commercial performances when he was in college!However, the pixels of netizens are really not good. I can only see that Aiwen's nunchucks are playing tricks. It is a proper C position.

He racked his brains and couldn't figure out which big brother recorded the video - Aiwen guessed that it might be a girl in a certain club. All the people in the club who could go on stage were summoned by Aiwen, and the audience could record and knew Aiwen The only ones in the article are girls from clubs who are playing soy sauce together. This conclusion should not be wrong.Grandma must know herself!Otherwise, it would be impossible to rub the heat so accurately and naturally.

Why is it red?Ai Wen scratched his head and tried hard to think of the reasoning here—it can only be said that this world is too crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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